[Sdpg] FARMING THE CITY Can S.F.'s vacant lots become garden plots?
Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun Mar 23 22:36:57 PDT 2008
Can S.F.'s vacant lots become garden plots?
Matthew Green, Special to The Chronicle
Saturday, March 22, 2008
If San Francisco resident Kevin Bayuk has his way, every unused plot
of land in this densely packed city, from narrow, shaded alleys to
concrete-laden yards, will be transformed into organic-food-producing gardens.
Bayuk and other urban gardeners with big dreams but little capital
are striving to create a metropolis that can feed itself.
It's one thing to support local organic agriculture, as in the
region's farms that sell their goods at farmers' markets. But for
Bayuk, a 30-year-old landscaper and gardener who lives in the
Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, a truly local food system means being
able to walk down the block from your house to harvest a bowl of
salad greens for dinner.
Over the past year, as a project for the San Francisco Permaculture
Guild, a group of gardening and design professionals, educators,
activists and volunteers, Bayuk has been on the hunt for open space
in San Francisco.
Bayuk and the guild envision what amounts to a reincarnation of
tenant farming, in which gardens are built and tended in private
vacant lots by volunteer growers. Unlike tenant farming, however,
landowners would not be paid, and the produce would go to local food
banks and possibly even be sold at farmers' markets.
Most owners intend to develop these lots, but the permit process
often takes years, and during that time the land sits fallow and
sometimes blights the neighborhood. Some owners don't live in the
city and are unaware of the state of their properties. That's the
perfect time, Bayuk says, to install a temporary organic garden. If
the lot has exposed earth, he says, the soil would be tested, and if
it's not contaminated, seeds and starts could be planted directly in
the ground. If the lot is paved, container gardens or beds could be installed.
Bayuk recently compiled a surprisingly large list of privately owned
vacant sites - called infill lots - throughout the city. The 1,058
lots amount to about 127 acres, or 5.5 million square feet, a fairly
significant amount of unused land for a city that measures 49 square
miles, or roughly 31,300 acres.
The San Francisco office of the assessor-recorder conducted its own
search in its database and, surprisingly, found more than double the
number of lots Bayuk had found (see box).
"I was shocked by how many (vacant) properties there are and the
sizes of them," Bayuk said "While these plots are vacant - and before
they're developed - there's a great opportunity to use them for gardening."
The proposition
Bayuk plans to send the property owners on his list letters asking
permission for free, temporary use of their land. In exchange,
gardeners will assume all risk, releasing the owners from liability.
Bayuk also said soil testing and remediation would be done on a
case-by-case basis depending on what the lot had been used for,
whether toxins are suspected and whether weeds are substantial. He
notes that, in other parts of the country, universities have donated
soil testing services.
Landowners wouldn't be charged and, at the very least, the project
would take care of weed abatement, a costly procedure that property
owners often have to pay for anyway, he said.
Bayuk's appeal stresses the idea that a garden beautifies a property
and could increase both its value and the value of neighboring
properties. Furthermore, Bayuk makes clear that the garden would be
transitory and guarantees its removal upon request, with as little as
10 days' notice.
"I have no idea what the response will be," he said, acknowledging
that some property owners, still concerned about liability issues,
will decide to keep the land empty. But he hopes others will view the
invitation as a mutually beneficial arrangement: "I can't imagine the
downside for the property owner," he said.
Hard sell
But such a proposition might be a hard sell.
"Unless my client was disposed toward gardening, I don't see that
they would particularly care to do that," said J.J. Panzer, a
property manager and broker with Real Management Co. in San
Francisco. "The way that I would see it would be, first of all, there
really isn't a whole lot of benefit and an awful lot of liability of
having random, unauthorized people on your property. As a
professional, I would definitely recommend against it."
Panzer argues that a release of liability doesn't stop someone from
suing the owner because individuals may not be covered even if
general permission is given.
"I can see that some landlords might say, 'Hey, beautify the property
- enhance the value of land next door,' " Panzer said. "My opinion
would still be if you have a vacant lot, keep it vacant. If you want
to start a garden, do it yourself."
There is also the issue of where the water for the garden will come
from and other hidden costs.
Bayuk says he understands potential obstacles and hopes to present
owners with a range of options. Liability concerns would be assessed
on a case-by-case basis.
"As I understand it, in some cases where the owner is intending to
develop the property with structures at some point and they already
have homeowner's insurance, then they are likely covered by their
policy for personal liability," Bayuk said. Other options include a
"hold harmless" clause, standard in community-garden lease
agreements, or the creation of a garden club that can purchase
liability insurance policies.
Regarding water, Bayuk said if the property has a meter, the Public
Utilities Commission has established a precedent for subsidizing
irrigation at some community gardens, or a payment arrangement can be
made with the property owner.
Failing that, "the site can still be used productively through an
intelligent drought-tolerant perennial plant selection. With the
appropriate amount of mulch applied in harmony with rains, many
useful, low-maintenance, productive plants can be effectively
established and will thrive," he said.
Factory farming
Bayuk argues that the need to produce food locally is just as
imperative now as it was during World War II, when nearly 20 million
Americans countered food rationing by cultivating Victory Gardens on
rooftops and in backyards, and in some cases on public land,
including portions of Golden Gate Park.
A modern-day victory garden campaign in San Francisco, independent of
Bayuk's project, was spearheaded last year by a group of local
artists and activists. This incarnation offers training and materials
to city residents in an effort to turn as many backyards as possible
into productive growing areas. (For more information,
Nationally, interest in buying local foods has skyrocketed: From 1994
to 2006, there was a nearly 150 percent increase in the number of
farmers' markets (up to more than 4,300), according to figures from
the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Bayuk sees this trend as a direct alternative to what he views as the
extreme environmental and health costs of industrial agriculture.
Vast amounts of water, fossil fuels and pesticides are used by
industrial farms to produce food and ship it to distant markets, not
to mention the produce that spoils in transport. The average American
meal travels about 1,500 miles from farm to plate, according to the
Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture in San Francisco.
"If we grow food right where we're at," Bayuk said, "wherever we can,
it will have an immense ripple effect. I can't imagine why we're not doing it."
Next week: Meet the guerrilla gardeners who don't ask permission to
plant. The soil is there to be used, they say, whether property
owners like it or not.
Foot by foot
Kevin Bayuk came up with his figures for how many vacant lots are in
San Francisco by searching a UC Berkeley Geographic Information
Systems database that locates privately owned vacant lots throughout
urban areas in California. The addresses were then cross-referenced
with the San Francisco County assessor-recorder's Web site to locate
the addresses of the property owners.
Bayuk assumed that some of the data were outdated or inaccurate and
might not always account for high-use areas like parking lots. When
the San Francisco office of the assessor-recorder was questioned for
this article about the accuracy of Bayuk's list, it conducted its own
search in a private, continuously updated database. Surprisingly, the
office found more than double the number of lots Bayuk found.
In addition to the 2,944 vacant private parcels (not including
parking lots), the database also located 2,090 vacant city-owned
lots, totaling more than 5,000 empty pieces of land in the city,
according to Katie Muehlenkamp, an aide to Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting.
Bayuk said the discrepancy between his figures and the assessors'
might be because of a different interpretation of "vacant." Bayuk
counted only property with nothing built on it.
New culture
Permaculture is short for "permanent agriculture," a term coined in
the 1970s by Australian Bill Mollison. It's defined as a design
system for meeting human needs derived from patterns observed in
natural systems.
-- The Urban Permaculture Guild is an educational nonprofit with
offices in Oakland and Big Sur. www.urbanpermacultureguild.org.
-- San Francisco Permaculture Guild, www.permaculture-sf.org.
-- To reach Kevin Bayuk, e-mail him at kevin at uas.coop.
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