[Sdpg] March 14 - 17 "Building Dreams/Connecting Communities" The 2008 Community Built Conference Asilomar CA

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun Jan 27 02:13:39 PST 2008

"Building Dreams/Connecting Communities"
The  2008 Community Built Conference

March 14 - 17, is shaping up better than ever and we are looking 
forward to seeing you at Asilomar on the Monterey Peninsula in sunny 
California.  ( www.visitasilomar.com <http://www.visitasilomar.com/>  )

A Brief Overview...more to come!

-  Keynote Presenter - Mark Lakeman, City Repair 
Project    www.cityrepair.org <http://www.cityrepair.org/>

-  Panel:  "Building Playgrounds & Communities", Moderator: Chris 
Meyer, Meyer Design www.meyerdesign.com <http://www.meyerdesign.com/>

-  "Building a Community out of Mud!" (Lecture & Workshop), Kiko 
Denzer and Bernhard Masterson    www.handprintpress.com 

-  "Community Based Public Art Projects", Jeff Mather, Mather Site 
Art    www.jeffmather.com <http://www.jeffmather.com/>

-  "Concrete Sculpture: Pour & Tilt" (Lecture & Workshop), Marvin and 
Lilli Ann K. Rosenberg

-  Panel:  "Nature & Play", Moderators:  Leon Smith, Planet Earth 
Playscapes    www.earthplay.net <http://www.earthplay.net/>  and
Sam Kornhauser, Schoolworks    www.schoolworks.com 

-  Panel: "International Community Built Projects" (Africa, Korea, 
Mongolia are just some of the countries)

-  "Creating room for Transformation: Building Labyrinths", Stephen 
D. Shibley, Fertile Ground
www.fertilegroundservices.com <http://www.fertilegroundservices.com/>
-  AND MORE...

Additional Conference Highlights
-  Sponsor Recognition.
-  Member's Presentation Board Exhibition..
-  Professional Networking.
-  Open Architecture Sessions.
-  CBA Business Meeting.
-  Beach, Dancing and Bonfire.

Post Conference Tour & Workshops    (Additional detail will be 
available 1/20/08)
-  Tour of Berkeley Marina Adventure Playground. (Monday)
-  Tour and/or dinner at Willard School Green School Yard Project; 
Berkeley, CA. (Monday)
-  2 Day Hands-on Earth Art Workshop at Willard School lead by Kiko 
Denzer & Bernard Matherson. (Tuesday & Wednesday)

A quick reminder that reduced conference fees will still be honored 
through January 15.  If you would like to charge your fee by credit 
card, please leave Sherri Hunter a message at 931/389-9649 or 
sherriartstudio at aol.com <mailto:sherriartstudio at aol.com> and she will 
call you back for you information.  A deposit will also secure the 
lower fees and the balance can be made in payments before the conference.

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