[Sdpg] Ecocity World Summit April 22-26, 2008 San Francisco CA
Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Dec 15 17:47:42 PST 2007
Ecocity World Summit April 22-26, 2008 San Francisco CA
Conference Program
Youll be learning from some of the greenest
urban pioneers alive, including can do
politicians, genius innovators, design
visionaries, urban eco radicals, stellar
activists and other creative problem solvers.
Ecocity World Summit Main Conference Summary Schedule
Please note that this is a tentative summary
schedule and subject to changes and revisions at
this time. A more detailed schedule for both the
Main Conference and Academic and Talent Scouting
Sessions will be posted as soon as it is ready.
The order of presentations and breakout/panels
have not been finalized. Speakers and moderators
for Main Hall Topics will be added soon.
Main Hall Topics
The Future of Cities, Towns and Villages
"What do cities do for humanity and to nature?"
"What do cities, towns and villages have to do
with the triple crisis of climate change, species
extinctions and coming peak oil and energy scarcity?"
"Can we run whole cities on renewable energy and
maintain a good quality of life for everyone? (In
the long run is there anything else to run them on?)"
"Can we transform cities in time to solve these
serious problems of the environment?"
"How can we prioritize and plan for the shift
from unhealthy to ecologically healthy cities,
towns and villages, and how should these models
be crafted so that they can be adopted by both
developing and developed countries?"
The Future of Land Use and Cities, Towns and Villages
"How do basic land use arrangements work for or
against social and economic vitality, energy
conservation, open space and nature, and for or
against natural restoration and health, from the local to the global?"
"How can cities be reshaped to cover far less
land area while increasing livability and energy efficiency?"
"What can governments do to regulate and govern
the use of land without encroaching on individual rights?"
"How can nature be restored and celebrated inside cities as well as outside?"
"What is the relationship between population, wealth, and land use?"
The Future of Architecture/Design and Cities, Towns and Villages
"What is the difference between green building
and arrangements of buildings that create healthy
built environments for entire communities, including low-income residents?"
"What are examples of architectural and design
features that larger buildings can adopt for
different climate zones and building styles? "
"In an ecological city, how can architecture and
design reflect the human scale within the taller
and more compact built environment? "
"How do architects design with an understanding
and relationship to their immediate surroundings,
the natural environment, and the whole city structure? "
"Now that nearly everyone is claiming "green"
credintials,how can we quickly sort out the
viable soutions from all the green hype?"
The Future of Transportation and Cities, Towns and Villages
"What are the main modes of transportation
worldwide, and then broken down into regions of the world?"
"How does the automobile impact the overall form and function of the city?"
>"What forms of transportation best support the ecocity model?"
"What relationship does land use have to transportation?"
"How can cities start shifting subsidies over
towards forms of transportation that fit the ecocity model?"
The Future of Energy and Cities, Towns and Villages
"What do we primarily use energy for and where does it come from at present?"
"What is peak oil and how will it impact us in the future?"
"What energy sources and technologies are going
to be able to address the needs of the future
without further damage to the environment and atmosphere?"
"How does the form and efficiency of the built
environment correlate to energy and natural resource supply and demand?"
"What are the consequences of trying to maintain
a fossil fuel based form of transportation and
land use (private automobiles/sprawl) on another
transport energy source, like biofuels? "
The Future of Nature and the Built Human Environment
"What is the state of the worlds environment, on
land and in the oceans and atmosphere?"
"How have humans impacted the health of the planet?"
"How have cities, towns, and villages
specifically contributed to environmental degradation?"
"How can the built environment be changed to help
save the natural environment?"
"How can we stop climate change and save species from extinction?"
The Future of Food and Cities, Towns and Villages
"How did populations feed themselves in the past,
and how did that change after the discovery of oil?"
"Can the big agribusiness model be sustainable?"
"Can local and regional farms and organic farming
be economically and ecologically sustainable and
can they adequately supply the needs of the
worlds cities, towns and villages?"
"How does government subsidy and policy determine
what kind of food is produced and how it is
distributed, and how could that change in order
to support the transition to more locally based food systems?"
"What are the impacts on hunger if crops are
increasingly shifted over from food to fuel to maintain automobile fleets?"
The Future of Consumption and Population and Cities, Towns and Villages
"On a global scale, who is over-consuming natural resources and by how much?"
"How can we address problems of over consumption and overpopulation?"
"Is there a level of consumption that everyone
could aspire to that would afford a good quality
of life without destroying the biosphere?"
"How does the structure of the city, town and
village relate to consumption of resources per capita?"
"If we built cities to run on a fraction of the
energy and resources they do now, approximately
how many people could the earth support?"
The Future of Business and Cities, Towns and Villages
"What is the main purpose of doing business?"
"Is the corporate business model helping or hurting overall?"
"Should businesses be more global or more local
in order to benefit the most people and the environment?"
"What role does government play in making sure
businesses are protecting and serving the
citizens and the environment as well as their own interests?"
"What efforts and models are available that
demonstrate a shift from big business to locally
owned and operated businesses supporting a local economy?'
The Future of Government and Cities, Towns and Villages
"How are governments currently addressing the
problems of climate change and its impact on
citizens, the economy, the environment and the future?"
"How can government lead us from the Age of Oil into a new Ecological Era?"
"What governments are taking a leadership role in
addressing the needs of the present and a future
facing climate change, peak oil and other
environmental, social and economic problems?"
"How can governments work together to address
problems of climate change, over-consumption,
population, social justice, biodiversity collapse
and other serious problems facing humanity?"
Full details on Presentations, Plenary Speakers,
Breakout Sessions, Tours, Meals, Exhibit Hall
Hours and Special Events will be posted as they become available.
The Ecocity World Summit is a conference in two parts:
Part 1: Academic and Talent Scouting Sessions
Preceding the Ecocity World Summit Main
Conference will be two days of Academic and
Talent Scouting Sessions. Select students and
researchers from around the world will present
their best ecocity innovations and solutions for
review, critique and discussion. As part of the
Academic and Talent Scouting Sessions you will find:
* Dozens of presentations to choose from on
everything from eco sanitation, building
materials and design, transportation systems,
alternative energy, city design and planning,
environmental restoration, and economic, social
and political and institutional strategies for ecocity development.
* Opportunity to present your research,
theories, examples, analysis and proposals to an international peer group.
* Hundreds of delegates with similar
intensity and passion for their topics.
* Leading academic advisors and expert session leaders.
* Forums for review, discussion and debate of new ideas and proposals.
* A CD containing all Academic and Talent Scouting Sessions presented.
Part 2: Ecocity World Summit Main Conference
Next is the three-day Ecocity World Summit Main
Conference, with top international keynoters,
experts, authors, thinkers and doers, launched by
a public event on Wednesday night after the close
of the Academic and Talent Scouting Sessions.
During the Ecocity World Summit Main Conference you'll experience:
* Plenary sessions with some of the worlds
most thoughtful and innovate city planners,
architects, environmental preservationists,
landscape architects, green economists, ecocity
visionaries, social critics and experts in ecocity-related fields.
* Breakout sessions focused on the wide range
of ecocity-related topics, but organized around a
central theme: The Organic City.
* Opportunity to learn from an international
group with diverse and useful insights and experiences.
* Hundreds of delegates with similar
intensity and passion for their topics.
* Skillful and engaging breakout session leaders.
* Opportunities for discussion, collaboration, networking and socializing.
Interspersed: Tours, cultural events, party.
Conference Speakers
The Ecocity World Summit will bring together many
of the worlds best and brightest in the ecocity,
town and village movement. Keep checking back as more speakers are confirmed.
Confirmed Speakers
Lois Arkin, Founder, <http://www.laecovillage.org>Los Angeles Ecovillage
Dr. Sahar Attia, Professor of Planning and Urban
Design, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
David Beach, Founder and Executive Director,
<http://www.ecocitycleveland.org>EcoCity Cleveland
Tim Beatley, Teresa Heinz Professor of
Sustainable Communities, Department of Urban and
Environmental Planning, School of Architecture,
<http://www.arch.virginia.edu/faculty/TimothyBeatley>University of Virginia
Dan Beard, Chief Administrative Officer, US House
of Representatives, Washington DC,
<http://cao.house.gov/green-capitol.shtml>Green the Capitol Initiative
Peter Berg, Founder, <http://www.planetdrum.org>Planet Drum Foundation
Lalit Bhati, architect, urban planner,
spokesperson for <http://www.auroville.org>Auroville, India
Rajiv Bhatia, MD, MPH. Director, Occupational &
Environmental Health,
<http://www.dph.sf.ca.us>San Francisco Department of Public Health
Joan Bokaer, eco-visionary, co-founder,
<http://www.ecovillage.ithaca.ny.us>Ecovillage at Ithaca, NY
Jared Blumenfeld, director of the
<http://www.sfenvironment.org>San Francisco Department of the Environment
Gary Braasch, photographer and author of
<http://www.earthunderfire.com>Earth Under Fire,
How Global Warming is Changing the World"
Peter Brastow, founding director,
<http://www.natureinthecity.org/>Nature in the City, San Francisco
Wendy Brawer, ecological designer and networker,
<http://www.greenmap.org/mwd/about/web.html>Green Map System founder
Gray Brechin, historical geographer and author,
founder of the <http://newdealproject.org>Living New Deal Project
Ernest Callenbach, author of visionary novel Ecotopia
Stuart Cohen, co-founder and Executive Director
of the
<http://www.transcoalition.org>Transportation and Land Use Coalition (TALC)
Betsy Damon, Executive Director,
<http://www.keepersofthewaters.org>Keeper of the Waters
Jonathan Dawson, Executive Secretary of
<http://www.gen-europe.org/>GEN-Europe and a
sustainability educator at the <http://www.findhorn.org>Findhorn Foundation
Serigne Mbaye Dine, village leader, Yoff,
Senegal, co-convenor, The Third International Ecocity Conference
Paul Downton, Principal Architect and Urban
Ecologist, <http://www.ecopolis.com.au/main.html>Ecopolis Architects, Australia
Peter Droege, Senior Advisor,
Municipal Institute for City Planning and Design,
Steering Committee member,
Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN). Chair,
<http://www.wcre.org>World Council for Renewable
Energy (WCRE) Asia Pacific, author
of<http://www.renewablecity.org> The Renewable City
Debra Efroymson, Regional Director,
<http://www.healthbridge.ca/index_e.cfm>HealthBridge, Bangladesh
Reid Ewing, lead author of the
<http://www.uli.org>Urban Land Institutes study
Growing Cooler, the Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change
Paul Fenn, founder and director,
<http://www.local.org>Local Power, Oakland, California
India Flint,
<http://www.indiaflint.com>(eco)fashion designer,
cloth colourist & costumiere, Australia
Gil Friend, systems ecologist and business
strategist, founder, president and CEO of
<http://www.natlogic.com/>Natural Logic, Inc.
Eric Holt-Giménez. Executive Director,
<http://www.foodfirst.org>FoodFirst/Institute for
Food and Development Policy, author of Campesino
a Campesino: Voices from Latin Americas Farmer
to Farmer Movement for Sustainable Agriculture
Maneka Gandhi, Member of Parliament, Pilibhi,
India, Founder, People for Animals
Gao Guihua, Vice President and Director, Shanghai Industrial Investment Company
Parris Glendening, former Governor of Maryland
and President, <http://www.sgli.org>Smart Growth
Leadership Institute, a project of Smarth Growth America
Gwendolyn Hallsmith, Founder and Executive
Director, <http://www.global-community.org>Global Community Initiatives
Phil Hawes, Project Director,
<http://www.globalecovillage.com>Global EcoVillage Development Company
Peter Head, <http://www.arup.com>Arup, Director, Planning Plus
John Holtzclaw, Director of Sierra Club
<http://www.sierraclub.org/sprawl>Challenge to Sprawl Campaign, San Francisco
Walter Hood, Professor of Landscape Architecture
B.L.A., University of California, Principal,
<http://www.wjhooddesign.com>Hood Design
Huey Johnson, founder of
<http://www.rri.org>Resource Renewal Institute
and <http://www.tpl.org>Trust for Public Land
Nazreen Kadir, scholar in science and public
policy at the
<http://www.california.com/wisr>Western Institute for Social Research
Patrick Kennedy, urban infill developer,
Berkeley, California, founder,
<http://www.panoramicinterests.com>Panoramic Interests
Jeffrey Kenworthy, Professor in Sustainable
Institute for Sustainability and Technology
Policy at Murdoch University in Western Australia
Pierre Laconte, <http://www.ffue.org>Foundation
for the Urban Environment, Belgium, President,
<http://www.isocarp.org>International Society of City and Regional Planners
Jaime Lerner, Renowned architect and urban
planner, former Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil,
co-founder of<http://www.ippuc.org.br/> IPPUC
(Institute of Urban Planning and Research of Curitiba)
Assemblywoman Fiona Ma,
State Assembly Majority Whip, Chair of the Legislative High-Speed Rail Caucus
Sylvia McLaughlin, Co-founder, Save the San Francisco Bay Association, Berkeley
Gabriel Metcalf, Executive
Director,<http://www.spur.org/> San Francisco
Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR)
Bernard Otoki Moirongo, Professor, National
School of Architecture and Planning, Kenya
Dr. Tadeusz Patzek, Professor, Department of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley
Dr. Raquel Rivera Pinderhughes,
Professor<http://bss.sfsu.edu/raquelr> of Urban
Studies, San Francisco State University
Rick Pruetz, Specialist in
of development rights and related planning/preservation tools
Richard Register, President,
<http://www.ecocitybuilders.org>Ecocity Builders,
author of Ecocities, Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature (2006)
Maria Rosario, Senior Architect and Planner for
the Latin America Region at
<http://www.padco.aecom.com>PADCO/AECOM in Washington DC.
Stephen H. Schneider, Climatologist, Stanford
University, scientist sharing the Nobel Peace
Prize for the UN Intergovernmental Pannel on Climate Change with Al Gore
Christopher Swan, advocate for the further
development and future of photovoltaic solar
energy systems and for light rail (rail transport) systems
Geoff Syphers, Chief Sustainability Officer,
<http://www.codding.com>Codding Enterprises
Prof. Sundarshan Tiwari, Architect and City Historian, Nepal
Brent Toderian, Director of Planning, Vancouver, BC
Mary Evelyn Tucker, Senior Lecturer in Religion
and the Environment at Yale University,
Forum on Religion and Ecology, Harvard University
Dr. Mathis Wackernagle, Executive Director,
<http://www.footprintnetwork.org>Global Footprint
Network, co-founder of the Ecological Footprint Analysist
Isabel Wade,
Neighborhood Parks Council Executive Director
Liz Walker, Co-founder of
<http://www.ecovillage.ithaca.ny.us>Ecovillage at Ithaca, Ithaca, New York
Rusong Wang, President, Ecological Society of China
Curtis White, American essayist, author of The
Spirit of Disobedience: Resisting the Charms of
Fake Politics, Mindless Consumption, and the
Culture of Total Work (PoliPointPress, 2006)
Ken Yeang, eco-architect, Malaysia, England
Gene Zellmer, architect, early pioneer in green building
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
margie at sbpermaculture.org
"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in
new directions, in order to grow." - Anonymous
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