[Sdpg] Sustainable World Radio Fri July 6, 9-10am Interview about International Permaculture Conference 2007

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Thu Jul 5 22:59:09 PDT 2007

Sustainable World Radio Fri July 6, 9-10am Interview about International
Permaculture Conference and Convergence 2007 in Brasil with Margie Bushman and
Wes Roe, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network 

On Friday,  July 6 , at 9:00 am PST, tune in to Sustainable World Radio for an
interview with Margie Bushman and Wes Roe 
just back from the  8th International Permaculture Conference and Convergence
2007 www.ipc8.org in Brasil. They will talk about the highlights of the
Conference and Convergence and Tour visitings Permaculture Centers and
throughout Brasil. The next IPC9 will be held in Africa 2009.

Sustainable World Radio: Friday mornings at 9:00 am on KCSB 91.9 FM in Santa
Barbara, California. Also, streaming live on KCSB.org. 

Thanks for tuning in,

Jill, Kevin and Suzanne

e-mail: sustainableworldradio at earthlink.net

The 8th International Permaculture Convergence in Brazil in May 2007was a
resounding success, with permaculture practitioners and representatives from
42 countries attending to share their work and experience. The 3-day public
conference was symbolically held in the green heart of Sao Paulo, the
world¹s third largest city. The conference theme of Greening Economics
brought together bankers, financiers and grassroots economists with the
permaculture movement. Presentation topics included ethical banking, the
economic challenges of climate change, potential and pitfalls of carbon
trading and taxing strategies, corporate social responsibility, local and
complementary currencies and inspiring first-hand accounts of community
responses to economic crisis from Argentina and Cuba.

The entire conference was professionally filmed and edited footage will be
available soon for those who could not attend to tap into the sheer wealth
of information and inspiration shared during the event.

>From Sau Paulo we made our way north to Pirenoupolis, near the capital of
Brasilia for the 4-day Permaculture Designers Convergence hosted by IPEC.
The convergence is the professional in-house event of our national
conferencing and here we enjoyed a balance of plenary sessions,
presentations on permaculture project work and discussions exploring
permaculture responses and strategies for a changing world.

Some of the most powerful presententations were of the amazing dedication
and work of permaculturists in places such as Uganda, central India, Nepal
and the struggles of rebuilding war-torn Cambodia. Central and South
American projects were well represented and the three Cuban delegates gave
an inspiring presentation on urban food production and update on organic
farming and environmental issues facing Cuba.

The Cubans expressed sincere thanks to the support of Australian
permaculture trainers who brought permaculture concepts to Cuba in the early
1990¹s and have requested support for advanced training and workshops with
urban planners on integrated urban design for Havana and other Cuban
population centres.

The next IPC will be held in South Africa and Malawi in April 2009.

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
margie at sbpermaculture.com

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to
grow." - Anonymous

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