[Sdpg] May Newsletter

Quail Springs info at quailsprings.org
Fri May 25 17:31:16 PDT 2007

Quail Springs' May 2007 Newsletter
Case Study of Quail Springs Published as Master's Thesis through 
University of Arizona
Joss Jaffe's case study of Quail Springs' permaculture design has been published as his 
Master's Thesis through the University of Arizona.  This document, Quail Springs, An 
Experiment in Permaculture, serves as an important research and development tool 
supporting permaculture design and the long term vision of Quail Springs.  We intend to offer 
the book and CD for sale soon!  If you are interested in pre-purchasing the book, please let us 
know.  The cost of this full color book will be about $30 each including the CD or $10 for the 
CD only,  plus shipping.  
Permaculture Design and Keyline Design Courses a success - stay 
tuned for Fall offerings!
We're thrilled to have provided two great courses this Spring with teachers Darren Doherty 
and Geoff Lawton.  A huge thanks to the amazing group of students,  Darren and Lisa Doherty 
(and Isabella, Pearl and Zane!),  Geoff Lawton and The Permaculture Research Institute, our 
chef extraordinaire (Simone Temkin - Abundance Catering), the Santa Barbara Permaculture 
Network (Wes Roe and Margie Bushman) for their continuous work in spreading 
permaculture and fabulous community building, Bidi's Organic Farm based in Ojai for much 
of our produce, and the many helpers and supporters that made these courses happen.  
 Thank you to our in-kind donors - Abundance Catering, The Berry Man, Yeoman's Keyline 
Plow Company, and the Santa Barbara Pistachio Company.    
We're excited to be preparing for a second Permaculture Design Course with 
Darren Doherty in the Fall of this year, further details TBA!  

Our EcoNest is Taking Seed!
We are getting close to getting our county approval for the EcoNest Building project here at 
Quail Springs that will demonstrate the use of mostly sustainable, local, and non-toxic 
building materials, and the use of passive solar design.  Our Capital Campaign is well on its 
way, yet we are needing significant donations to reach our $360,000 fundraising goal.   Are 
you interested in helping with marketing this campaign, sponsoring a lunch, 
tea or wine event with potential funders, or in some other way?   During an event, 
we will be offering a presentation on Sustainability for a Changing Climate and asking for 
support for the capital campaign to support Quail Springs as a vital resource for our changing 
times.   Please contact Warren Brush w at quailsprings.org or 805-886-7239.  

Thank you Patricia Krout
Patricia Krout has taken on True Nature Society's (Quail Springs) accounting and 
bookkeeping pro bono!  This offers a much needed improvement in the efficiency of our 
systems and frees up our resident staff for other important work.  
Service Learning Weekend- June 30th and July 1st 
Come out to learn, work and play on the farm!  Projects may include permaculture gardening, 
watershed restoration, and more.  All ages are welcome to volunteer and experience is not 
necessary.  Food is potluck and camping is nearby.   Contact info at quailsprings.org or 805-
886-7239 to RSVP or for more info.
EcoNest workshops
The beginning stages of the EcoNest will involve workshops in which builders, home owners, 
or other interested folks will work with the EcoNest team in a series of two workshops that 
give the participant a solid foundation in understanding this unique system of sustainable 
building.  The Timberframe Workshop is scheduled for November 5-11.  The Clay/Straw 
Building Training is November 12-17.  Cost is TBA.   If you would like to be on an initial 
interest contact list, please email info at quailsprings.org.  

Seeking Summer Interns
Work and live "on the farm" through volunteer internships starting with up to one month. 
Assist with ongoing permaculture development of the farm and share in community life.  
Contact info at quailsprings.org with a written storyline of experience, skills, and interests and 
for more info.   
Quail Springs seeking part-time Development Director
We are seeking a part-time Development Director (DD) to join our team in an important time 
of capacity building for Quail Springs Learning Oasis and Permaculture Farm.  The DD would 
be responsible for developing new and ongoing relationships with foundations and individual 
donors.  We are seeking someone who is experienced in fundraising, passionate about our 
mission, highly creative and capable of working independently.  Specific roles would include 
grant writing and reporting, research, appeal development, major donor relationship 
building, event planning, and collaborating with the Board of Directors and Executive 
Director. The DD would work from his or her own home or office while keeping in regular 
communication with Quail Springs via email, phone, and periodic meetings.  This person will 
need to be familiar with aspects of the Santa Barbara or Tri-County philanthropic and 
nonprofit community and have 3 years or more fundraising experience or the equivalent 
skills.  This position would begin as soon as possible, with an initial 10 hour/week, 3 month 
contract with the intention to grow the position considerably.  Please direct inquiries to 
Warren Brush (Executive Director) at w at quailsprings.org or 805-886-7239.  
Quail Springs is a project of the True Nature Society, a community 
supported non-profit organization.  
Please consider giving a financial or in-kind donation to help us continue 
offering important services to the community.  
GO TO http://ent.groundspring.org/EmailNow/pub.php?module=URLTracker&cmd=track&j=144442828&u=1385174
Or send in your contribution to PO Box 417, New Cuyama, CA 93254.   
Thank you!
In-kind donation needs list: 
*	Bicycles and baskets for quiet and sustainable transportation on the farm 
*	Chain link fencing for watershed restoration project 
*	Used mixed size lumber for small building project 
*	Graphic design services 
*	Marketing consultation 
*	Event planning services 
*	Farm equipment 
*	Trees and garden plants 

You are subscribed to this list as sdpg at arashi.com.  To unsubscribe, send email to unsubscribe.172359.144442828.7088530934901883222-sdpg_arashi.com at en.groundspring.org.

Our postal address is 
PO Box 417
New Cuyama, California 93254
United States

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