[Sdpg] Permaculture in Lesotho

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Tue Mar 20 22:33:44 PDT 2007

Permaculture in Lesotho

by Chief Maama Masopha

> Working with nature is my hobby,
> Working with nature is part of my life.
> Permaculture, where were you
> When we lost the vegetation we had?
> Permaculture where have you been?
> Now that we are starving,
> Why did you delay to be known,
> While we have many specialists?
> My country is now bare.
> Who can we blame?
> Herbs are diminishing,
> Drought has taken advantage.
> Where shall we get the herbs?
> What will the herbalists do?
> Importation is becoming our motto.
> Our soils are very poor,
> Their good structures are gone,
> Their textures are destroyed,
> Yet you are present and silent.
> Why did you hesitate so long to be applied in Lesotho,
> Yet you are known by the world?
> Chemicals have spoiled our soils,
> The ecosystem is disconnected,
> People and animals are suffocated,
> Chemicals are very expensive,
> Farmers cannot afford.
> Permaculture, do you know where you originate?
> You are a citizen of Australia,
> Your fathers gave you a good name.
> We highly appreciate their thoughts,
> Because you involve everything.
> Living things are in need of you,
> Besides you, there is no living.
> New Zealand visited your home,
> They saw your preciousness,
> They wanted to elope with you.
> This, your fathers appreciated,
> Because you are a child of nations.
> Your wonders reached Nepal and Zimbabwe.
> The idea was put into practice, you proved to be creative.
> Botswana did not hesitate,
> Possibly Kalahari Desert will improve.
> U.S. accepted your challenge,
> They made trials on small scales,
> Less expenses with high yields,
> With natural resources surrounding you.
> England became aware of your tricks,
> They allowed you to rule their hearts.
> Thailand heard of this new technique,
> They wanted a positive change
> And you did not betray them.
> Permaculture, become our living,
> Your ideas are perfect,
> Your principles are marvelous.
> Your fruits are known by the world.
> Your absence caused migration,
> Ignorance of you caused erosion.
> Look at the mountains in Lesotho;
> Big dongas are countless,
> One district is almost a desert,
> Maize does not reach the height of a man.
> Who to care about this situation?
> Our top soils are enriching another country,
> Tonnes of soil are deposited every year,
> As if not enough,
> Our water is irrigating another country.
> Permaculture, we are in need of you.
> Unity is our motto and our song.
> Are we doing it practically?
> Berea, Maseru, Quithing Agriculture Groups, what are your views?
> How many schools are members? If they are few, why?
> How can we solve this problem?
> For how long do we ask for funds
> From countries which have the same problems?
> Why can't we change?
> Not only the attitudes of people,
> But do.

(published in Permaculture issue of Hopedance magazine several years ago,
go to
www.sbpermaculture.org, related articles, click on Hopedance icon)

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
margie at sbpermaculture.com

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to
grow." - Anonymous

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