[Sdpg] This Week on Sustainable World- Name Correction

Sustainable World Radio sustainableworldradio at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 29 22:26:54 PST 2006

On Friday, March 31st, at 9:00 am, PST, tune in to Sustainable World Radio for an
entertaining and comprehensive look at home and garden pest management. Brenton Kelly
of Island Seed and Feed will share his wit, wisdom and a bit of pesky critter philosophy
in an interview with Jill Cloutier. Brenton has thirty years of experience in organic gardening. He'll be sharing some interesting non-toxic methods of "pest" control.

We also have a short interview with David George Gordon, author of the "Eat A Bug Cookbook." Gordon talks about his novel way of controlling so- called pests. Just eat them! Bug appetite! 

Sustainable World Radio: Friday mornings at 9:00 am on KCSB 91.9 FM in Santa Barbara,
California. Also, streaming live on KCSB.org. 

If you have any events happening that you would like to have us include in our calendar and/or ideas for upcoming shows, please email us at sustainableworldradio at earthlink.net. 

Thanks for tuning in,

Jill, Kevin and Suzanne

sustainableworldradio at earthlink.net

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