[Sdpg] An Educational Paradigm for Global Regeneration: Gaia University by Tami Brunk
Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson
lakinroe at silcom.com
Fri Feb 17 09:25:17 PST 2006
An Educational Paradigm for Global Regeneration: Gaia University
by Tami Brunk
Visualize the planet, drifting through space. Perhaps you will see
astronaut Edgar Mitchells vision: a sparkling blue and white jewel, a
light, delicate sky-blue sphere laced with slowly swirling veils of white,
rising gradually like a small pearl in a thick sea of black mystery.
Most likely though, this picture will be marred by the nightmare images of
rapidly melting glaciers, skeletal coral reefs and smoking, barren
landscapes where once were rainforests. You might project into the future,
imagining widespread warfare and desperate ravaging of earths remaining
resources as oil supplies peak and rapidly dwindle.
Look closer. When we do, we will also see a strong, natural impulse toward
renewal. In every pocket where the Earth has been left alone, it is
regenerating its life systems. And miraculously enough, well see that
people, too, are actors in this regeneration process, nourishing vibrant
human communities and slowly restoring severely exploited landscapes.
Gaia University, a new decentralized, action-learning-based University, was
founded last fall in order to support and strengthen these hopeful trends.
Permaculturists, ecovillage founders, green technology innovators and other
leaders in the sustainability field are now invited to partner with GU to
offer Bachelors and Masters degrees, with accreditation formally recognized
in both the USA and UK, to the world changers of tomorrow.
For over ten years, leaders in the permaculture and ecovillage movements
have envisioned just such an institution, but it took the joint brainpower
of visionaries Liora Adler and Andy Langford to pull it together. The two
met at an ecovillage educators forum at Findhorn, Scotland in early 2004.
This seemingly chance encounter generated a spirited dialogue around
development of a global university, through expansion of the Permaculture
WorkNet Diploma Program Andy had initiated 12 years earlier. In the months
following, Liora and Andy teamed up to bring what had been a nebulous
concept into a serious institution of higher learning.
They charted a pathway to accreditation though IMCA (International
Management Centers Association) and Revans Universitythe only
action-learning university in the world. In October of 2004, Gaia
University was incorporated in Colorado.
It would be difficult to imagine a better-suited pair to manifest this
ambitious project. Liora has over thirty years experience with ecovillages
and the establishment of global networks. She was co-founder, in 1982, of
Huehuecoytl, an artisans ecoaldea in the volcanic highlands of Central
Mexico. In 1996 she helped to launch la Caravana, a nomadic ecovillage of
international artists traversing Latin America from North to South. In the
years following, she has played an instrumental role in establishing,
promoting, and strengthening both the Ecovillage Network of the Americas
and the Global Ecovillage Network.
Andy initiated permaculture teaching in the UK starting in 1985 and,
together with colleagues in the Permaculture Association of Britain, has
initiated training of more than 3,000 permaculture designers. Since 1993 he
has been developing and refining the Permaculture Diploma WorkNet, which
has awarded 160 diplomas to students, mostly in Europe. The WorkNet is
widely regarded as the standard for European permaculture education. Andy
refers to the Gaia University collaboration as Version 5.0 of the WorkNet
Andy and Liora envision Gaia Us potential curriculum as broad enough to
include the following: Permaculture, Ecovillage Design, Peace Studies,
Ecocities, Appropriate Technology, Traditional Wisdom, Eco-health,
Sustainable Economics, Bioregionalism, Life Transitions, Natural Building,
Social Communication, Art for Social Change, and many other
as-yet-to-be-developed areas of study.
Action learning is central to Gaia Universitys methodology. It is a
back-to-the-roots alternative to standard University learning. It offers a
sophisticated, nurturing framework for studentscalled associatesto
explore their area of interest, without demanding that they know precisely
where theyre headed from the outset or have any fixed concept of where
they will wind up. Within a network of supportive and knowledgeable
faculty, students are given the tools to investigate, reflect, and to
crash around a bit in the classic pattern of inquiry dating back
thousands of years (See Action Learning Diagram).
Action Learning Sets of students will have access to a broad range of
support consisting of Workshop Providers, Set Advisors, Internal Reviewers,
Specialist Advisors, and an External Reviewer. A Regional Coordinator
develops the overall regional capacity, linking associates with these
individuals, many of whom will work in a given region, but some of whom
will likely tutor and mentor from afar by phone and e-mail.
In addition to faculty support, each associate will be part of a Learning
Guild of three to five peers, with whom they will meet regularly to refine
and deepen their pathway through a system of directed inquiry: what is
going well for me as an action learner? What is difficult? What are my
long-term goals and visions? What are my next achievable steps?
Liora and Andys expected students will likely be from the divergent
population. Adler sees a portion of this group as young people who are fed
up with the traditional, spoon-fed,
sit-in-a-classroom-while-youre-being-lectured-to environment. Perhaps,
she says, they have another kind of genius that could be cultivated in a
different methodology. The population Gaia University is reaching out to
will already share much of the vision contained in the sustainability
Liora believes that an estimated six percent of the general population fits
into this category. Six percent of six billion is a lot of peoplewell
start with those says Adler. Students can take an informal or formal route
toward their degrees, the primary difference being the commitment to
deadlines. Formal learners will be expected to work to a set timetable with
their learning group while informal degree earners can work at their own
pace. While degree programs will vary widely depending on area of study and
the structure of a given regional center, the basic outline of a formal
Bachelors degree should look something like this:
Year 1: Associates focuses on theory and coursework and setting up
projects. Must acquire 80-100 classroom hoursthrough workshops and study
of theory with partners in GUs global network. While students can choose
from a near-limitless array of courses, they will be required to take
Regeneration 101 which will cover core concepts in sustainable design
sciences such as peak oil, permaculture, footprint analysis and the ethics
of right livelihood. Students will identify projects that meet their own
development needs and meet the needs of a sponsoring organization these
projects are the core of an action learning pathway.
Year 2: Associates will embark on their action learning pathway, working
closely with their Learning Guild, Set Adviser and Internal Reviewer
(project mentor), as they begin articulating and engaging with their
project design. Students will learn as they go, as they progress through
the projects that highlight their areas of ignorance. Technical Advisers
are on hand to assist.
Year 3: Associates projects will move through implementation towards
completion; Project reports (written, videotaped, or maybe sung and danced)
will be submitted to an internal reviewer and, finally an external
reviewer, both of whom must accept the project as complete in order for an
associate to receive their degree.
One potential stumbling block for GU students in the US will be their
ineligibility to apply for federal aid, given the fact that accreditation
is achieved through a non-US institution. To overcome this obstacle, Andy
and Liora hope to develop a foundation for students with lesser resources,
most of which will be directed toward students in economically impoverished
regions of the world. However the fact is that a degree from GU costs
substantially less than that acquired through a university in the US or
Europe. In addition, the founders are working with the Permaculture Credit
Union to develop a student loan facility.
A unique feature of Gaia, which is intended to benefit the many individuals
who have already contributed significant time and energy within their
organizations yet lack formal accreditation is the credit map system,
whereby up to 1/3 of an associates credits can be derived from previous
experience. Leaders in the sustainability fields who wish to partner with
Gaia University are encouraged to use the credit map option in order to
pursue an accelerated Masters (or potentially Doctoral) degree.
Remaining work toward a degree could act as the framework for clarifying
goals and objectives, fine-tuning of existing programs, developing regional
centers, developing strategic business plans, or playing a role in
researching and sharing effective models for the rest of the network. Andy
and Liora both see Gaia Universitys role in building learning
infrastructure for the sustainability movement as vital and expect it
topulse better focus and performance throughout the networks They hope to
nudge ecovillages, permaculture initiatives, and holistic health centers
closer to their full potential.
In April, Andy and Liora traveled to The Farm, a 34-year-old intentional
community in central Tennessee, to begin development of the first regional
center or campus in Gaia Universitys global network. In the months
following, a flurry of meetings and visioning sessions have taken place, as
seasoned pioneers in the fields of permaculture, appropriate technologies,
ecovillage design, and alternate health are hammering out various
curricula, a common legal framework, and faculty structure. GU plans to
offer accredited courses starting in January of 2006. Numerous other
communities have expressed interest in establishing their own regional centers.
At the recent International Permaculture Convergence (IPC7) in Croatia
there was much support for the development of Gaia University. Bill
Mollison, Declan Kennedy, Peter Bane, Ali Sharif, Richard Wade and many
others expressed their particular visions of how GU might evolve in their
regions and further the growth of the permaculture movement.
Information about Gaia University is now available on its beta website,
www.gaiauniversity.org. Next steps include establishing regional centers;
development of Regeneration 101 and refinement of the Universitys
organizational structure through the websites feedback systemwhat Liora
refers to as growing tip led organization where the branches, new-growth
and cross-fertilization happen out there.
If you are interested in participating as a workshop provider, associate,
or funder, or if youd like to initiate development of a regional center,
first carefully peruse the website. Then contact GU directly at
info at gaiauniversity.org.
We have all been consistently ridiculed for having visions, notes Andy.
Weve been told, you can afford to be idealistic when youre young, but
when you get out into the real world, youll forget all that, So our
visions of how wed like to see the world become a better place get squashed.
Some of us, though, have managed to re-emerge our idealism and our
visioning ability. It is up to us, he says, to create the safe place for
other people to practice. Theres the true vision for Gaia University:
opening up our visioning capacity, learning the skills we need to meet the
coming challenges, creating a sustainable world and allowing the Earth to
regenerate. *
Andy Langford is a long term activist with permaculture in Britain and
Northern Europe. He worked up the early British permaculture teaching
resource (supported by Lea Harrison of Australia and, later, George Sobol),
organised and taught design courses and ran significant design projects for
Local Government and private clients. Andy is an enthusiast for inclusive
learning, decision making and action methods and has facilitated Future
Searches, Open Space Technology and Planning for Real events. He wrote
"Designing Productive Meetings and Events" (1997, SODC) and trained several
groups of citizen facilitators in these methods during the 90's Local
Agenda 21 boom. He is a principal architect of the Permaculture Diploma
WorkNet, an innovative, University without Walls conception, which offers
trained support to people using action learning to gain their Diplomas of
Applied Permaculture Design. Andy currently lives at Braziers Park, an
experimental residential project designed to integrate the efforts of
people with 'unlike minds'. He has been working to assist the
transformation of this 1950's inspirational project to 21st Century needs,
to include permaculture, leaderful organisation and a commonwealth of
Liora Adler is a global leader in the ecovillage movement and from
1999-2003 served on the Board of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN). She
currently serves on its International Advisory Board and is UN
Representative. She is a social activist, communicator, facilitator and
specialist in the consensus decision making process, psychologist, holistic
nutritionist, event organizer, photographer, dancer and lover of life.
Co-founder of the ecovillage Huehuecoyotl in Mexico and la Caravana
Arcoiris por la Paz - a mobile ecovillage and training center traveling
through Central and South America;Associate of the International Institute
of Facilitation and Consensus; Representative of the Caribbean Region of
the Ecovillage Network of the Americas; and Vice-President of Global
Village Institute for Appropriate Technology.
For the last 35 years Liora has been active in movements to promote
ecovillages, biorregionalism and global consciousness. She has been helpful
in the creation of ecovillage and permaculture networks in Colombia,
Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Cuba. She has given
workshops and conferences in Consensus Decision Making, Facilitation,
Sacred Communication, Leadership Skills, Holistic Nutrition, Women's Health
and Strategies for Planetary Change. Liora coordinated the Workshops for
Sustainable Living projects in Colombia and Ecuador in 2000-1 and the
Women's Peace Village Project in Ecuador in June 2002 and in 2003 served as
Coordinator for the Call of the Condor Gathering in Peru in which 800
representatives from ecological, spiritual, indigenous, peace and holistic
health movements gathered to create a ceremonial peace village and
celebrate the vernal Equinox at Machu Picchu.
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