[Sdpg] FEB 3, Sustainable World Radio KCSB 91.9 fm/Friday 9-10am, David Holmgren Lecture in Santa Barbara Summer 2005

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Thu Feb 2 21:43:55 PST 2006

This week on Sustainable World Radio:  Pre-Recorded 

August 2005 Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Event at Santa Barbara City
Lecture with David Holmgren (pre-recorded)

Peak Oil and Permaculture: David Holmgren on Energy Descent and  Permaculture
in the 21st Century,

In the 21st Century many challenges face us. We live in a world of
unprecedented wealth from harvesting enormous storages of fossil fuels created
by the earth over
billions of years.  In a world where this source of energy begins to decline,
what innovative ways will we use to design a sustainable future? 

Holmgren is a permaculture designer and consultant, whose most recent work has
focused on global permaculture strategies addressing the issue of “energy
descent”, a concept that acknowledges a future of reduced fossil fuels, but
plans within a framework of gradual transition and adaptive strategies.  In
drawing links to permaculture, in future design for homes, cities, and
agriculture, lessons learned will need to be applied everywhere, rather than
just First World versus Third World type situations.

Permaculture is a design system based on ecological principles for creating
sustainable human environments, and is one of the most holistic, integrated
systems analysis and design methodologies found in the world.  Originally
coined from the words PERMAnent agriCULTURE, it has evolved to one of
or sustainable culture with consciously designed landscapes that mimic the
patterns of nature.

David Holmgren (www.holmgren.com.au) is a designer and consultant, and
co-originator of the permaculture concept with Australian biologist Bill
Mollison, and co-author of “Permaculture One”(1978), a milestone in the
application of environmental design to productive land use. Since 1978 he has
authored numerous articles and several books, conducted workshops and courses,
and consulted for urban and rural projects in
Australia and New Zealand.  His most recent book, “Permaculture:Principles
and Pathways Beyond Sustainability”, provides a broad conceptual framework
for permaculture design education.

Look for Sustainable World Radio on Fridays, 9-10 am, on KCSB 91.9 FM.  Or if
to hear them, KCSB website(www.kcsb.org)

Friday, 9-10am, Sustainable World Radio Program on KCSB 91.9 fm 
Jill Cloutier, Suzanne Cloutier and Kevin Childerley host an hour long 
radio program focused on sustainability, permaculture, and creative solutions 
to environmental and social problems.

Please submit news or community event announcements to:Sustainable World
<sustainableworldradio at earthlink.net>


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