[Sdpg] S C Permaculture Guild Nov/Dec 2005 Newsletter

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Thu Nov 3 04:48:24 PST 2005

  South Coast Permaculture Guild  Nov/Dec 2005 Newsletter

Please send listings and events for next email news to lakinroe at silcom.com 
or to be removed from this email Newsletter

South Coast Permaculture Guild Contacts and other Organizations of Interest.

South Coast Permaculture Guild Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 
805-962-2571 www.sbpermaculture.org
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network: Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 
805-962-2571  www.sbpermaculture.org
Ojai Permaculture Guild: Dave White david at ojaicra.org 805-646-9809
Central Coast Permaculture Guild: Rob Kimmel zigge at kcbx.net 805-438-5745 
San Luis Obispo
San Diego Permaculture Center: San Diego Economic Conversion Council 
sdecc at igc.org (619) 298-8879
Santa Cruz Permaculture Vince Pastori 831/763-3848 permasc at sasquatch.com
Cal Poly Student Farm in SLO:The SARC (Sustainable Ag Resource Center)
805-756-5086 Hunter Francis wfrancis at calpoly.edu San Luis Obispo
Path to Freedom ,Pasadena Ms. Anais Dervaes dervaes at pathtofreedom.com
LA Permaculture Guild Joan 323-630-4673 joaniebird007 at yahoo.com and Camille 
camicimino at yahoo.com
Southern East Sierra: Tom Drummond 760-377-5011 Ridgecrest
Pc Institute of Southern Cal: Bill Roley DrRoley at cox.net 949-494-5843 
Laguna Beach
Santoyo&Associates santoyo at earthflow.com www.earthflow.com
LA EcoVillage: Lois Arkin crsp at igc.org 213/738-1254
Permaculture Institute of Northern California 
info at permacultureinstitute.com 415-663-9090
Permaculture Activist Magazine Website <http://www.permacultureactivist.net>
Permacultura http://www.tortuga.com/permacultura/
PERMACULTURE CREDIT UNION http://www.pcuonline.org
Hopedance Magazine www.hopedance.org The Permaculture and Natural Building 
Calendar Printed issue list our Courses please subscribe to support the 


Ongoing Permaculture Monthly Discussion Group/to Cover Permaculture 
Principles and Practices in Santa Barbara CA
For more info and directions and location contact Margie Bushman 
805-962-2571 or sbpcnet at silcom.com, www.sbpermaculture.org

November 5 Sat 2:30-4:30pm Slideshow Arcata, Ca also Mid Nov in Oakland Ca 
Sol House
Humboldt State University Founders Hall, Room 118
Awesome Earthen Buildings from Around the World with Janell Kapoor of 
Kleiwerks Natural Building
Beautiful images from Thailand, Africa, the United States, New Zealand, 
Europe, and Argentina;
Contact janell at kleiwerks.org, www.kleiwerks.org

Nov 4-7 Fri -Mon Learn to build Rocket Stoves and Rumford fireplaces Spirit 
Pine Sanctuary, just outside, Santa Barbara $200
Join Betty Seaman and Bernhard Masterson for a hands-on workshop on heating 
your house with fire.we will cover how fire burns, what we can do to create 
a clean and complete burn, and how to use it most effectively for heating. 
Rocket stoves are clean burning fuel efficient and easy to build
To register please send a $50 non-refundable deposit to Betty Seaman, PO 
Box 500, Los Olivos, CA, 93441
Contact Betty at 805-698-3840 or Bernhard at 503-715-0722 or 
bernhard_masterson at hotmail.com.

Nov 7-18 California and Nov19-22 Booksigning and Lecture Tour 2005 for
EcoNest: Creating Sustainable Sanctuaries of Clay, Straw, and Timber Paula 
Baker-Laporte and Robert Laporte
EcoNests are simple, elegant, and healthful handcrafted dwellings that 
welcome owner participation in their construction. They utilize natural 
building techniques including timber framing, clay/straw walls, earth 
plastering, and natural, non-toxic finishes.
EcoNest explores the benefits of building a healthful home. The average 
person spends 90-95% of their time indoors, therefore, the home should be a 
sanctuary that nurtures your body, mind and spirit.
CA and AZ Booksigning Tour Nov7-22 For tour 
Updates  www.econest.com/calendar.htm


Nov 6 Sun 2pm at Seaman’s Lodge, Pioneer Park, Nevada City
Barbara Roemer 530 265-6784

Nov 7 Mon 7pm New College 99 6th Street Santa Rosa $5-10 sliding scale
Joseph Kennedy jkennedy at sonic.net

Nov 8 Tues (Location,times TBA)

Nov 9 Wed 6 pm Reception 6:30 Slide Show Pacific Energy Center 851 Howard 
St, San
Francisco David Bushnell 415-546-0450

Nov 10 Thurs 7:30 Builder's Booksource 1817 4th St, Berkeley (510) 845-6874

Nov 11 Santa Cruz TBA

Nov 11 9am Pacific Time Interview with Robert and Paula on Sustainable 
World Radio Program KCSB 91.9 FM /Fridays Santa Barbara on line www.kcsb.org

Nov 12 Sat 7pm County Library Community Room 995 Palm St SLO $5 Mikel
Robertson gouldmund at hotmail.com 805 674 5534

Nov 13 Sun 7pm Santa Barbara Downtown Library 40 East Anapamu St $5 Margie
Bushman 805-962-2571 margie at sbpermaculture.org

Nov 14 Mon 7pm Kent Hall Help of Ojai 111 West Santa Ana St $5 (Turn off
Hwy 150 onto Blanche St between Bank of America and Star Market) SBPN
805-962-2571 margie at sbpermaculture.org

Nov 15 Tues 7pm Global Green USA's Green Building Resource Center 2218 Main 
Santa Monica $5 gbrc at globalgreen.org 310.452.7677 also LA Permaculture
323-630-4673 joaniebird007 at yahoo.com Camille camicimino at yahoo.com

Nov 16 Wed 6:30 - 9pm, 7:00 pm Wells Fargo Bank 260 Ocean Av Laguna Beach, 
ca 92651 $5
Bill Roley drroley at cox.net 949-413-2524 cell and Blair Ballard Architectual 
Guild 949-494-8093

Nov 17 Thurs 7:00 Reception, 7:30 pm New School of Architecture and Design 
1249 F Street SD 92101 downtown San Diego $5
Brennan Hubbell 619-702-1604 tresmilusos at yahoo.com and sdecc at igc.org (619) 


Nov 21 7pm Originate Natural Building Materials Showroom 526 North 9th
Avenue Tucscon, AZ Natasha at originatenbm.com 520-792-4207

Nov 22 5:30pm a.k.a. Green 4408 N. Miller Road #101 Scottsdale AZ Mick
Dalrymple mick at akagreen.com (480) 946-9600

Sponsors Santa Barbara Permaculture Network, The Sustainability Project,
the Sustainable Builders Council of SLO, LA Permaculture Guild,
Permaculture Institute of S.CA , San Diego Permaculture Center, New College
Santa Rosa, Global Green USA's Green Building Resource Center.&
Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR),& Hopedance
Media,aka Green, SLO GREEN BUILD,ECOSLO,Originate Natural Building
Materials Showroom, San Diego Permaculture Center, Ojai Permaculture Guild,
Prescott College,Builder's Booksource, South Coast Permaculture Guild,
Laguna Beach Architectural Guild

November 11-20, 2005 Advanced Permaculture Design Workshop Hacienda Santa 
Barbara Chapultapec, Huamantla, México
Join a small, select group of permaculturists for ten days in central 
highlands Mexico for an advanced design workshop creating a permaculture 
plan for renovation of a 16th century hacienda to become a small, rustic 
eco-inn. The pre-requisite for this workshop is completion of a 
Permaculture Design Certification Course. Participants will get invaluable 
experience working on a medium to large-scale, real-time, real-site project 
designing permaculture systems to support the inn and a small school for 
the village and surrounding area to be included in the complex.10-day 
workshop  $900 double occupancy room, three meals a day,
For more information, contact Scott Horton at (951) 659-5362 or 
LaSemillaBesada at hotmail.com


NOV 10, 7.00pm Thurs eve Oak Grove School Oak 220 W. Lomita Ave, Meiners 
Oak near Ojai
Contact Dorothy Wallstein: Dorothy at paulherder.com 805 646 0752

Nov 11 Fri , 9am - 4pm: Workshop at Oak Grove School 220 W. Lomita Ave, 
Meiners Oak near Ojai
Huckleberry Leonard
'In Service' Training for School Teachers & Community Educators
Sliding Scale fee of $65 (community groups) - $150 (institutions)
Contact Dorothy Wallstein: Dorothy at paulherder.com 805 646 0752

Nov Fri 11 Eve 7.30pm - 9.30pm: Slideshow COMMUNITY GLUE' at Full Circle 
Farm, Ojai
Full Circle Farm #10239.Hwy #150 near Ojai Foundation Upper Ojai Valley
COMMUNITY GLUE' where Permaculture meets Social Ecology in Intentional 
Communities & Ecovillages around the World
Contact 640-9808. Teph Dubois" <tephdubois at yahoo.com>, Sliding Scale 
donation: $5 - $10

Nov 12 Sat 12 9.30 - 4pm at Oak Grove School, Ojai 'PERMACULTURE IN THE 
Creating Happy Home-spaces "Together' Taught by Robina McCurdy and 
Huckleberry Leonard.
Workshop for parents, and those who love to work-play with children. Lots 
of interactive activity:
Cost: Sliding Scale for Adults: $45 - $90 per person. $75 - $150 per 
couple. Children over 3 years old: $15 for 1 child, $22 for 2, each 
additional child beyond that number: free. Please bring 'pot luck' lunch to 
Contact Dorothy Wallstein: Dorothy at paulherder.com 805 646 0752

Nov 12 Sat : 7.30pm - venue to be announced."KAITIAKITANGA' - a 
presentation and sharing by Robina (and friends),
regarding traditional Maori (NZ Native peoples) culture with regard to the 
caretaking and protection of the natural world - and how that relates our 
land and cultures here in USA. Includes storytelling, music and dance. 
Admission: koha (open-hearted donation).

Nov: 13 Sun 10am - 5.15pm - Santa Barbara

NOV, 7.00pm Thurs eve Oak Grove School Oak 220 W. Lomita Ave, Meiners Oak 
near Ojai
Contact Dorothy Wallstein: Dorothy at paulherder.com 805 646 0752

Nov 11 Fri , 9am - 4pm: Workshop at Oak Grove School 220 W. Lomita Ave, 
Meiners Oak near Ojai
Huckleberry Leonard
'In Service' Training for School Teachers & Community Educators
Sliding Scale fee of $65 (community groups) - $150 (institutions)
Contact Dorothy Wallstein: Dorothy at paulherder.com 805 646 0752

Nov Fri 11 Eve 7.30pm - 9.30pm: Slideshow COMMUNITY GLUE' at Full Circle 
Farm, Ojai
Full Circle Farm #10239.Hwy #150 near Ojai Foundation Upper Ojai Valley
COMMUNITY GLUE' where Permaculture meets Social Ecology in Intentional 
Communities & Ecovillages around the World
Contact 640-9808. Teph Dubois" <tephdubois at yahoo.com>, Sliding Scale 
donation: $5 - $10

Nov 12 Sat 12 9.30 - 4pm at Oak Grove School, Ojai 'PERMACULTURE IN THE 
Creating Happy Home-spaces "Together' Taught by Robina McCurdy and 
Huckleberry Leonard.
Workshop for parents, and those who love to work-play with children. Lots 
of interactive activity:
Cost: Sliding Scale for Adults: $45 - $90 per person. $75 - $150 per 
couple. Children over 3 years old: $15 for 1 child, $22 for 2, each 
additional child beyond that number: free. Please bring 'pot luck' lunch to 
Contact Dorothy Wallstein: Dorothy at paulherder.com 805 646 0752

Nov12 Sat : 7.30pm - venue to be announced."KAITIAKITANGA' - a presentation 
and sharing by Robina (and friends),
regarding traditional Maori (NZ Native peoples) culture with regard to the 
caretaking and protection of the natural world - and how that relates our 
land and cultures here in USA. Includes storytelling, music and dance. 
Admission: koha (open-hearted donation).

Nov: 13 Sun 10am - 5.15pm - venue to be announced.(Santa Barbara)
Explore how sustainable local economies and cultural bonds can be 
strengthened through connecting with the cycles of nature.
Fee:  $60 - $120 (Sliding Scale Based on Income)
Register by calling Dorothy Wallstein, Tel. 646 0752 or email 
dorothy at paulherder.com

For more on Robina and Huckleberry's work, visit their website:

November 17, 2005 - May 17, 2006-MONTH SUSTAINABLE LIVING INTERNSHIP: Near 
Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand
An in-depth immersion in communal living, organic gardening, seed-saving, 
natural building, other sustainable living techniques, and full 
participation at a public demonstration living and learning center. This 
internship is only available to 4 people,
Contact Pun Pun contact Peggy Reents at parents at yahoo.com.

Nov 16-26, 2005, Permaculture Design Course, Sikkum, India
with Rico Zook and Kat Steele and local teachers
Fee: $450-650 (sliding scale) Airfare to India not included Contact: (505) 

November 18 ­ March 25 Permaculture Design Course, Finger Lakes NY
Geoff Lawton, Steve Gabriel, Karryn Olson-Ramanujan, local experts, and 
apprentice teachers
Info Steve Gabriel @ plant_this_seed at yahoo.com, Michael Burns 607.227.0316 
www.flpci.org or www.hancockpermaculture.org

November 27 - December 11 13th annual Permaculture Design Course Lost 
Valley, Oregon
Instructed by Rick Valley, Jude Hobbs, & Marisha Auerbach
For More Information, or to register, call: (541)937-3351, ext.112 or 

December 1-14, 2-Week International Sustainable Living &Earthen Building 
Workshop ,Near Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand
Pun Pun- an ecological living & learning center, organic farm, and 
seed-saving operation
Instructors/Facilitators: Jo Jandai, Peggy Reents, Ratchabodin “Dai” 
Boonchaiyo, Michel Spaan, and other guests.
Come join us to support one of Thailand’s model sustainability centers and 
to learn by just doing it!
Also 6 Months Sustainable Living Course November 17, 2005 - May 17, 2006
For more info Peggy Reents at pareents at yahoo.com , website at 

Dec .3 Saturday Roadtrip to visit visionary Architect Nader Khalili
Calearth www.Calearth.org in Hesperia Ca. this is an all day annual trip to 
visit the demonstration site, the Nature Center and new housing in Hesperia 
all using earth architecture to build them. This is an amazing adventure 
see what can be done with earth
and it is truly low cost beautiful housing that does not tax the earth's 
biological resources.
We will leave Santa Barbara at 6:30am . for more info call Wes Roe 964-1555 
or email lakinroe at silcom.com, potluck lunch

DATES: One weekend a month for six months... SECOND WEEKENDS OF:OCTOBER, 
PART ONE October 8 & 9 and November 12-13 2005 Fire, Water, Earth & Air... 
New Ecology and Indicators of Sustainability:
PART TWO December 10 & 11 2005 and January 14 & 15 2006 Food, Water, 
Shelter & Energy... Earth-Friendly Techniques:
PART THREE February 11 & 12 and March 11 & 12 2006 Creating Community... 
Eco-Urbanism and Eco-Economics:
LARRY SANTOYO, Director, EarthFlow Design Works & The Center of Natural Design.
With very special guest instructors including:TOBY HEMENWAY, Author, Gaia's 
Garden, SCOTT PITTMAN, Director, The Permaculture Institute,
TUITION COSTS $90.00 per day, $175.00 per weekend, $950.00 for all six weekends
Materials and other fees may apply.Some payment plans and work-trade 
scholarships still available.
For loan info contact the Permaculture Credit Union http://www.pcuonline.org/
TO REGISTER & FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: <permaculture at earthflow.com>
In cooperation with: The Terra Foundation & The Center of Natural Design, 
Materials & Applications,
Greening Development and Consulting, EcoHome, The Green Building Resource 
Center -Global Green USA & the City of Santa Monica, HopeDance Media, Santa 
Barbara Permaculture Network, The Los Angeles Permaculture Guild, The 
Permaculture Institute, PatternLiteracy.com, FoodForestry, Guyayaki, Nutiva 
Hemp Products, Fountainhead, EarthFlow Design Works

January session of the Regenerative Design & Nature Awareness (RDNA) 
Training Program
We are ready for your applications now for the January ’06 term of this 
advanced year-long hands-on training. The course is devoted to helping 
students develop skills necessary to further sustainable & regenerative 
practices in their personal and professional lives. Students meet 2 full 
days per week; the full course lasts one year (3 trimesters). 
Regenerative Design Institute Permaculture Institute of Northern California 
(415) 663-9090 info at permacultureinstitute.com

Jan 5-17 Permaculture Design Course La'akea Community Hawaii $1300-$1450
Jude Hobbs and Toby Hemenway
Contact www.permaculture-hawaii.com or write PO Box 1071, Pahoa Hi 96778

January 5th - January 20th, 2006 2 WEEK NATURAL BUILDING TRAINING IN 
Come build with local activists and community dwellers on native 
Mapuche  reclaimed land
Introduction to  Permaculture Design, introduction to the Mapuche 
Cosmovision in Architecture, Philosophic and Spiritual
thought of the Mapuche people, and more.
Contact Sal at rukatun at yahoo.com.ar

SPRING 2006 Tuscon 72 Hour Permaculture Design Course With Certificate:
Four weekends in February and March. Instructors from the Tucson 
Permaculture group.
For more information contact Dan Dorsey, 520 624 8030 or dorsey at dakotacom.net

May 2007 International Permaculture Convergence, Conference Brazil
More info. and Website as details get organized, You will need to have a 
PDC to attend the Convergence

A Rain Catchment System www.wonderwater.net can be as simple as a small 
swale to stop water flooding off a slope or as technically advanced as a 
system that catches rain to supply a structure with water for drinking, 
sanitation, cooling, landscaping or agriculture. A Rain Catchment System is 
designed to most efficiently collect the rain water that falls on any given 
structure or property.

Sierra Permaculture is a new e-mail listserve for up-to-date Permaculture 
and Relocalization happenings in the Sierra Nevada, CA bioregion To sign 
up, please visit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SierraPermaculture

Bill Mollison co originator  of Permaculture on Aussie radio...
Bill Mollison had not spoken to the media for over a decade, but in a recent
discussion on ABC South East, he joined Tim Holt and regular guest, John
Champagne and spoke with the same passion, anger and hopes that drove him to
develop the Principles of Permaculture and take it to the world 30 years

Loans immediately available to members from any state

Join the only Credit Union that is based on Permaculture Principles and 
Ethics. Signature loans for amounts up to $5,000 at competitive rates and 
shared-secured loans at even cheaper rates up to $100,000 are available 
immediately to members. Anyone who has taken a Permaculture course, is a 
member of an affiliated Permaculture Institute, or believes in the 
Permaculture ethics is eligible to become a member for $5 membership fee 
plus a $50 share deposit.
Teachers/Organizers we can help you by offering credit-worthy students the 
ability to borrow money to pay for Permaculture courses. Contact the PCU to 
inquire about these and other loan programs.
. Also the PCU is making loans on mortgages, rainwater catchment, home 
energy efficiency systems, solar heating and electricity systems, 
landscape, and car loans. We offer a 0.75 % discount on loans for earth 
friendly projects and Earth friendly car discounts: two types are 
available, .75% for vehicles with 35mpg or higher average and 1.5% for 
vehicles with 45mpg or higher average(which is usually the hybrid cars).
Please call us at 505 954 3479, toll free 1-866-954-3479 or FAX 505 424 
1624. Visit us online at www.pcuonline.org, email perma at pcuonline.org, or 
write to us.
Permaculture Credit Union
4250 Cerrillos Road
PO Box 29300
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87592-9300


LISTSERVES of South Coast Permaculture Guild of Southern CA

To get Up to Date Permaculture Ongoing Announcements for courses , events 
and posting of articles of interest try subscribing to our local 
Permaculture Listserves ccpg serves San Lois Obispo ,scpg serves Santa 
Barbara down and including Los Angeles, and sdpg serves San Diego area. 
Below are the instructions how to sign up
thanks to John Howe for setting them up
this works the same for each separate list:
central coast list(ccpg at arashi.com), south coast(scpg at arashi.com), and the 
san diego
list (sdpg at arashi.com)

TO SUBSCRIBE to this mailing listserve

Basically, the info is more web based now so log on the each website you 
want to subscribe to
South Coast Permaculture Ca Guild subscription
SanDiego Permaculture G subsciption
CentralCoast Ca Permaculture G subscription

REMINDER ONCE you are signed onto one or all of the listserves type in 
sdpg at arashi.com or ccpg at arashi.com, or scpg at arashi.com to post a message to 
the listserve

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