[Sdpg] Memo#3 on Preventing Deadly Conflict: Readings

SD Economic Conversion & Permaculture Center sdecc at igc.org
Mon Sep 12 09:10:16 PDT 2005

Memo#3 on Preventing Deadly Conflict: Preparatory Readings

**This memo is sent to stimulate thinking in advance of the San Diego
Economic Conversion Council's 20th Anniversary program on "Preventing
Deadly Conflict: Non-Military Solutions for Global Security" - see
announcement about the October 14 program at end of this email**

>From Hurricane Katrina to the War in Iraq, strategies that would prevent
deadly conflict have not been pursued.  It is time for a change in policy
and people from around the world have developed a plan.

In July 2005, the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
brought together over 900 people from 118 countries to launch a civil
society international movement to prevent armed conflict:  "Promoting peace
and security in the 21st century requires a fundamental shift in how we
respond to the challenge of violent conflict.  Our priority must be to
prevent it from occurring and thereby avoid the massive human,
environmental, and economic cost of war....We call for a fundamental change
in dealing with conflict:  a shift from reaction to prevention.... The goal
of prevention is a world where people and governments elect nonviolent
means to achieve greater justice, sustainable development and human

* "A Global Action Agenda for the Prevention of Violent Conflict" produced
by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict.

* People Building Peace, the source of information on the global conference
and followup plans. www.peoplebuildingpeace.org

* "Designing a Peacebuilding Infrastructure: Taking a Systems Approach to
the Prevention of Deadly Conflict" by Tobi P. Dress, J.D., April 2005

**SDECC 20th Anniversary Announcement**

We invite you to join us for the ---
20th Anniversary of the
San Diego Economic Conversion Council

"Preventing Deadly Conflict:
Non-Military Solutions for Global Security"

Friday, October 14, 2005
University of San Diego
Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice (IPJ)

Noon       Luncheon with speaker
2:00 pm Public Hearing (free and open to public)
4:00 pm Reception followed by sunset walk

Luncheon & Reception: $35/person before October 1, $40/person after Oct. 1.
Luncheon OR Reception only: $20/person before Oct. 1, $25/person after Oct.1
Make checks payable to "SDECC" and mail to: SDECC, 4452 Park Blvd. Suite 209,
San Diego, CA 92116.
RSVP/Info: (619) 255-6111 or sdecc at igc.org.  Thank you!

The San Diego Economic Conversion Council (SDECC) was founded in 1985 to
promote military conversion and sustainable community economic development
in the San Diego region. SDECC is a nonprofit public benefit corporation.
Charitable contributions are deductible as provided by law.  The San Diego
Permaculture Center was established in 1999 as a project of SDECC to
promote sustainable communities through ecologically-based design that
meets human and environmental needs.

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