[Sdpg] Memo#2 on Preventing Deadly Conflict: Permaculture Workshops
SD Economic Conversion & Permaculture Center
sdecc at igc.org
Sun Aug 28 13:45:11 PDT 2005
Memo#2 on Preventing Deadly Conflict: Permaculture Workshops
**This memo is sent to stimulate thinking in advance of the San Diego
Economic Conversion Council's 20th Anniversary program on "Preventing
Deadly Conflict: Non-Military Solutions for Global Security" - see
announcement about the October 14 program at end of this email**
Permaculture is an example of a non-military solution for global security.
Permaculture Teacher Jane Higginson is on the board of the San Diego
Permaculture Center and is offering a series of permaculture workshops this
fall at her demonstration site in San Diego County. For more information,
directions, and enrollment, contact Jane at (619) 390-0717 (8am-7pm) or
janehigginson at earthlink.net.
Marcia Boruta, Director
San Diego Economic Conversion & Permaculture Center
Permaculture Events at Snail Haven Farm and Sanctuary, September Sundays, 2005:
9/4, 2 PM - 6 PM -- Earth Architecture I ($40): For eons, earth (soil) has
been used by humans and non-humans for constructing shelters. Come learn
how earth, water, fire, air and gravity can be integrated to provide
shelters on a human scale. Be prepared to build small brick arches using
only gravity and small stones to hold the structure together.
9/11, 2 PM - 6 PM -- Introduction to Permaculture Workshop ($35),
6 PM - 7:30 PM -- Remembrance Day Peace Vigil (FREE), and Evening
Refreshment (please bring), with guest speaker Marcia Boruta, Director of
San Diego Economic Conversion Council/Permaculture Center: "Permaculture
for Peace":
Permaculture means "permanent agriculture" and "permanent culture". It is a
design science and art which utilizes patterns in nature as a basis for
design. This way, we can provide for our needs by creating cultivated
ecosystems on a local basis. We can drastically reduce the footprint we
have on existing, natural ecosystems, and potentially reduce conflict with
other peoples. This class will guide you through ethics, principles,
pattern observation, and basic design elements of permaculture. The
workshop will be followed by a Remembrance Day Peace Vigil, with guest
speaker Marcia Boruta, who has been director of the San Diego Economic
Conversion Council for over 18 years. If you opt to attend, please bring a
snack or non-alcoholic drink to share which does not require refrigeration
(you may bring small items, which can be kept on ice).
9/25, 2 PM - 6 PM -- Earth Architecture II ($40): For those who attended
Earth Architecture I, or who have a background in building with earth. We
will expand on techniques of using arches and domes using earth materials;
super-adobe will be highlighted.
ALL WORKSHOPS: Teachers are Jane Higginson and Tyler Taylor, except as
otherwise noted. Be prepared for hot weather. Wear high-topped boots or
sturdy shoes with closed toes and heels. As Snail Haven is our personal
sanctuary, we ask that you please do not bring alcohol or drugs. You may
smoke tobacco OFFSITE. Please try to carpool or bike -- parking and class
space is very limited. REGISTER EARLY!
Snail Haven Farm and Sanctuary is a Project of Archelonia Ecological and
We are a small company serving people who are interested in sustainable
land stewardship. We offer permaculture teaching and endangered species
surveys. We are developing a small farm and sanctuary, Snail Haven, in San
Diego County. As it grows, we will also offer farm product such as fruits,
nuts, and medicinal herbs. At Snail Haven, we conduct workshops in
permaculture, nature awareness, and ecology. Contact us for dates, times,
directions, and details for upcoming workshops:
Introduction to Permaculture 4 hours $ 35
Water Harvesting, 6 hours $ 60
Soil Conservation,
and Earthworks
Using Trees in the 6 hours $ 60
Permaculture Landscape
For the San Diego/Imperial/Tijuana
Earth Architecture I 4 hours $ 40
Earth Architecture II 4 hours $ 40
Knowing our Place: 6 hours $ 75
Watersheds, Wildlife,
Native Plants, and
Habitats in the East
San Diego County Foothills
Permaculture for Children 3 hours $ 30
Permaculture Basic 72 hours $ 1100
Design Certification Course,
taught as a series of modules
**SDECC 20th Anniversary Announcement**
We invite you to join us for the ---
20th Anniversary of the
San Diego Economic Conversion Council
"Preventing Deadly Conflict:
Non-Military Solutions for Global Security"
Friday, October 14, 2005
University of San Diego
Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice (IPJ)
Noon Luncheon with speaker
2:00 pm Public Hearing
4:00 pm Reception followed by sunset walk
Luncheon & Reception: $35/person before October 1, $40/person after Oct. 1.
Luncheon OR Reception only: $20/person before Oct. 1, $25/person after Oct.1
Make checks payable to "SDECC" and mail to: SDECC, 4452 Park Blvd. Suite 209,
San Diego, CA 92116.
RSVP/Info: (619) 255-6111 or sdecc at igc.org. Thank you!
The San Diego Economic Conversion Council (SDECC) was founded in 1985 to
promote military conversion and sustainable community economic development
in the San Diego region. SDECC is a nonprofit public benefit corporation.
Charitable contributions are deductible as provided by law. The San Diego
Permaculture Center was established in 1999 as a project of SDECC to
promote sustainable communities through ecologically-based design that
meets human and environmental needs.
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