[Sdpg] Northwest Permaculture Conference and Bioregional Gathering, set for Sept. 9-11 in Eugene.OREGON
Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson
lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed Aug 17 05:31:22 PDT 2005
9th Annual Northwest Permaculture Conference and Bioregional Gathering
September 9-11, 2005
with a Special Workshop Track on
Preparing for Peak Oil through Regional Sustainabiity
$70 at the event / $60 by pre-registration
one day participation: Friday free; $40 Saturday; $30 Sunday
work trade available - meals included in registration fee
workshop topics: water catchment, urban permaculture design,
greywater disposal, solar food drying, winter gardening, food as medicine,
ecovillages/cohousing, biodiesel, passive & active solar design,
appropriate technology, medicinal herbs, alternative currency, and more
peak oil topics: local food security, zero net energy in housing,
sustainable energy system, urban redesign and sustainable transport,
economic conversion for a time of oil scarcity
childrens program: building cob fairy village,
creating wicker dream catchers,constructing worm bins,
preparing raw food treats, monitored play area
appropriate technology exhibition area
community groups display area: info about creating
a sustainable society
outdoor living room: conversation space to dialog about life,
visions, and collaboration
Dharmalaya is a demonstration sustainable living site
and conference center featuring:
strawbale conference building
solar water heated bath house
solar greenhouse
greywater system
permaculture landscaping
photovoltaic energy
rainwater catchment
swale and pond features
compost systems
Camping and dorm lodging available.
Alternative modes of transportation to site requested.
(limited on-site parking - for directions to Dharmalaya)
For more info call Jan at (541) 686-6761
or by email at spencerj at efn.org
Program details at http://www.heliosnetwork.org/epg/
356 Horn Lane
Eugene, Oregon, USA
"Permaculture" is the practice of designing sustainable human habitats by
following nature's patterns. Saturday's discussion will center on pathways
to sustainable economic choices that enable ecological health and allow for
a fulfilling, quality lifestyle.
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