[Sdpg] 9th Annual Bioregional Congress at EarthHaven Ecovillage Black Montain NC

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun May 8 23:05:29 PDT 2005

Hello Everyone,

The 9th Annual Bioregional Congress is being held at EarthHaven from July
9-17, 2005.  Learn and celebrate with other co-creators of the new culture
of bioregional sustainability.  Leave with practical tools for local
self-reliance and effective self-governance to share with your bio-region.
If we are to aviod ecological and social collapse followed by a brutal
monoculture, we must become guardians of our life-places.

Cost of only $300 per adult includes vegan meals and campsite.  Lower cost
and scholarships available for children and special situations.  Earth Haven
is located outside of Ashville, North Carolina.  This is defiantely a kid
friendly event!  Bring your young'uns, and they will have a ball at the kids


this is an incredable event - please take a look at the wesite for more
details.  A brief list of speakers inclued:

Albert Bates - Intentiaonal Communities and Ecovillages
Don Bixby - Livestock Conservancy
Peter Bane - Premaculture Introduction
Greg Ramsey - Regional Planning
John Seed - Ecospirituality
Janell Kapoor - Natual Building
Rudy Ballentine - Radical Healing
Lee Barnes - Katuah History
Tad Montgomery - Peak Oil
Mollie Curry - Natural Building
Bea Briggs - Consensus Decision Making
Danielle Chynoweth- Indy Media

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