[Sdpg] "Cob 101": Earth, Art, and (one!) oven, Oregon

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Thu May 5 19:34:37 PDT 2005

COURSE OFFERINGS, as of May, 2005.Oregon 
For more info, please contact the course host (contact info/numbers below)

Basic earthen building and earth art (2 wkends), June 25/26 and August
27/28, Independence, Oregon
Sponsors/hosts: Claudia & David Prevost, Buena Vista House Café & Lodging.
Build a garden wall and outdoor fireplace, and learn about
decorative/sculptural work and finish plasters. Weekend 1: basic cob:
mixing, application, windows & openings, foundations. Weekend 2: finish
work, plasters, murals, sculpture. Preference to those signing up for both.
Lunch provided; accomodations available. Friday night slide presentation and
dinner separate. 
Registration/Information: Claudia & David Prevost, 503-838-6364.

Tools for earthen art & design. July 22-24.
Sponsor: The Cob Cottage Company. Fee includes meals and camping.
Learn simple, effective techniques for finishing all kinds of wall surfaces
and for making earthen art (sculpture, murals, pattern, etc.). Techniques
can be adapted to most situations. We will design and finish a simple
pattern mural, and review techniques and materials.
Registration/Information: Jack at the Cob Cottage Company, 541-942-2005.

Bread and Beauty: Ovens & Earthen art, Sept 17 & 18, S¹n OR.
Sponsor: The Siskiyou Field Institute
Day 1: build an earth oven at the Field Institute in Cave Junction.
Day 2: earthen sculpture and plasters at White Oak Farm in Williams Valley.
Slideshow on Sat. evening.
Registration/Information: Siskiyou Field Inst., POBox 2169, Cave Junction,
OR 97523, 541.592.3777, institute at thesfi.org, or register online.

Building with earth is as easy as mud pies, and dirt cheap! Perfect for
benches, garden walls, ovens, houses! The best material is the dirt under
your feet, and a few simple techniques make it surprisingly fast.

Sculptural qualities, color, and texture vary as much as soil and people.
Quick, simple decorative treatments make beauty affordable. Materials can be
applied inside and out, even on sheetrock, masonry, or plywood. And it¹s
work you can do with kids!

Courses are as physical as you choose; activity is hands-on, cooperative,
and enjoyable. Space is limited.

INSTRUCTION: Kiko Denzer is a builder and sculptor who has taught in the US,
Canada, Mexico and England. He built the structures pictured here, and wrote
Build Your Own Earth Oven, and Dig Your Hands in the Dirt: A Manual for
Making Art out of Earth (Hand Print Press). He is sometimes assisted by
Hannah Field, a massage therapist, organic gardener, and baker who
specializes in traditional sourdough breads. 541-438-4300.

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
sbpcnet at silcom.com

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to
grow." - Anonymous

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