[Sdpg] Workshops, Global Warming, News
Michael Pilarski
friendsofthetrees at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 16 13:41:24 PST 2005
This newsletter has 4 parts:
1) A short letter from Michael Pilarski.
2) List of internet sources about major threats to
western civilization.
3) Best websites for news and sustainability
4) Friends of the Trees 2005 gatherings,
conferences, and workshops. Check out our
awesome offerings this year!
What Will Happen in 2005 !?
Sorry for this long letter, but I believe the
importance of the information justifies its size.
The world is an amazing place in 2005. On the one
hand there is war, darkness, oppression, poverty, and
catastrophe. The list of potential disasters that
could befall the human race over the next 10 years is
a long list. Some of us have been expecting impending
disaster for the last 30 years. It hasn't happened to
us here in the US yet, but at this point it looks like
we will be lucky to get through the next 4 years
without major problems.
I remain an optimist and do believe in the power of
love and positive thought. I am also a realist and it
looks to me like every person and every local
community in the world should be building capabilities
to meet their needs locally. This includes local food
production, local energy production, and local
economic systems. Keeping love alive is so important
in these times. Love of yourself, family, friends,
humanity and the Earth.
On the positive side there are large numbers of people
around the world building ecologically-sustainable and
democratic, social structures. People's movements for
an ecological and freedom future are growing rapidly,
especially in the southern hemisphere. In the US,
farmer's markets, small organic farmers, and food
gardens are becoming more popular. Local organizations
are springing up like weeds after a wildfire. Natural
building, local materials, biodiesel, alternative
energy, fair trade, environmental groups, natural
healing, festivals, gatherings, progressive political
groups, etcetera. We can all do something to
I highly recommend that people investigate
permaculture if they are not already familiar with it.
One of the best ways to prepare for the future is to
take a permaculture design course. There are now
hundreds of permaculture courses offered around the
world each year. We still have room in the two-week
permaculture course I am teaching near Olympia,
Washington from February 20 to March 5. Details are in
the schedule part of this newsletter.
Whatever you do - love yourself & love others &
love the planet!
Live each day as if you would live forever . . . which
you will. Grow your gardens . . .Plant seeds and trees!
Help the earth be fruitful! Defend wildness in the
landscape and in human spirit . . .
Each day is a precious gift. We can have love in our
hearts even in the eye of the hurricane . . .
May 2005 be good to you!
Michael Pilarski
I've just been acquainted with a July 19, 2004 article
by Drunvalo Melchizedek titled "Dry/Ice: Global
Warming Revealed". I highly recommend all of you read
this article. It is reporting on some extremely
important climate change developments. The main points
1) Polar ice caps have been melting at
unprecedented levels. Larsen A and Larsen B ice
shelves in Antarctica have both broken off and melted
in the last 2 years and the immense Ross's Ice Shelf
is showing signs of breaking off. If it does so it
will raise ocean levels 15 to 20 feet worldwide.
2)The increase in fresh water input at the polar regions
is changing global ocean currents. The Gulf Stream has
been slowing down for the past 10 years, its upper
pattern is becoming irregular, and it may stop
altogether within 3 to 5 years. If the Gulf Stream
stops, northern Europe and northeastern USA will
become much colder. There would be at least a little
ice-age and possibly a major ice-age. Majorly serious
disturbances which would coincide with post-peak oil
disturbances. The article is backed up by reference to
some of the world's leading scientists and Pentagon
studies. To read this article google:
Go to the article list on the right hand side of the site.
Three other sources of information on this aspect of
global climate change:
This is a BBC special on global climate change and it
documents the real science used in making the film
"The Day After Tomorrow". They take this seriously in
the British Isles because their climate would be
similar to Alaska's if the Gulf Stream stopped.
This is a high level report prepared for world leaders
by the director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
This report has many references.
In November 2003 the sun sent out the strongest solar
flare and coronal mass ejection ever recorded. These
disrupted satellites, communication equipment and
electrical transmission systems. If the sun increased
emissions substantially it could bring much of
technology to a halt and alter the biosphere. There
are many other changes happening in the solar system
such as increased brightness of planets. The following
website has the longest list of recorded changes
happening in the solar system and a hypothesis why
this is happening. Many recent photos from all the
planets and many of their moons. Check it out.
click on Part 1 and Part 2.
Go to google and type in global economic collapse 2005
or US economic collapse 2005. It appears that many
financial experts are expecting an economic collapse
soon, possibly even in 2005. There are many reasons
including: impending oil peak, the huge US national
debt load, high indebtedness of US consumers, conflict
between the euro and the dollar, likely collapse of
the value of the US dollar, increasing interest rates,
etc. etc. An article on this is at:
There are also a number of financial articles at :
The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of
the American Dream is a recent film being shown around
the USA. In the film, a case is made that Peak Oil
happened in the United States in the early 1970's and
that Peak Oil for the whole world has just occurred
(2004) or soon will do so. Some of their predictions
for the USA in the era following Peak Oil are: a large
rise in gasoline and energy prices and reduced
availability. Recessions followed by a severe
depression, reduced availability of goods and lowered
standard of living. In the process many people will
look for someone to blame. Social and political
upheavals. Likely election of fascists/maniacs/military
strongmen to subdue domestic unrest and go into the
world militarily to keep supply lines open. Afghanistan
and Iraq are just the beginning of more US attacks on
oil countries. The roads and cars that keep the suburbs
connected to jobs, shopping, etc will become increasingly
difficult to maintain and the suburbs will have to be remodeled
around local economies or fall into dereliction.
Get a copy of The End of Suburbia. Organize a public
showing of it in your town, city or neighborhood. Use
it as a starting point for discussion. Acquaint people
with permaculture as one of the solutions.
I have a longer article on the global situation and
some solutions on my website:
Some of my favorite websites on
sustainability & social change
www.grain.org Biodiversity
www.attra.org Organic Agriculture
www.ileia.org Low External Input and Sustainable
www.iatp.org/iatp Institute for Agriculture and Trade
www.echonet.org christian sustainable agriculture
www.soilfoodweb.com soil testing/info
Intentional communities
Indigenous Peoples
www.ienearth.org Indigenous Environmental Network
Social Change
www.forumsocialmundial.orgbr/ world social forum
Alternate News Sources
Peak Oil
Alternate Transportation/Fuel
Friends of the Trees
Here is my 2005 workshop & gatherings schedule
Michael Pilarski will be teaching at all these events.
www.friendsofthetrees.net 360-927-1274
Permaculture Design Course:
Earth-Healing with Our Plant Allies
February 20 - March 5
Sahale Retreat Center near Olympia, Washington
Instructed by Michael Pilarski and Marisha Auerbach. A
two-week, intensive design course which will cover
permaculture curriculum as well as focusing on
strengthening our relationships with the plants for
ecosystem restoration. Tuition: $950. Call Marisha at
(360) 943-5262. For details and photos from our 2004
Sahale course go to: www.herbnwisdom.com
Fairy & Human Relations Congress
June 24-26 Hood River Valley, Oregon
A gathering of humans and fairies to improve relations
& assist each other in planetary healing. The 5th
annual congress organized by Friends of the Trees
Society. Presenters include Dorothy Mclean, David
Spangler, R.J. Stewart and dozens more. Admission fee
is $195 before June 1. After June 1st, $250. Students
$75. Teens $40. Children $25. For details on
presenters, schedules and photos from past congresses
check out: www.fairycongress.com
The 10th Anniversary! of our annual
Northwest Herbal Faire
August 19-21 Near Bellingham, Washington
Over 100 workshops at the 2004 Faire. For our 10th
anniversary we will be back at the River Farm. Keynote
presenters include 7-Song, R.J. Stewart and Dr. Bruce
Berkowsky. Lots of music and bands! For details and
advance tickets go to: www.nwherbalfaire.com
Inland Northwest Restoration Conference
October 28-30. Washington State University, Pullman
(or University of Idaho, Moscow). A conference on
native plant and habitat restoration in the Inland
Northwest - eastern Washington, eastern Oregon, Idaho,
Montana and Interior British Columbia. $75.
Events at
Friends of the Trees Herb Farm
Twisp, Methow Valley, N. Central Washington
509-997-9200 or 360-927-1274
Plant Sale
April 30, Saturday.
Trees, shrubs and medicinal herbs.
Weekend Workshops:
Wildcrafting & Growing Medicinal Plants
July 15-17
September 16-18
10:00 Friday till 4:00 Sunday. Camping. Hands-on
harvesting, processing and making products in the wild
and on the herb farm. $195.
Hands-on Herb Workshops
Medicinal farming, harvesting and processing. One day
per month. This gives people a chance to experience
what it takes to farm medicinal herbs throughout the
growing season. $25 per day.
April 6, Wednesday.
May 7. Saturday.
June 11, Saturday.
July 9, Saturday
August 6, Saturday.
September 10, Saturday.
October 1, Saturday.
One-day & Weekend Workshops
March 13. Sunday
Olympia. Earth-Healing: ecosystem restoration from
small-scale to large-scale. $40.
March 20. Sunday
Portland, Oregon. Ecosystem restoration with useful
native plants: medicinal, edible, fiber, etc. People's
Food Co-op. 1:00-5:30. $20
April 2. Saturday
Bellingham, Washington. Permaculture for Productive
Yards. Tour of an urban permaculture yard. $25
April 3. Sunday
Bellingham. A Permaculture Approach to Food Production
& Ecosystem Restoration: family, neighborhood and
county scales. $40
April 16-17. Saturday-Sunday
Hood River, Oregon. Permaculture Design for Small
Properties: Increasing Biological & Economic
Productivity. $100
April 23-24. Saturday-Sunday
Nahcotta, Southwest Washington. Permaculture Design
for Small Properties: Increasing Biological & Economic
Productivity. $100
July 23-24. Saturday-Sunday
Seattle. A Permaculture Approach to Food Production &
Ecosystem Restoration. $100
Workshops by David Holmgren.
A Special Opportunity! Holmgren, the co-originator of
permaculture, is visiting from Australia. Friends of
the Trees is coordinating his Washington tour and also
has details on his workshops in Oregon and California.
Holmgren's website is www.holmgren.com.au
August 18, Thursday. Day-long workshop.
Olympia. Permaculture Solutions for the World. $40
August 27-28. 2 day-long workshops in Twisp. $130/2
both days. $70/1-day.
Saturday - Permaculture Principles.
Sunday - Ecosystem Restoration.
August 30-September 1. 3-day Advanced Course. Seattle.
Permaculture Design Theory and Principles. $175
$$ About workshop prices $$
We feel the prices for Friends of the Trees' events
are reasonable. However, we have always tried to
accomodate people who cannot afford full price. We
offer work trade, barter, or time payments. We offer
couple and group discounts. Sometimes we offer
partial scholarships (occasionally full scholarships).
If you want to attend one of our events but cannot
afford full price, call to discuss possible
I hope to see you at one or more of these events.
May the Forests Be With You,
Michael Pilarski
Friends of the Trees Society
PO Box 4469, Bellingham, WA 98227
(360) 927-1274
friendsofthetrees at yahoo.com
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