[Sdpg] S C Permaculture Guild Jan/Feb 2005 Newsletter

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Mon Jan 3 09:08:58 PST 2005

Ongoing Permaculture Discussion Group/to Cover Permaculture Principles and 
Practices in Santa Barbara CA
Meeting 2nd Thursday of the month at members houses most months
This will be an interactive meeting showing video covering many parts of a 
lecture series on Permaculture Design by Bill Mollison one of the founders 
of Permaculture, audio tapes, other Permaculture Videos, slides and 
discussion each month.
For more info and directions and location contact Margie Bushman 
805-962-2571 or sbpcnet at silcom.com, www.sbpermaculture.org

JANUARY 8 Sat , FROM 10 AM - 4 PM CITY REPAIR LA Ecovillage
A the Intersection of Bimini and White House Place in L.A. Eco-Village
We'll be finishing what we started when we got rained out on December 
5.Wear old clothes and shoes, bring food to share. We'll be making music, 
fun and change in L.A. The street will be closed off. If it rains, event is 
If you'd like to subscribe to the new City Repair LA listserve, go 
to  http://lists,riseup.net/www/info/cityrepairla
L.A. Eco-Village  117 Bimini Place Los Angeles 90004 Lois Arkin 
crsp at igc.org 213/738-1254
ROADTRIP from Santa Barbara contact Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 
805-064-1555 for Carpooling Down to LA.

El Bolsón, Patagonia, Argentina
A certification program in Permaculture principles & design, intensive 
hands-on practice, personal, group, & public projects, natural building, 
community life, direct access to a network of specialists, and one-on-one 
internship opportunities.
Kleiwerks · c/o 57 Clearwater Drive · Willingboro · NJ · 08046 Janell 
Kapoor <info at kleiwerks.com> www.kleiwerks.com

January 9 - 21, 2005 Cob and Natural Building in Zipolite, Mexico
Cost: $1,250. Participant tuition allows us to pay for building materials 
and hire local workers.
Contact (541) 899-3751 http://www.housealive.org/mexicoflier.htm

January 14 to January 31 2005 Permaculture Design Course Punta Mona Costa Rica
Contact egreensun at ecomail.org or info at puntamon.org for more info on cost, 
dates and registration.

starting January 15th, 2005
This year-long Advanced Permaculture Training offers a new model of 
ecological education and training that creates multi-disciplinary 
practitioners skilled in the art and science of regenerative design as well 
as construction practices.
Penny Livingston-Stark & James Stark info at permacultureinstitute.com (415) 
663-9090 www.permacultureinstitute.com

<http://www.treegroup.info/> . $150, pre-registration required. Fri,  7:30 
pm .Sat.,10 am - 5 pm ,Sun.,10 am - 5 pm
L.A. Eco-Village  117 Bimini Place Los Angeles 90004 Lois Arkin 
crsp at igc.org 213/738-1254

January 21, 2005 - February 1 Porto Alegre Brazil : World Social Forum 
2005- Another World is Possible
  Independent, radical and highly successful in keeping important issues on 
the world's political agenda - issues which many powerful people would 
prefer to see either forgotten about or, at best, addressed by technocrats 
and tame NGOs - the WSF has now flourished for four years. 

Jan 27-Feb 12 Permaculture Advanced Course Island of Hawaii
Cost $1500  Douglas & Sam Bullock, Lonnie Gamble, Jenny Pell, Charles 
Knoles,Liddy Arens
Contact Jenny Pell  jennyeverywhere at yahoo.com, or Liddy Arens 
libbyarens at yahoo.com 636 284-0073  www.permacultureportal.com,www.solarfarm.com

February 1,-Mar 1 Permaculture Design Certificate course Ecoversity Sante 
Fe New Mexico
Cost: $890 Two-week intensive training in applied system of 
ecological/sustainable design methodology
EcoVersity 2639 Agua Fria St Santa Fe, NM 87505 http://www.ecoversity.org 
info at ecoversity.org

Renewable Energy Education for a Sustainable Future
Intro to Renewables - Hawaii, Feb. 5 ,PV Design & Installation - Hawaii, 
February 7 - 12
Homebuilt Wind Generators - Costa Rica, Feb 21 - 26 ,RE for the Developing 
World - Hands On - Costa Rica, March 7 - 12
SEI PO Box 715 " 76 S. 2nd. St. " Carbondale, CO 81623 970-963-8855 " fax: 

February 4-14& March 4-14, 2005 NATURAL BUILDING & SUSTAINABLE 
LIVING:Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand (at Ban Mea Jo)
In support of Pun Pun Sustainable LearningCenter & Seed-Saving Community.
Janell Kapoor <info at kleiwerks.com> www.kleiwerks.com

Jenny Pell: jennyeverywhere at yahoo.com www.silentdust.com 

Permaculture Design Course Tucson, AZ  $650, with Dan Dorsey and Brad Lancaster
February 19th and 20th, February 26th and 27th, March 12th and 13th, and 
March 26th and 27th
Dan Dorsey, (520) 624-8030 or dorsey at dakotacom.net

February 20 - March 5 Permaculture Design Course: Earth Healing with Our 
Plant Allies,Sahale Retreat Center, near Olympia, WA
Michael Pilarski (Friends of the Trees Society) and Marisha Auerbach (Queen 
Bee Flower and Gem Essences, Herb'n Wisdom)
Course $950,includes housing, food, instruction, and instructional 
material.$250 deposit holds your place ($100 non-refundable).
Marisha Auerbach 6420 Shawn Dr. SW Olympia, WA 98512 (360) 943-5262 
queenbee at herbnwisdom.com
www.herbnwisdom.com ,www.friendsofthetrees.net

Feb 21-April 15 Fruit Trees For Schools Tour San Diego-Eureka CA
By getting students and their teachers in touch with the Earth by planting 
fruit trees we create a catalyst to transform the schools in California 
into physical models of sustainability. Fruit trees begin to help transform 
social paradigm of scarcity to abundance.
Contact Blair Philips stillwater at commonvision.org, Deanna 
Moore  jodi at commonvision.org http://www.commonvision.org/

March 4-18, Permaculture Design Certificate Course Otamatea Eco-village, 
Kaiwaka, New Zealand
Lynne: lynne at otamatea.org.nz www.otamatea.org.nz

March 13th to 26th Permaculture Design Course  at Ecoforest Caña Dulce 
(Malaga) Spain 500 eoros
Email Steve at true_charter at yahoo.co.uk , Ecoforest, Apdo 29, Coin 29100, 
(Malaga), Spain. www.ecoforest.org

Los Angeles Eco-Home
EcoUrbanism and the Future of Sustainability Natural Building * Green Home 
& Garden Design * Green Business * newEcology * Practicing Democracy * 
EcoVillage Community
PART ONE March 5-6 and March 12-13, PART TWO April 2-3 and April 9-10, PART 
THREE May 7-8 and 14-15
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: David Silverstone at (323)465-7653 or email 
David at GreeningPlanet

7th International Permaculture Conference/Convergence 2005 Slovenia in 2005..
PERMACULTURE INSTITUTE of EUROPE Istedgade 79 - 1650 København V - Denmark
Tlf: +45 3331 5694 - Fax: +45 3325 7179 - Email: vestergror at dk-online.dk
www.Permaculture-Europe.org - www.IPC7.org


David Holmgren co-originator of Permaculture www.holmgren.com.au/ will be 
in Santa Barbara , Northern CA ,Oregon and Washington starting Aug 1, 2005 
More details of Workshops and Lectures will be on Santa Barbara 
Permaculture Network www.sbpermaculture.org soon


Tuesday Aug 2,Program in Santa Barbara with Fund raiser for Permaculture 
Credit Union in evening 7pm location to be announced
Wed Aug 3 Santa Barbara Booksigning etc
Contact Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com, 
www.sbpermaculture.org 805-962-2571

Aug 6,7,8,9 Northern Ca Workshop setting up location at IONS details still 
be arrange
Contact Permaculture Institute of Northern California 
www.permacultureinstitute.com info at permacultureinstitute.com
(415) 663-9090

David Holmgren in Washing State co-oridinated by Friends of the Trees 
Details Below

Aug 18 Thurs  Day Long Workshop,Permaculture Solutions for the World $40 
Olympia WA
Aug 27-28 Two Day Workshop at Twisp with David Holmgren
$130 both days , $70 one day Aug 27 Permaculture Principles Aug 28 
ECosystem Restoration
Aug 30-Sept 1 3 day Advanced Course Permaculture Design Theory and 
Principles Seattle @175
Contact for Washington and Oregon Friends of the Trees 
friendsofthetrees at yahoo.com www.friendsoftrees.net 360-927-1274

Permaculture Activist Magazine North America Articles Needed
Issue #56 Tree Crops Deadline March 1, 2005 ,Issue #57 Twentieth 
Anniversary Issue Deadline June 1
Issue #58 Urban Permaculture Deadline September 1
Peter Bane 828-669-6336 pcactivist at mindspring.com PO Box 1209, Black 
Mountain, NC 28711.www.permacultureactivist.net

American Rainwater Catchment  Systems Association
To promote rainwater catchment systems in the United States 

2005 Organic Resource Guide for Santa Barbara County
This guide is brought to you by Pesticide Awareness and Alternative 
Coalition (PAAC), a tax-exempt, not-for-profit organization dedicated to 
providing education, advocacy, and public policy participation to 
substantially reduce public health risks posed by pesticide exposure. We 
are particularly concerned with the issue as it relates to children, who 
are disproportionately at risk.
NOTE: All orders, payments and ad files (in JPEG or EPS formats only) must 
be in by February 15, 2005.
To request ad space go to: www.organicfestival.com or contact DeAnn Bauer 
at deannbauer at yahoo.com or 805-682-4497

Continental Congress Convenes in the Blue Ridge North Carolina July 9-17 
for the 9th Bioregional Congress

Eco-activists and cultural visionaries from all over the continent will 
gather in the Katúah Province of North Carolina July 9-17 for the 9th 
Bioregional Congress of the northern Americas. Committed to transforming 
the human relation to nature toward greater justice, harmony, and fullness 
of life, over 250 scientists, artists, farmers, government officials, 
business leaders, clergy, and students from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico 
are expected to converge on Earthaven Ecovillage near Black Mountain.

Since the first Congress in 1984, hundreds of creative talents, veteran 
social change agents, and earnest environmentalists have been pioneering 
lifeways and cultural technologies to restore the earth and champion local 
communities. Tapping deep wellsprings in the human heart, the body of 
knowledge developed collectively and held by the Congresses is now 
formidable: The Bioregional palette includes powerful tools for deepening 
democracy, re-invigorating local economies and communities, nurturing 
wildness in the land, and expressing the noblest passions of our common 
life. The special focus of this event will be to create an integrated 
"tool-kit" with which local bioregional organizers may galvanize their 
home-places toward social and ecological regeneration.

The Congress will be hosted by Earthaven Ecovillage, a ten-year-old 
intentional community and one of the first permaculture designed villages 
in North America. This will be the first time a Congress has been held in 
the Southeast. Previous congresses in Missouri, Michigan, British Columbia, 
Maine, south Texas, Kentucky, central Mexico, and most recently in the 
Flint Hills of Kansas have distinguished themselves in creating "Ceremonial 
Village," a lively holographic enactment of new, deeply wild, ecological 
culture. In choosing Earthaven as the site for CBC-IX, the organizers 
selected a setting that already embodies many of these characteristics, and 
promises to provide one of the most advanced platforms yet encountered by 
the movement. Located off-grid in a once-abandoned farming valley southeast 
of Asheville, Earthaven is famous for its many excellent examples of 
natural building as well as demonstrations of biological waste treatment, 
sustainable forestry, cooperative local business, renewable energy, and 
organic food polyculture.

Congress delegates are expected to swell the ranks of Earthaven's residents 
to near its ultimate projected population, and will give visitors and hosts 
alike the feel and flavor of a rich, eco-savvy 21st-century village life. 
High functions of plenary Council, small groups and large circles, 
eco-theater, dancing, puppetry and creek-splashing, a village school, a 
daily newspaper, and common meals will structure the Congress days and 
nights. Experienced activists will also offer workshops on permaculture 
design, ecovillage and community living, consensus decision-making, 
alternative currency systems, city repair, ecological restoration, 
community health, peak oil, mapping for local empowerment, natural 
building, media and politics, regional foodsheds, and more.

For information visit www.biocongress2005.org or write CBC-9, Earthaven 
Ecovillage, 1025 Camp Elliott Rd., Black Mountain, NC 28711 USA.

Loans immediately available to members from any state

Join the only Credit Union that is based on Permaculture Principles and 
Ethics. Signature loans for amounts up to $5,000 at competitive rates and 
shared-secured loans at even cheaper rates up to $100,000 are available 
immediately to members. Anyone who has taken a Permaculture course, is a 
member of an affiliated Permaculture Institute, or believes in the 
Permaculture ethics is eligible to become a member for $5 membership fee 
plus a $50 share deposit.
Teachers/Organizers we can help you by offering credit-worthy students the 
ability to borrow money to pay for Permaculture courses. Contact the PCU to 
inquire about these and other loan programs.
. Also the PCU is making loans on mortgages, rainwater catchment, home 
energy efficiency systems, solar heating and electricity systems, 
landscape, and car loans. We offer a 0.75 % discount on loans for earth 
friendly projects and Earth friendly car discounts: two types are 
available, .75% for vehicles with 35mpg or higher average and 1.5% for 
vehicles with 45mpg or higher average(which is usually the hybrid cars).
Please call us at 505 954 3479, toll free 1-866-954-3479 or FAX 505 424 
1624. Visit us online at www.pcuonline.org, email perma at pcuonline.org, or 
write to us.
Permaculture Credit Union
4250 Cerrillos Road
PO Box 29300
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87592-9300

.LISTSERVES of South Coast Permaculture Guild of Southern CA

To get Up to Date Permaculture Ongoing Announcements for courses , events 
and posting of articles of interest try subscribing to our local 
Permaculture Listserves ccpg serves San Lois Obispo ,scpg serves Santa 
Barbara down and including Los Angeles, and sdpg serves San Diego area. 
Below are the instructions how to sign up
thanks to John Howe for setting them up
this works the same for each separate list:
central coast list(ccpg at arashi.com), south coast(scpg at arashi.com), and the 
san diego
list (sdpg at arashi.com)

TO SUBSCRIBE to this mailing listserve

Basically, the info is more web based now so log on the each website you 
want to subscribe to
South Coast Permaculture Ca Guild subscription
SanDiego Permaculture G subsciption
CentralCoast Ca Permaculture G subscription

REMINDER ONCE you are signed onto one or all of the listserves type in 
sdpg at arashi.com or ccpg at arashi.com, or scpg at arashi.com to post a message to 
the listserve

South Coast Permaculture Guild Contacts and other Organizations of Interest.
South Coast Permaculture Guild Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 
805-962-2571 www.sbpermaculture.org
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network: Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 
Ojai Permaculture Guild: Dave White david at ojaicra.org 805-646-9809
Central Coast Permaculture Guild: Rob Kimmel zigge at kcbx.net 805-438-5745 
San Luis Obispo
San Diego Permaculture Center: San Diego Economic Conversion Council 
sdecc at igc.org (619) 255-6111
Santa Cruz Permaculture Vince Pastori 831/763-3848 permasc at sasquatch.com
Cal Poly Student Farm in SLO:The SARC (Sustainable Ag Resource Center) 
Hunter Francis wfrancis at calpoly.edu San Luis Obispo
Path to Freedom ,Pasadena Ms. Anais Dervaes dervaes at pathtofreedom.com
LA Permaculture Guild Joan 323-630-4673 joaniebird007 at yahoo.com Camille 
camicimino at yahoo.com
Southern East Sierra: Tom Drummond 760-377-5011 Ridgecrest
Pc Institute of Southern Cal: Bill Roley DrRoley at aol.com 949-494-5843 
Laguna Beach
Santoyo&Associates santoyo at earthflow.com 800-469-5857 www.earthflow.com
Permaculture Institute of Northern California 
info at permacultureinstitute.com 415-663-9090
Permaculture Activist Magazine Website <http://www.permacultureactivist.net>
Permacultura http://www.tortuga.com/permacultura/
PERMACULTURE CREDIT UNION http://www.pcuonline.org

More information about the San-Diego-Permaculture mailing list