[Sdpg] Permaculture latinamerican course NEEDS HELP

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Nov 30 23:30:01 PST 2004

Permaculture latinamerican course NEEDS HELP

I write as a member of a network of 17 learning centres -Mexico, Guatemala,
Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Brazil, Peru, Argentina.  Each centre
deals with specific problems to their areas, but the emphasis is on
developing food security through the promotion of family agriculture and
alternative technology.  Two centres in this group incorporate permaculture
into their work, but it is still an unknown discipline to most of the

During our last meeting which took place at CIAT in Cali, the Kellogg
Foundation´s programme director agreed to fund a permaculture course for
representatives of all 17 learning centres in order to incorporate
permaculture into the centre´s designs and hopefully so as part of their
curriculum offer.  The course should be held in a Latinamerican country to
where all participants will travel, and it should be taught in Spanish.

I am responsible for drafing the proposal to be presented to the foundation.
I am proposing to establish a contract with an organisation that operates a
permaculture project with the following characteristics:

1. A site that allows us to verify the real benefits of the implementation
of permaculture in its own grounds and at neighbouring households because of
the influence of the project.
2. Capacity to house and feed a group of 20-40 people in shared
accommodation of up to 4 people per room, safely and with certain comfort,
with at least two individual rooms.
3. Good teaching infrastructure, a good classroom.
4. Regular internet access and access to medical treatment in case of
5. Staff that has the capacity to coordinate the logistics of the event from
arrival at the airport to departure, field visits, medical insurance, and
unexpected events.
6. An instructor who is proficient in Spanish, with vast experience and
teaching skills.  This is most important.

The date will be established once the proposal is accepted, but it should
take place sometime in the second half of 2005.

If you are interested and can provide this service, please reply with a
description of your organisation, infrastructure, and services.  I will
reply promptly.

Many thanks,
César López Negrete
César López Negrete Baptista <cesar at pacificos.org>

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