[Sdpg] Peace Through Permaculture by Heather Coburn, April 2004

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed Sep 29 05:16:31 PDT 2004

Food Not Lawns

Peace Through Permaculture 
Peace through Permaculture

by Heather Coburn, April 2004.

"I teach self-reliance, the world's most subversive practice. I teach 
people how to grow their own food, which is shockingly subversive. Yes, 
it's seditious. But it's peaceful sedition."

- Bill Mollison[i]

Imagine a world with no war, no crime, no pollution, no terrorism, and no 
hunger. Imagine a society where people share skills, land, and lives toward 
the benefit of all, and for the harm of none. Imagine that everyone you 
know has job they love, a home and lush organic garden that they are proud 
of, a community they trust, and bodies that are strong, healthy, and filled 
with vitality.

Is this vision of global peace and Edenic splendor a childish fantasy, or 
does it just seem that way in the dirty, dangerous reality we live in? How 
can we create a pure, healthy, sustainable life for ourselves and for our 
society when around every corner there is a new obstacle? Is it possible?

Many people want to change the world, change their lives, and change the 
future for their children. Most of us have jobs doing things we would not 
be doing, if it were not for the money. Some of us are lucky enough to make 
a living at what we love, but still lack the time, energy, or resources to 
create the ideal world we would prefer to engage in. Countless others lack 
either jobs or resources, and struggle every day just to survive in 
impoverished, unhealthy, and/or abusive situations. Despair is an emotion 
we can all relate to, and disempowerment is the cage we live in.

However, even in these grimmest of times, I believe that peace is possible, 
and I believe it is intrinsically linked with individual choices, 
environmental stewardship, and intentional, proactive change. Ultimately 
the question we should ask is, "how can we live, together, on this planet, 
in perpetuity?" Someone once told me that the knowledge of how to thrive on 
the land is free and available to anyone who would put his or her hands 
into the soil. This means that we each have within us the natural instincts 
to thrive as a species, within the life-web on earth. However, in this 
modern age of fast paced electronic consumerism and dominant global 
violence, many people have lost touch with their natural instincts. 
Luckily, there is another option: Permaculture.

Permaculture, the design system developed by Bill Mollison and others in 
the early 1970's, is a way for people who have forgotten their instincts to 
move toward the peace on earth that is our birthright and our destiny. 
Permaculture combines practical, systematic design, ancient instinctual 
practices, and good ol' common sense, toward more sustainable, ecologically 
thriving human settlements.

What is Peace?

Before we go deeper into how permaculture provides an action plan for 
peace, we should define peace itself. Lately the people who control the 
governments and resources of the world are often heard to speak of peace. 
But which, if any, of their actions are peaceful? The reality is, the 
United States government has bombed twenty different countries in the last 
fifty years[ii], so it would seem that peace is not actually their goal. It 
is all strangely reminiscent of the "newspeak" in George Orwell's 1984: 
"War is Peace." These so-called leaders would have us believe that rampant 
aggression and environmental devastation will lead us to a peaceful future, 
but if we step back for a moment, and logically consider the law of cause 
and effect, it is plain to see that this is just not true. War is not 
peace. Oppression of others will not bring freedom to ourselves. They tell 
us these things again and again, in hopes that we will believe, but I will 
not believe, and neither should you. Black is not white, and rampant greed, 
fear, and aggression should not be mistaken for visionary leadership or 
hope for the future.

It is easy to understand why so many people do not believe that there is a 
way to live peacefully. Historically, there are few tangible examples of 
peace. In the words of Harvard Anthropologist Steven Le Blanc, 
"Anthropologists have looked for peaceful societies much like Diogenes 
looked for an honest man.[iii]" Without much success. So how do we truly 
know what it is? The word, peace, comes from the latin root, pacisi, which 
means "to agree." Webster's Dictionary defines peace as follows:

1: A state of tranquility or quiet: as a) freedom from civil disturbance, 
b) a state of security or order within a community, provided for by law or 
custom. 2: Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. 3: 
Harmony in personal relations 4: a) a state or period of mutual concord 
between nations b) a pact or agreement to end hostility between those who 
have been at war or in a state of enmity. 5: Used interjectionally to ask 
for silence or calm, or as a greeting or farewell.[iv]

While each of us has some experience with short periods of personal or 
political harmony, it is difficult to attach more than fleeting examples to 
these definitions. I agree that a peaceful world would be tranquil and free 
from war and hostility. But what about order? Is peace synonymous with 
order? I think not. The opposite of peace is war; the opposite of order is 
chaos. While one would certainly find chaos in war, there are many examples 
of natural chaos that are not warlike or even necessarily violent. Consider 
the seemingly chaotic natural array of plants in a jungle, or the clamor of 
a kindergarten classroom. Chaos and order are natural cycles on the earth; 
peace and war are choices made by humanity. So let us choose peace, and 
begin from there.

Further, the dictionary definition says little about the deep personal 
transformation that peace requires. If we want to live in a peaceful 
culture, we must be peaceful people. We must create lives and communities 
that embrace this peaceful ethic. In order to do this, we must be able to 
meet our own needs without exploiting others. Most wars are the result of a 
perceived need for more resources; most violence is the result of an 
individual's personal despair over their own situation. Beyond meeting 
basic needs such as food, shelter and health care, what are the other 
elements of peace? What do we as individuals need to live peacefully, and 
how does the world need to change in order to embrace a global policy of 
impervious peace? Because we lack concrete examples, we must create a 
vision of peace from our own desires and intuition. Let's go back to the 
childish fantasy. Security, purity, relaxation, trust, health, sharing, 
abundance, creativity: These are some of the elements of a peaceful world. 
Because the prevalent elements in our current society are just the opposite 
of the above, (danger, pollution, stress, dishonesty, sickness, scarcity, 
and repression), it is clear that we need to invoke major changes, if we 
are to achieve peace.

In addition, the rampant environmental devastation caused by 
overconsumptive, underconcerned international trade practices greatly 
contributes to the degeneration of our chances for a peaceful future. Often 
there is a great separation of thinking between political peace studies and 
environmental issues, but they are undeniably connected: We must conserve 
and regenerate the natural world if we are to survive, and one of the 
fastest ways to devastate the natural landscape and wipe out irreplaceable 
natural resources is through war. In his Permaculture Designer's Manual, 
Bill Mollison writes, "the sad reality is that we are in danger of 
perishing from our own stupidity and lack of personal responsibility to 
life. If we become extinct because of factors beyond our control, then we 
can at least die with pride in ourselves, but to create a mess in which we 
perish by our own inaction makes nonsense of our claim to consciousness and 

For millennia, peace has eluded humanity, and perhaps this is because 
humanity has actually been eluding peace. There always seems to be just one 
more reason to fight just one more war, just one more evil to overcome, 
before we can achieve peace at last. Humanity is like a junkie, making 
excuses for itself, to avoid kicking a very bad habit. In permaculture, we 
reject these rationalizations, and choose to end the cycle of violence. We 
reject any and all reasons for war, for pollution, for oppression, and we 
vow to stop fighting and start the nonviolent creation of the world we want 
to live in, today.

What is Permaculture?

In permaculture, relaxation, tranquility, sharing and abundance are the 
primary tactics, and meeting our own needs without exploiting others is the 
primary goal. Gone is the emphasis on brute force, material growth and 
political power; these things are replaced by thoughtful design, natural 
wealth and personal growth. In other words, a successful permaculture looks 
very much indeed like that seemingly unattainable vision of peace on Earth. 
There are over a hundred small, developing examples all over the world, and 
these may be the first models of peace that society has seen for a long, 
long time.

Permaculture is most simply defined as a design system for sustainable 
living, but it is far beyond that. Permaculture is a personal 
transformation that results in the creation of safe, beautiful, 
non-polluting systems that simultaneously provide for our needs and 
regenerate the natural resources from which we take to survive. This 
transformation has exponential effects on the land and the people, and has 
the potential to lead to a global culture of aware, responsible, peaceful 

In the late 1970's, Australian scientist Bill Mollison coined the term 
permaculture. He said it was a combination of permanent and agriculture, 
and used the term to describe a set of principles and techniques for the 
design and implementation of sustainable human settlements. These 
settlements would include homes, gardens, schools, industry, shared 
community resources, and be based on a common set of ethics. They would 
have the ultimate goal of providing for their own needs on a perpetual 
basis, therefore reducing (or eliminating) both pollution and consumption 
of natural resources.

Over the next thirty years, and in collaboration with other great minds 
like David Holmgren and Graham Bell, Mollison wrote several more excellent 
books, and initiated an exponential learning network of people around the 
world, learning, teaching, and practicing permaculture. Today, permaculture 
has come to mean so much more than either "permanent" or "agriculture" ever 
did. To millions of people across the planet, permaculture is a way of 
life: A way of thinking and acting toward a more ecological, more 
sustainable lifestyle for ourselves, and toward a brighter future for everyone.

Permaculture is not just about the elements of a system, it is about the 
flow between those elements. You can have solar power, an organic garden, 
an electric car, and a straw bale house and still not live in a 
permaculture. A project only becomes a permaculture when special attention 
is paid to the relationships between each element, between the functions of 
those elements, and between the people who work within the system.

             Author Graham Bell defines Permaculture as "a way of arranging 
your life to be happy and abundant. You can meet your own needs without 
making anyone else's life less pleasant. Human habitats can be made highly 
productive with much less work than is taken to make them destructive under 
present systems. By making conscious decisions in designing our lives we 
can manage our resources well, reducing wastage.[vi]"

It is extremely important to emphasize that, while permaculture is an 
excellent word and does refer to a specific set of learned principles and 
applications, it truly is a culmination of ancient tribal practices and 
modern critical thought. I've often heard permaculture students say, "Well, 
it's just common sense! What's the mystery?" No mystery, just careful 
planning and a good attitude. Yes, many of the ideas in permaculture are 
common sense, but they are not common practice. Why not? Perhaps because 
people do not know where to begin. Permaculture provides the starting 
point, and continues with a specific checklist of design principles, to 
help us along when our instincts fail. In short, permaculture is a 
systematic way to make life easier, more fulfilling, more ecologically 
sustainable, and ultimately, more peaceful.

             Permaculture stems from a triad of ethics: First, care for the 
Earth, because the Earth sustains our lives. Second, care for the people, 
because we are people, and because the people are the primary cause of 
damage to the Earth. Third, reinvest all resources toward the first two 
ethics, because surplus means pollution and recycling means survival. The 
overreaching ethical decision is to take responsibility for ourselves and 
for our children. If you examine your most cherished personal ethics, you 
may find that they can easily fit into those listed above. If your current 
ethical standpoint does not embrace these ideals, then permaculture asks 
you to change. Personal change is a terrifying thing to most people, but if 
we want to change the world, we may have to change ourselves. Permaculture 
is not about being perfect, it is about striving for balance. It is easy to 
get discouraged and become apathetic, but if we are to reduce our impact, 
improve our health and reverse our ecological situation, then we must make 
some intrinsic changes in how we live. We might not have to change 
everything, but if we change nothing, well, nothing changes!

The application of these ethical choices is made easier by the permaculture 
principles, a checklist of catch-phrases to ensure the intentionality and 
ecological integrity of a system. In every book or course on permaculture, 
you will encounter a similar set of principles. Based on scientific 
research, trial and error, and natural law, these may be anywhere from six 
to seventeen in number, and tend to overlap into one another. For the 
purpose of this essay, I will provide a brief interpretation of each 
principle. As you read them, try to imagine how each can be applied toward 
the development of a more peaceful, truly sustainable society.

Permaculture Principles

1. Increase the sum of yields.

This means two things: First, you need to obtain a yield. You should get 
something from your work. As they say, you cannot work on an empty stomach, 
and unless your project provides some sort of physical or emotional return, 
you will likely lose interest rather quickly. This interaction with and 
enjoyment of the fruits of your labor is essential to keep you motivated, 
and to validate your work. Second, to increase the sum of yield means to 
diversify and multiply the types of yields you get. For example, a 
vegetable garden will most likely provide vegetables, but it could also 
provide flowers, compost materials, and educational opportunities. Try to 
get as much as you can from each stage of each element in your project as 
possible, without degrading the ethics of that project.

2. Prolonged and Thoughtful Observation is Better Than Protracted and 
Thoughtless Action. This is like the old carpenter's law, "measure twice, 
cut once." Take your time making decisions, and always be willing to 
change. Observation is at the very heart of permaculture, and is the key to 
finding and cooperating with nature's patterns and cycles. Every design 
should be site specific, and should embrace both the strengths and 
weaknesses of that site. Learn to read the land. Become a good listener. 
Attune yourself to the cycles of nature. Lay on the ground and look at the 
world around you. What do you see? How do you want to change it? What is 
the most effective and most sustainable way to proceed? Take your time, 
look before you leap, and try to avoid irreparable errors.

3. Work with Nature, Not Against It

A house built to close to a river will eventually end up in the river. It 
is easier to build the house further away than to rebuild it later. The 
power of nature is far greater than the strength of any structure; so why 
not make it easy on yourself? Natural cycles can be observed, mimicked, and 
cooperated with, rather than competed with. While we do find many examples 
of competition in nature, we also find countless displays of nonviolent 
cooperation. In permaculture we choose to favor cooperation, and try to 
take care of our needs in a way that makes competition unnecessary. This 
also refers to working with our own emotional and physical patterns and 
cycles: We must learn to challenge ourselves while still respecting our 
personal limits and boundaries. Workaholism is unhealthy, and in a good 
design, unnecessary.

             Like the rest of these principles, working with (and not 
against) nature encompasses every aspect of our lives. Much of what we do 
every day is against nature, and changing the dominant paradigm does not 
happen overnight. However, we can move in leaps and bounds if we make every 
effort to minimize toxic waste and use appropriate technologies for heat, 
electricity, and transportation.

4. Catch and Recycle Energy and Materials

The seven R's of cycling are: Rethink, Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, 
Refuse, Recycle. If every element of a system or society was subject to 
these rigorous processes, we would greatly reduce the waste and consumption 
that causes such widespread pollution and environmental degradation. Each 
time a resource is lost, it must be replaced, hopefully by an even more 
efficiently used and carefully conserved one. In addition, distribution of 
surplus is an extremely important piece of the puzzle: Unused surplus can 
become pollution, and by finding uses for our surplus we create more yields 
for the whole system. As they say, "One persons trash is another's 
treasure." Or "Waste not, want not." This principle also calls for the 
recirculation of knowledge: I teach ten people, they each teach ten more, 
and so on. In this way, we can exponentially share useful skills and 
information, and incite new projects everywhere we go.

5.  Place elements in a location relative to the needs and functions of 
that element.

  This is as simple as putting a bar of soap next to the handwashing sink, 
but extends to all aspects of our lives. If you spend an extra fifteen 
minutes each day going out of your way to look for something, you are 
wasting almost four days a year that you could use for a vacation or 
creative project instead. The reality is, most of us waste much more time 
than that; time that could be easily saved by just moving things around a 
bit. This principle not only implies "a place for everything and everything 
in it's place," it also requires that each of those places be relevant to 
the function of what is in it. We should choose the location of each and 
every object, according to the multiple functions ofthat object. Hence, the 
keys by the door, the tools by the garden, and the basil next to the 
garlic, if you're a pesto lover. These relative locations will have 
everything to do with the specific and individual needs and routines of the 
people involved.

             Permaculture uses a simple technique called zone and sector 
analysis to help with the placement of objects in a system. Zones are 
patterns of human use, numbered zero through six. Zone zero is the 
designer, one is the home, two the garden, three the field crops, four the 
orchard, five the wilderness, and six is the community. Some urban systems 
seem to lack zones three, four, and five, but in a whole system design all 
zones must be present. Sectors are wild influences such as sun, wind, fire, 
moisture, and wildlife habitats. Based on the goals of your system, you can 
predetermine the patterns of use and place elements in the zone and sector 
that is most appropriate.

6.  Everything Gardens.

Even the smallest insect has an essential job in the system. All creatures 
work, all plants have a purpose, and beneath every city there are hundreds 
of tons of bacteria, working all through the year to create and repair 
life.  If we pay attention to even the tiniest details, they will provide 
opportunities for exponential improvements. Conversely, if we overlook the 
negative impact of a particular element, then it may "garden" in a way that 
inhibits or damages the whole. This is about developing our sensitivity to 
recognize the function and worth of as many details as possible.

7.  Many hands make light work.

This is a time tested and multifaceted principle, applied in several ways. 
First and second, make sure that each element performs multiple functions, 
and that each function is supported by multiple elements. For example, a 
small pond (element) provides beauty, water storage, and habitat 
(functions); conversely, all of the above listed functions are also 
provided for by other elements, such as flowers for beauty, tanks for water 
storage, and trees for habitat. In other words, don't put all of your eggs 
in one basket, and beyond that, don't use all of your baskets for eggs. 
This principle includes techniques such as multitasking, plant stacking, 
and time stacking. If we cover our bases and diversify our resources, we 
will have a greater chance of establishing a self-perpetuating system.

Next, work with other people. No single human being can create a world of 
peace. Just like it takes more than one person to move a piano, it takes a 
community to build a permaculture. Learn to work efficiently with others 
and the tasks at hand become much less daunting. We will go deeper into how 
to work well with others in the next chapter.

  8. Make the least change for the greatest effect.

Start small and work outward. It is better to have a small, functional 
system than a large, dysfunctional one. Localize your needs, simplify your 
desires, and look for the solution that will require the least amount of 
energy. Remember, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. If we can 
carefully think about each small adjustment, and do only the work that is 
absolutely necessary to improve the integrity of our system, we will have 
more time to relax, and will be better designers and more functional 
members of society. Sometimes an aspect of a design needs only a small 
adjustment to produce a large improvement. If we can train our minds to 
recognize these subtle opportunities, we will spend less time correcting 
mistakes and more time in the hammock, enjoying the fruits of our labor.

9. Embrace diversity.

This extends from working with people of different cultures to placing 
value on every single weed and insect in the garden. If biodiversity was 
the number one priority to every human on earth, we would be forced by our 
own ethics to cease all violence, environmental and otherwise. Humans are 
just a tiny fraction f a fraction of a percent of the diversity of life 
forms on Earth, and we would do well to pay better attention to the rest of 
the "society" we truly live in.

In addition, we must learn to value, rather than exclude, the marginal. At 
the edge of adjoining systems, you will always find a greater diversity 
than inside either, which can be used to benefit both. Not only can we use 
edges conserve diversity, we can also create them, by building curvy 
borders, establishing microclimates, and introducing new species.

10. Attitude is everything.

Permaculture is information and imagination intensive. If we are not 
consistently open to change and new ideas, we will limit ourselves and the 
success of our work. Mistakes should be seen as tools for learning, and in 
very problem there are clues for the solution. The only barrier to the 
realization of our goals is our self-oppression. Of course there are 
extreme situations which require the help of the community to resolve, (see 
principle number seven,) but the message here is to keep a good attitude, 
be open minded, and the solution will come. By remaining flexible and 
receptive to feedback, we become adaptable, lifelong learners, which 
ultimately helps to ensure our evolution and survival as a species.

How Permaculture Changes People

The application of these ethics and principles provokes an internal 
transformation in the people who apply them. Once this transformation 
begins, there is no limit to the depth of awareness a permaculturist can 
achieve. It is extremely liberating and empowering to find yourself at the 
center of an intentional creation. In most of the world, decisions are made 
based on a perceived need, whether it be economic gain, political strategy, 
damage control, or otherwise. Most of these decisions and the actions that 
follow are impulsive reactions rather than conscious choices. In 
permaculture, every decision is based on careful thought, and every action 
is a part of a whole system design. When people engage in this type of 
conscious, holistic activity, they tend to become more aware of the world 
around them, more likely to take care of their bodies, more mindful of 
their impact on the environment, better at listening and communicating, and 
more able to overcome fears and obstacles, more efficiently and with less 
stress. There are no scientific studies to this effect, but I have met and 
worked with hundreds of permaculture designers and like minded individuals, 
and I have seen the same results, again and again: Flowers are not the only 
thing that blooms in the garden; people do.

              Most of all, permaculture teaches people how to teach 
themselves how to live on the Earth. The systematic approach to design, 
through working through each principle and applying it to a system, renews 
our connections to our instincts and enables us to ask the questions that 
will lead to the solutions we seek.

And once we learn to ask questions- relevant, useful questions, then 
nothing can stop us from learning what we need to know to become willing 
participants in a peaceful society. Maddy Harland, editor of Permaculture 
Magazine, says it well: "Contact with the soil reminds is that we are an 
integral part of nature, rather than feeling shut out and excluded. The 
simple acts of growing and eating our own food, recreating habitats in 
which nature's diversity thrives, and taking steps to live more simply are 
practical ways of living which connect us to an awareness of Nature's 
seamless whole. Permaculture is a spiritual reconnection as well as an 
ecological strategy.[vii]" By putting our hands into the soil, we gain 
access to the knowledge of the ages, and by putting our heads together, we 
learn how to use that knowledge for the benefit of all.

How Permaculture Changes the World

Permaculture changes the world in three primary ways: First, through social 
empowerment and the development of interactive communities. The more 
ecologically conscious, self-empowered individuals there are in a society, 
the more the society as a whole becomes conscious and empowered. Just 
planting a garden in the front yard can inspire the neighbors and incite 
exponential action. When we interact in healthy, proactive ways, we develop 
healthy, proactive communities, without even trying. Then, if we actually 
try to promote community permaculture and mutual aid, the effects can be 

Next, permaculture changes the world through environmental repair. 
Permaculture is partially a design process, but it is not truly 
permaculture until it is put into action. And because so much of a whole 
system design requires healing and caring for the Earth, the results of 
permaculture become visible within a very short time. When a community 
starts practicing permaculture, they improve the soil, purify the water, 
plant trees, encourage wildlife, and reduce pollution and waste. 
Permaculture, unlike agriculture, sometimes even organic agriculture, 
actually gives back more than it takes from the Earth. In this way, every 
permaculture project increases the overall health of our planet, (just as 
every box of styrofiam degrades it.)

             Another way in which permaculture provokes global change is 
through exponential education and through changes in the way we raise our 
children. As we well know, children are the seeds of the future, and a 
child who grows up in a permaculture will be much more able to embrace 
true, egalitarian leadership skills such as active listening, and teaching 
by example. Imagine what the world would be like if every politician had 
embraced permaculture in their youth. Even more inspiring is the idea of 
applying permaculture principles to government policy! However unfathomable 
it may seem, I and many others believe we can make it happen.

Where to Begin

Yes, peace is possible, and permaculture provides a way.  Permaculture is 
an imaginative, peaceful, and realistic option for creating lives that do 
not require the fossil fuels and other global commodities that cause the 
worldwide violence and aggression so common today. Permaculture encourages 
thoughtful observation, active listening, and non-violent interactions with 
the earth and each other. This way of being is the key to a life of happy 
abundance and easy self-reliance. However, permaculture should not be seen 
as another idealogical band-aid to enable us to continue our current 
unsustainable practices. The harsh reality is, if we continue to 
overconsume precious resources such as oil and water, and if we continue to 
disregard the care of the Earth as a primary concern, the road to peace 
will be blockaded by our own unwillingness to change. Permaculture is not 
just another gardening technique. It is a way of life. And while 
permaculture provides an excellent set of tools to design a sustainable 
society, it must be accompanied by a deep commitment to the long term 
restructuring of our culture. The garden is an excellent place to start, 
but our actions must continue beyond our own gardens, beyond our own lives, 
and into the big picture that is our global community.

So where do we begin? I have heard it said that permaculture begins at your 
doorstep: Start with your garden and work outward from there. However, I 
say permaculture begins in your mouth. Eat food that represents the values 
and ethics of permaculture. Talk with others about these ideas. Examine 
yourself and your home. Start with opening your mind to the possibility of 
a peaceful world, and develop a plan of action. Permaculture is half 
instinct and half process. If you feel you have lost touch with your 
instinct, then use the process to get started. Walk through your home with 
the list of principles, looking for ways to apply them. Start with zone 
zero, yourself, and expand form there.

Just practicing with the principles will help renew your connection with 
your instincts. To encourage the transformation, consider spending some 
time engaged in the intentional awakening of those instincts. There are 
many simple ways to reconnect with nature: Go hiking. Run barefoot in the 
grass. Go skinny-dipping. Eat raw, organic food. Do yoga. Get dirty. Try to 
overcome your fear of the wild and the unknown. Be peaceful, in your words 
and actions, and you will contribute to a peaceful society. The 
transformation of our current insustainable society into a thriving 
permaculture paradise will not happen overnight. It may not even happen in 
our lifetimes. But if we begin now, we greatly increase the chances of 
success for future generations. So start today, with yourself, and see 
where tomorrow takes you.

[i] Interview with Scott London for Insight and Outlook Magazine

[ii] Prairie Fire Organizing Committee. 
www.prairie-fire.org/911_international_law.html. 2004. Chicago..

[iii] LeBlanc, Steven A., as quoted in the article Modern Myths Taught as 
Science, by Kenneth Fuller. www.geocities.com/kfuller2001/tmyths.htm

[iv] Collegiate Dictionary. Tenth edition. 1994. Springfield, MA: Merriam 
Webster, Inc. P. 854

[v] Mollison, Bill. Permaculture, A Designer's Manual. Section 1.1

[vi] Bell, Graham. The Permaculture Way.

[vii] Harland, Maddy. Creating Permanent Culture. 1999. The Ecologist 29,3. 
p. 213

Article Title		

Food Not Lawns is a permaculture discussion group, with topics ranging from 
urban sustainability and voluntary simplicity to genetic conservation and 
polycultural gardening.

Promoting peace through permaculture, one seed at a time.

Food Not Lawns
PO Box 42174
Eugene, OR 97404
idea at foodnotlawns.com

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