[Sdpg] 5-Day Hands-On Permaculture and Garden Workshop Sat. Sept. 4 - Wed., Sept. 8, 2004 Hopland CA

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Fri Jul 23 07:23:17 PDT 2004

5-Day Hands-On Permaculture and Garden Workshop
Sat. Sept. 4 - Wed., Sept. 8, 2004
When: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM daily
Where: Solar Living Center and Sun Hawk House, Hopland, CA

Contact: sli at solarliving.org or 707-744-2017 

Creating a healthy culture starts with ourselves. In these incredible five 
days we'll share in the grand exploration of the inner and outer landscape. 
Become a permaculture activist in your own backyard and your community. 
Make a difference in the world!

Learn basic introduction to permaculture as a whole systems design science, 
permaculture design ethics and principles, zone and sector analysis, 
permaculture design process , site accessment, planning, patterning and 
cycles, plant placement, guilds and planting, double digging and 
half-digging, soil health, biointensive gardening and all you need to know 
for your winter garden design, preparation and planting.

Participants will get hands-on experience with harvesting, maintaining, 
planting and installing the following: herb spiral, biointensive raised 
garden beds and mini-farm, compost bin, worm bin, compost tea station, 
sheet mulch and cover crop, tree guilds, water catchment swales and 

A special evening session -- "The Urban Permaculture Movement" slide 
presentation and discussion.-- is open to the public Tues., Sept. 7 from 
7:00 to 9:30 PM.The event will be held at the American Legion Hall in 
Hopland. Suggested donation is $5.

Co-Instructors: Benjamin Fahrer of Ocean Song Farm and Wilderness Center 
and Katherine Steele of the Urban Permaculture Guild with talented special 

Pix before and during last class:

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