[Sdpg] Midwest Permaculture: Spread the Word!

Abeja Hummel abeja at permaculture.com
Mon Apr 12 11:53:22 PDT 2004

Midwest Permaculture Lecture Tour
With David Blume

Please share with your friends in Illinois or Indiana

Visit www.permaculture.com for more information on Permaculture or 
David Blume!

"Farmer Dave" Blume -- a succesful Organic Farmer, Ecological 
Biologist, land designer, and president of the International Institute 
for Ecological Agriculture--has been a leader in educating the public 
in permaculture and alternative energy for decades. His lectures and 
workshops have taught thousands of people how to provide themselves 
with abundant organic food and various alternative energies using safe, 
renewable, pollution-free methods. Dave Blume is a frequent teacher and 
speaker at ecological and agricultural conferences internationally. 
Dave’s book, Alcohol Can Be a Gas!, will be in stores in January 2005.

Tour Sponsors:
College of Architecture and Planning, Ball State University  
Center for Sustainable Living, Bloomington, IN
Student Environmental Center, Carbondale, IL
Southern Sustainability, Carbondale, IL
Peace Coalition of So. Illinois, Carbondale. IL
AgroEcology/Sustainable Agriculture Program at UIUC
Prairieland Slow Foods Champaign/Urbana
Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance, Chicago, IL
Chicagoland Urban Permaculture, Chicago, IL
Center for Sustainable Community, Stelle, IL

For a printable version, visit:

April 20 – MUNCIE, IN
4:00 – 6:00   'Introduction to Permaculture' and open talk Ball State 
College of Architecture and Planning, Main lecture hall (Room AB100)
Free Admission 
Contact: Paula Suda, PASUDA at bsu.edu

6:30 - 8:30   'Introduction to Permaculture' and open talk
  Monroe County Library, 303 Fifth St.
Free Admission
Contact: Brandon Pitcher bpitchfm at yahoo.com

APRIL 22 – CARBONDALE , IL  Earth Day Celebration
5:30 -  Potluck Dinner
7:00 – 'Introduction to Permaculture' and open talk
Interfaith Center: 913 S. Illinois Ave. Carbondale
Free Admission
Contact: Scott Schuette peacenik02 at planet-save.com

3:00-4:30     'Introduction to Permaculture' and open talk
University of Illinois, Turner Hall W-121
1102 S. Goodwin, Urbana, Illinois
Free Admission  
Contact: Dan Anderson 217-333-1588  aslan at uiuc.edu
6:00 – 8:00     Pot Luck Dinner/Introductory Talk/Q&A
Sponsored by Prairieland Slow Foods
Laurence Mate residence, 405 N. Garfield Ave., Champaign
Suggested Donation: $5-$15.
Call Laurence at 217-356-6828 or email lmate at prairienet.org to reserve 

10:00 – Noon    'The Possibilities of Permaculture in the City'  
Annual Green & Growing Fair (10am – 4pm)
Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago
General Admission to Fair - $3 Suggested Donation
$10 Admission covers David's talk and all other talks/workshops.
For more information about the fair call GreenNet at 773-251-7515
Or goto www.greennetchicago.org
5:30 – 7:30 Potluck dinner, presentation with Q&A.
'The Possibilities and Profitability of City Permaculture'
North Park Village Nature Center, 5801 North Pulaski, Chicago
Suggested donation $5-$15
For more information goto http://sustaincup.blogspot.com/
Contact: Rael Bassan raelearth at yahoo.com

12:00 – 1:30     'Introduction to Permaculture' and open talk
  2:00 – 3:30    'Introduction to Permaculture' and open talk
Stelle Community Annual Earth Day Celebration, 10:00 – 4:00
Sponsored by Center for Sustainable Community
The Learning Center, 107 Sun Street
Free Admission to Earth Day Celebration
Permaculture Talks, $15 Suggested Donation
For more information on Celebration and maps to Stelle
Contact:   Bill Wilson, 815-256-2204 or csc at stelle.net

Dave and others will teach a 15-day Permaculture Designers' 
Certification Course
Stelle, Illinois: July 17-August 1st, 2004

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