[Sdpg] Directions to Calearth Sat Dec 6

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Dec 2 07:35:47 PST 2003

hi everyone
         If you are coming here are the directions to Calearth, please 
bring food for potluck lunch, cups ,utensils and a plate, try to connect 
with others to carpool and we will be carpooling from Santa Barbara and 
picking up folks in Ventura at Carrow's Restaurant on Seaward between 
7:16-7:30am to arrive at 10am
                         hope to see you there wes

DIRECTIONS To CAl Earth Nader Khalili Road Trip to Hesperia
 From Santa Barbara (about 3 hours) take Hwy 101 south to Hwy 126 proceed 
along to Hwy #5 turn south and proceed to Hwy#14 north  go to Pearblossom 
Hwy east to Hwy#138 south(east) proceed to Phelan Rd turn left. 
Follow  Phelan Rd as it crosses Hwy #395 and turns into Main St. Take Main 
St past Hwy #15 to Topaz Rd, Turn left onto Topaz another left on Live Oak, 
then your first right onto Baldy Lane at CalEarth sign. Check a map because 
route is a little complex.

 From LA, take Hwy 15 north to Main St exit, Hesperia, turn right proceed 
to 2nd stoplight, turn left onto Topaz, left on Live Oak first right on 
Baldy Lane at Calearth Sign

Calearth website is www.Calearth.org phone is 760-224-0614

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