[Sdpg] James Hubbell's home lost in San Diego Fire Ca

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Nov 8 21:17:40 PST 2003

hi everyone
         Let see if we can help James Hubbell rebuild his home, he has 
given so much to communities around the world, I have worked on his project 
at Colonia La Esperanza  Tijuana
ps read below , will keep you posted as we find out more info to help

         James Hubbell's most of their (uninsured) home was lost in the 
recent Cedar Fire.  They're are accepting donations to rebuild if anyone's 
interested.  I'm planning on going down soon to volunteer as a laborer :-).

about fire: 

before fire: 
(scroll down to Hubbell residence)

an article by James about sustainability: CAN THERE BE A SUSTAINBLE FUTURE 

here so info on the School he has worked on for many years
November 15th, 2003 , Saturday, December 20th, 2003 All Volunteer Work Days 
are at Colonia La Esperanza Tijuana, Mexico
.Join James Hubbell and other volunteers as they continue to work on the 
dream of building an inspirational learning environment for the residents 
of Colonia La Esperanza (see also Architecture 
<http://www.americasfoundation.net/architecture.htm> and Volunteering 

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