[Sdpg] SC PERMACULTURE GUILD Events Listing for Oct 2003

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Oct 25 11:51:11 PDT 2003

SC PERMACULTURE GUILD Events Listing for Oct 2003


New Strawbale Home Book by Catherine Wanek ,.
Dates for Book Signing and Slide Show Tour Oct 25-Nov 16 2003 in Ca and 
Laguna Beach Sun Oct 26 Wells Fargo Bank on 260 Ocean 6:00 social hour talk 
at 7:00 -9 PM $3-$5 donation DrRoley at aol.com 949-494-5843
San Diego Mon Oct 27 7-9PM David Bainbridge 858-635-4616 A2, US intl 
College of Business at Alliant International University, 10455 Pomerado 
Road San Diego campus map at http://www.alliant.edu/images/sdmap.jpg
San Diego Tues Oct 28 6:30 pm NEW SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE 1249 F Street in 
down town S.D. ,Reception 6pm , Drew Hubbell 619 231-0446
LA Wed Oct 29 7pm LA- Eco-Village 117 Bimini Place, LA, CA 90004 Sliding 
scale $3 - $10 (323) 662-5207
Meiners Oak Thurs Oct 30 5pm Dinner with Catherine at the Farmer and the 
Cook (near Ojai) 339 W El Roblars 805-640-9608 (reservations)
Ojai Thurs Oct 30 Oak Grove School 7pm 220 W. Lomita Ave, Meiners Oak (805) 
646-8236 X 104 ellenhall at oakgroveschool.com $3-$10 sliding Scale
Ojai Fri Oct 31 rest, visit to first strawbale in Ventura County
Santa Barbara Sat Nov 1 7pm S.B.Public Library Faulkner Gallery E Anapamu 
$3 donation sbpcnet at silcom.com 805-962-2571
Santa Barbara Sun Nov 2 6:30pm pm Livingreen Store 222 Helena for 
Architects,Planners and Builders 805-962-2571
SLO Mon Nov 3 Cal Poly SLO Hearst Lecture, 7pm at Business School Rotunda 
University of Calpoly SLO , 805-756-2490.
Santa Cruz Tues Nov 4 7pm Louden Nelson Community Center 7pm 301 Center St. 
(at Laurel) $3-5 Donation Josho 831-427-3311
Berkeley Wed Nov 5 Builders Booksource 7:30pm 1817 Fourth Street (510) 
845-6874 www.buildersbooksource.com
San Francisco Thurs Nov 6 7pm METREON: A Sony Entertainment Center 101 
Fourth Street at Mission Second Floor in the Action Theatre 
http://www.metreon.com $3-$8 sliding scale No one turned away for lack of 
funds Kat Steele 510 547 7889
San Francisco Sat/Sun Nov 8&9 Green Festival www.greenfestivals.com 
Concourse Exhibition Center
Santa Rosa Mon Nov 10 7pm New School North Bay Campus 99 Sixth Street, 
Santa Rosa $5 donation dbaker at newcollege.edu 707 568-2605
Occidental Tues Nov 11 7pm Occidental Arts and Ecology Center 15290 Coleman 
Valley Road.Donation $5 www.oaec.org Brock Dolman 707-874-1557 x 206 
Brock at oaec.org
Arcata Wed Nov 12 7 pm The Common House at Marsh Commons Cohousing 101 
South G St Arcata CCAT - (707)826-3551 or ccat at humboldt.edu Donation $5 no 
one turned away
Ashland Fri Nov 14 cancelled,
Prescott Arizona , Sat Nov 15 7 pm The Grove Studio (across from Prescott 
College)119-Z Grove Avenue, Prescott, AZ 805-962-2571
Tucson Arizona Sunday Nov 16 6:30 Originate Natural Building Materials 
Showroom 526 N. Ninth Avenue, 520-792-4207 $5
natasha at originateNBM.com.

Book Tour is organized by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network 
www.sbpermaculture.org sbpcnet at silcom.com please contact us if you need any 
further info on the tour and visit Catherine's Wanek's Website at 
www.strawbalecentral.com to find more about her work . Posters for the 
various locations can be Downloaded (PDF File) and printed from 
http://www.islandseed.com/scpg.html to post in your community to help 
support the Book Tour.

Cosponsored by Hopedance Magazine www.hopedance.org ,South Coast 
Permaculture Guild, San Diego Permaculture Center, Ojai Permaculture Guild, 
Central Coast Permaculture Guild, Santa Cruz Permaculture Guild, Occidental 
Arts and Ecology Center , Livingreen Store Santa Barbara , The 
Sustainability Project, Santa Barbara Organic Garden Club, Permaculture 
Institute of Southern California, Earthflow Design Network 
www.earthflow.com, David Bainbridge,The League of California Homeowners, 
Ecohome Network, LA Eco-village, CCAT (The Campus Center for Appropriate 
Technology) & the Marsh Commons Arcata, Urban Permaculture Guild
www.urbanpermacultureguild.org and the SF Design Museum 
www.meandra.org/geninfo/visitorinfo.htm,New College of California 
EcoDwelling Program Santa Rosa, College of Architecture and Environmental 
Design/Hearst Lecture Series SLO , Sustainable Building Council of San Luis 
Obispo, NEW SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE and New School Arts Foundation San Diego 
, The Oak Grove School Ojai, Builders Booksource, Originate Natural 
Building Materials Showroom Tucson, Arizona, EPAcenter ,Women for 
Sustainable Technologies ,Out On Bale, (un) Ltd., Ecosa Institute Prescott 
Arizona www.ecosainstitute.org


All these events will be listed in the next issue of Hopedance Magazine 
Sept/Oct www.hopedance.org please subscribe and help support the magazine 
which supports Permaculture by listing all our events in the Permaculture 

Permaculture Discussion Group to Cover Permaculture Principles and 
Practises in Santa Barbara CA
Meeting 2nd Thursday of the month at members houses most months
NEXT meeting is Thursday Nov 13, 6:30-9pm  need someone to volunteer home 
for meeting call Margie
This will be an interactive meeting showing video covering many parts of a 
lecture series on Permaculture Design by Bill Mollison one of the founders 
of Permaculture , audio tapes, other Permaculture Videos, slides and 
discussion each month.
For more info and directions and location contact Margie Bushman 
805-962-2571 or lakinroe at silcom.com
Check out Santa Barbara Permaculture Network new website of Permaculture 
Activities www.sbpermaculture.org

Permaculture Discussion Group Meetings in Downtown San Diego Ca
Contact San Diego Permaculture Center sdecc at igc.org (619) 298-8879
Permaculture Talks lead by Marcia Boruta followed by a walk and discussion 
around the immediate community

Permaculture Discussion Group in Ojai Monthly Meetings
Contact for monthly meetings Jodi Womack 805-646-4450 x2
Jodi at davidco.com and DorothyWallstein<dwallstein at uncommonconsulting.com> 
646 0752.

Introductory Permaculture (PC) Group East County San Diego
Contact Barbara Lind bslind at earthlink.net:

Los Angeles CA Forming an LA EMail Contact List for Permaculture Events in LA
Contact Joan Stevens <joaniebird007 at yahoo.com>  to be added to email list

Ongoing Monthly Permaculture Workshops in SLO CA
SATURDAY & SUNDAY the First Weekend of Every Month
10:30 am: A site tour and "intro to permaculture" session
(lasts around 2 hours)
Break for lunch around 12:30
(bring bag lunch -enjoy our picnic area or restaurants nearby)
1:00 pm: "Permaculture Continuing Education," the afternoon is spent 
working on natural building demonstrations and learning in the garden.
We usually end by 4:30
You must RSVP by phone or email for directions and details.
info at earthflow.com - 805.528.3763 www.earthflow.com

Nov 5 Wed 7:30-9:30 Thinking like a Watershed Brock Dolman
Veterans Memorial Building 846 Front St Santa Cruz
Impacts of development patterns on watersheds communities, Community based 
Conservation Hydrology and 'Waterspread' Restoration,New development 
designs to rehydrate parched watersheds, Restoring watersheds to 
environmentally and economically healthy systems,The power and potential of 
community participation, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center’s Basins of 
Relations Program
For more information, contact Brock Dolman, Program Director, 707-874-1557 
OR brock at oaec.org

November 6 - December 18, 2003 6 WEEK PERMACULTURE PRINCIPLES COURSE & 
Design and build a sustainable center for orphaned children in Northern 
  Phitsanulok, Central Thailand
Co-sponsors/Facilitators: Rosemary Morrow (Australia), Jon Jandai 
(Thailand), Jim Connor & Nao Sangkara (Whispering Seed-Thailand), Em Ponna 
(Cambodia), Janell Kapoor (USA), Aporn Pumpanna (Thailand)

Join leading permaculture teachers from 3 countries and 30 dedicated 
activists from Southeast Asia and around the world. We will create a 
special place, which will model sustainable living through permaculture, 
natural building, organic farming, and holistic education. The Whispering 
Seed is a village-based community learning center and home for orphaned and 
abused children. They focus on finding the joy in serving others through 
cross-cultural exchanges, sustainable living practices, and natural 
In this hands-on intensive training course we will come up with an overall 
design, develop the land, and build the first earthen dwellings at the new 
home of The Whispering Seed. The training includes the full 72-hour 
Permaculture Design and Practicum Certification requirements, along with 
in-depth hands-on application of your newly learned skills. Also, 
Thailand's foremost earthen builders will be leading the group in the 
construction of an adobe and wattle and daub main house and other dwellings.

We will create organic gardens, orchards, and composting toilets; build 
bamboo and mud houses; and learn how and where to plant and place things so 
that functions and energy from each element serves multiple purposes with 
the intention of creating a self-reliant system. Time permitting, we will 
also work with rice paddy and cotton fields and do restorative planting on 
nearby land that was recently cut and burned.
Cost is $1800-2200 which includes training, all meals and accommodation 
during training, transportation during training and most importantly this 
cost will support 15 Southeast Asian activists and community leaders to 
attend the training.
Email kirti at kleiwerks.com for more info.

November 10- December 1, 2003New South Africa In-Depth Reality Tour Will 
Produce a Model EcoHomestead
Cost: $1,750 including food, lodging, ground transport and course fees.
Air travel not included.
The tour is available for non-New College students, and space is still 
Linking indigenous knowledge systems with modern technologies, U.S students 
will join South African students and farm workers this November in 
designing an EcoHomestead at the Tlholego Development Project (TDP) in 
South Africa.
Intending to be one solution to the severe housing crisis in South Africa, 
this project will be the final phase of an in-depth reality tour of the New 
South Africa sponsored by New College of California, Builders Without 
Borders and the Sustainability Institute at TDP in November of this year.
The tour will start in Capetown, and over seven days will visit examples of 
traditional architecture, new sustainability projects, and “reality checks” 
of harsh townships realities, and the innovations that some residents are 
undertaking to address them.
For more information, contact: Joe Kennedy, 707-568-3092
jkennedy at newcollege.edu

November 15th, 2003 , Saturday, December 20th, 2003 All Volunteer Work Days 
are at Colonia La Esperanza Tijuana, Mexico
.Join James Hubbell and other volunteers as they continue to work on the 
dream of building an inspirational learning environment for the residents 
of Colonia La Esperanza (see also Architecture 
<http://www.americasfoundation.net/architecture.htm> and Volunteering 
<http://www.americasfoundation.net/volunteering.htm>). We meet at the 
parking area of the H street Trolley in Chula Vista, CA at 8:30 a.m. on the 
Saturday listed. Look for Jim's white mini van. Expect to arrive in the 
Colonia around 9:30 a.m., work until 3:00 p.m. and be back in Chula Vista 
around 4:00 p.m. In general, it's helpful if you bring work gloves, a straw 
hat and/or any general tools, like a drill, hammer or sander. We take a 
lunch break from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Bring your own lunch. Beginners and professionals are welcome. You can 
bring your kids!

Nov 25-Dec 6 Natural Building Ecological Living Experimental Construction 
Tlaxcala, Mexico
Ianto Evans Cob Cottage Company http://www.deatech.com/cobcottage/ $950
P.O. Box 123 Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 (541) 942-3021 or Telephone/FAX 
(541) 942-2005

November 30-December 12, 2003 Annual 2-Week Permaculture Design Course
Lost Valley Educational Center
Contact 541-937-3351 info at lostvalley.org www.lostvalley.org

December 13, , 2003 Rainwater Harvesting Systems, 9-5PM, Cost $95.
Collect rainwater to grow gardens, save groundwater, stop erosion, and 
restore the natural landscape. Learn how to build simple, in-ground 
catchements, which will slow runoff, and let precious rainwater soak in 
where you want it. We will install a simple culvert water cistern to 
capture roof runoff. A complete slide show will show you how to analyze 
your site, do simple calculations for amout of water available, and decide 
what systems fit your budget. Site: SW Tucson, TBA. With Joelee Joyce of 
Dawn SouthWest, Dan Dorsey of Mesquite Tree, and other guest instructors 
from the Tucson Permaculture Guild. Register through Dawn Southwest, 
dawnaz at earthlink.net or (520) 624-1673.



Jan 5-16, 2004: Plants in Human Affairs January Intensive.
Ohana Keauhou Beach Resort on the Big Island's beautiful Kona Coast,
4-credit, 12-day intensive course explores humanity's ago-old symbiotic 
relationship to plants.
Ethnobotanist Kathleen Harrison and ethnopharmacologist Dennis McKenna,
this course covers the role of plants in the evolution of civilizations, 
wars, migrations, religion, spirituality,
art, medicine, and science. Guest lectures by local experts and frequent 
field trips bring the subject alive in one of the most beautiful and 
biodiverse environments on the planet. The Center for Spirituality and 
Healing (www.csh.umn.edu) is the integrated medicine program within the 
Academic Health Center at the University of Minnesota. Info and details of 
costs, credit, accommodations,
www.csh.umn.edu/WhatsNew/index.html or contact Nancy Feinthel at 612 
626-5166/ <feinthel at umn.edu>

January 4-18, 2004 Earth Activist Training..Starhawk and Penny Livingston-Stark
Unique, visionary, and hands-dirty.. teach a two-week intensive that 
synergizes permaculture, effective activism, nature awareness, and 
spirituality: Next session J(registration by December 1). Location: coastal 
hills of Sonoma County, California.
Cost: $1100-$1600 sliding scale, loans and scholarships available 
(scholarship deadline November 1). vwww.earthactivisttraining.org. 
Questions? mer at starhawk.org or voicemail 707-583-2300, ext 119. Learn to 
create the world you want to live in!

February 14th and 15th, February 21st and 22nd, March 6th and 7th, and 
March 20th and 21st,
Permaculture Design Course, Four Weekends,
$650, $595 for early registration (by December 14th).
This course leads to a permaculture certificate and covers all aspects of 
permaculture design in drylands. The class will be a balance between hands 
on experience, classroom time, and design practicum.
The course focuses on dryland communities, addressing individual site and 
neighborhood "problems" such as stormwater flooding.
Course topics include agroforestry, appropriate technology, building 
design, design principles and patterning, site analysis, dryland gardening 
principles, ecosystem restoration, philosophy and ethics of permaculture, 
regenerative economics, soils and erosion control, village design, water 
harvesting, and other topics.
Site: Mesquite Tree Permaculture Site, Epacenter for Ecological Building, 
Permaculture, and Art, and tours of other sites around the Tucson area. 
Taught by Dan Dorsey and instructors from the Sonoran Permaculture Guild. 
To register or for more information contact Dan Dorsey, (520) 624-8030 or 
dorsey at dakotacom.net

Brazil, exact site to be announced
Presenters: Starhawk, Penny Livingston-Stark (PINC),
Janell Kapoor (Kleiwerks), Andre Soares (IPEC,
co-organizer-Brazil), and many others.
This international gathering will draw women from all
over South America and other parts of the world. We
will come together to learn, share, have fun, and
build based on permaculture principles and natural
building techniques. The host community is one of
Brazil's foremost models of intentional

JUNE 26 - JULY 3 2004 2004, Natural Building Colloquim-East
For Architects, Designers, Contractors, Code Officials, Owner-Builders, 
Educators & those interested in supporting sustainable building practices.
JUNE 26 - JULY 3 2004
Hosted by The PeaceWeavers at Thunder Mountain
Located in Bath NY, the Finger Lakes Region
Email if you have any questions
more workshops and a list of presenters forthcoming... www.gaiatecture.com
EARLY REGISTRATION BY APRIL 15 2004: $550 AFTER APRIL 15: $625 Registration 
fees include professional and hands-on instructions, vegetarian meals, 
primitive camping and a variety of community activities. Limited 
internships and work-study opportunities are available by qualification.
Questions and requests for registration forms can be emailed to 
gaiatecture at hotmail.com

7th International Permaculture Conference/Convergence  2005 will go ahead in
Slovenia in 2005. Here is the initial outline:
72 hour certificate course in Slovenia - 17.-30. of mai - (slov.ass)
Teachers: David Holmgren, Max Lindegger, George Sobol, Ladislav Galeta, Tony
Andersen ++others
5 day tour in Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia - 1.-5. of june - (slov.ass)
transport and full accomodation -
5-day Convergence - 7.-12. of june - (croat ass.)
program and accomodation
3 day Conference in Zagreb. - 13.-15. of june (croat ass.)
Lodging and food are on the participants own initiative - maybe some
Contact the PC Institute of Europe for more information:
Istedgade 79 - 1650 København V - Denmark
Tlf: +45 3331 5694 - Fax: +45 3325 7179 - Email: vestergror at dk-online.dk
www.Permaculture-Europe.org - www.IPC7.org


Hi folks I'm putting the word out about our just-updated website at
Find seed lists, articles, gardening tips, links, photos and much
more about permaculture, seed saving, kinship gardening, and
sustainable living.

. http://urbanpermacultureguild.org


INTERNSHIP with Permaculture Teachers
Akiva Werbalowsky expertise is teaching Permaculture (practical design for 
home and community
health) through experiencial learning celebrations in Israel, California,
Hawaii, and Minnesota.
He is a landscape use planner and artist specializing in food forests,
microniche opportunity awareness, and breeding "survivor seeds" of grains,
herbs, and vegetables which are open-pollinated, vigorous, and adaptable to
local conditions.
Akiva has a Master's Degree in Education and Organizational Development and
initiated the California Polytechnic University's Ecological Agriculture and
Permaculture Programs. He now offers ongoing learning opportunities in Israel,
California, and Minnesota which are best arranged 6 months in advance of
student need to ensure credentialing, student awards, and cost efficiency.
Please use the contact info below to discover when he is scheduled for your
Email: seedmind at usa.net
Phone: in Israel, 06-5265234, and in the USA: 952-221-3737.

Loans immediately available to members from any state

Join the only Credit Union that is based on Permaculture Principles and 
Ethics. Signature loans for amounts up to $5,000 at competitive rates and 
shared-secured loans at even cheaper rates up to $100,000 are available 
immediately to members. Anyone who has taken a Permaculture course, is a 
member of an affiliated Permaculture Institute, or believes in the 
Permaculture ethics is eligible to become a member for $5 membership fee 
plus a $50 share deposit.
Teachers/Organizers we can help you by offering credit-worthy students the 
ability to borrow money to pay for Permaculture courses. Contact the PCU to 
inquire about these and other loan programs.
. Also the PCU is partnering with a Credit Union in California and will 
soon be able to make loans on mortgages, rainwater catchment, home energy 
efficiency systems, solar heating and electricity systems, landscape, and 
car loans. We offer a 0.75 % discount on loans for earth friendly projects 
and Earth friendly car discounts: two types are available, .75% for 
vehicles with 35mpg or higher average and 1.5% for vehicles with 45mpg or 
higher average(which is usually the hybrid cars).

Please call us at 505 954 3479, toll free 1-866-954-3479 or FAX 505 424 
1624. Visit us online at www.pcuonline.org, email perma at pcuonline.org, or 
write to us.
Permaculture Credit Union
4250 Cerrillos Road
PO Box 29300
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87592-9300

Ya'll should check out the link bellow for a great article on the PCU in the
Albuquerque Tribune.New Mexico

Steward of the green 


South Coast Permaculture Guild Contacts and other Organizations of Interest.

South Coast Permaculture Guild Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 805-962-2571
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network: Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 
Ojai Permaculture Guild: Dave White david at ojaicra.org 805-646-9809
Central Coast Permaculture Guild: Rob Kimmel zigge at kcbx.net  805-438-5745 
San Luis Obispo
San Diego Permaculture Center: San Diego Economic Conversion Council 
sdecc at igc.org (619) 298-8879
Santa Cruz Permaculture Vince Pastori 831/763-3848 permasc at sasquatch.com
Cal Poly Student Farm in SLO:The SARC (Sustainable Ag Resource Center) 
Hunter Francis wfrancis at calpoly.edu San Luis Obispo
Path to Freedom ,Pasadena Ms. Anais Dervaes dervaes at pathtofreedom.com
Long Beach Organics: Amy Lerner longbeachorganic at yahoo.com 562-438-9000
Southern East Sierra: Tom Drummond 760-377-5011 Ridgecrest
Pc Institute of Southern Cal: Bill Roley DrRoley at aol.com 949-494-5843 
Laguna Beach
Santoyo&Associates santoyo at earthflow.com 800-469-5857 Los Oso Ca
LA EcoVillage: Lois Arkin crsp at igc.org 213/738-1254
Permaculture Institute of Northern California 
info at permacultureinstitute.com 415-663-9090
Permaculture Activist Magazine Website <http://www.permacultureactivist.net>
Permacultura http://www.tortuga.com/permacultura/
PERMACULTURE CREDIT UNION http://www.pcuonline.org

Please send listings and events for next email news by Oct 28 to 
lakinroe at silcom.com

Mail Address South Coast Permaculture Guild and Santa Barbara Permaculture 
224E Figueroa ST #C
Santa Barbara CA 93101

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