[Sdpg] Permaculture Calendar for Hopedance Magazine July/Aug 2003
Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson
lakinroe at silcom.com
Thu Jun 19 07:44:32 PDT 2003
Permaculture Discussion Group to Cover Permaculture Principles and
Practises in Santa Barbara CA
Meeting 2nd Thursday of the month at members houses
JULY MEETING will take place Thursday July 17 6:30
This will be an interactive meeting showing video covering many parts of a
lecture series on Permaculture Design by Bill Mollison one of the founders
of Permaculture , audio tapes, other Permaculture Videos, slides and
discussion each month.
For more info and directions and location contact Margie Bushman
805-962-2571 or lakinroe at silcom.com
Check out Santa Barbara Permaculture Network new website of Permaculture
Activities www.sbpermaculture.org
Permaculture Discussion Group Meetings in Downtown San Diego Ca
Contact San Diego Permaculture Center sdecc at igc.org (619) 298-8879
Permaculture Talks lead by Marcia Boruta followed by a walk and discussion
around the immediate community
Permaculture Discussion Group in Ojai Monthly Meetings
Contact for monthly meetings Jodi Womack 805-646-4450 x2
Jodi at davidco.com and DorothyWallstein<dwallstein at uncommonconsulting.com>
646 0752.
Introductory Permaculture (PC) Group East County San Diego
Contact Barbara Lind bslind at earthlink.net:
July 13- 21 and Sept 28-Oct 4 Basic of Cob Coquille OR
Cob Cottage Company box 123 Cottage Grove OR 97424 541-942-2005
July 13-26. Permaculture Design Intensive -Certificate Course San Luis
Obispo, Ca
With Larry and Kathryn Santoyo, Scott Pittman, John Valenzuela and Guests
For info 805.528.3763 info at earthflow.com www.earthflow.com
July 18-31 Permaculture Design Course Santa Cruz Mountains
Permaculture Santa Cruz 400 Vaca Del Sol Rd.Watsonville Ca 95076
permasc at sasquatch.com
July 26 -Aug 16 Orcas Island Washington Permaculture Design Course
A three week certificate design course on the Bullocks 20+year old
permaculture homestead.
Instructors Douglas Bullock, John Valenzuela, Samuel Bullock Joseph
Bullock, Toby Hemenway, Simon Henderson,
Michael Pilarski and others.
Cost $1450 ($1350 if paid in full by June 1) Includes delicious, mostly
organic meals, camping space, materials and certificate.
Contact Samuel BullockP.O. Box 107Deer Harbor, WA. 98243 360-376-2773
bullock_Orcas at hotmail.com and 54bullock at care2.com www.permacultureportal.com
Aug. 7 Thursday, 7pm ECO FILM Night Permaculture in the Austrian Alps
Santa Barbara Main Library, Faulkner Gallery
Presented by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
In the mountainous region of Lungau, Austria, a Garden of Eden has been
created. Sepp & Veronika Holzer farm the Krameterhof (www.krameterhof.at),
one of the largest permaculture systems in Europe without the use of any
pesticides or fertilizers.
For more info: (805) 962-2571/ e-mail: sbpcnet at silcom.com /Cosponsored by
S.B. Hopedance
Thursday-Sunday, August 7-10, 2003 ECOLOGICAL DESIGN: THE UNSTOPPABLE WAVE
A Global Interdisciplinary Conference on the Next Great Wave inArchitecture.
Berkeley-Oakland, California
Over 100 speakers and special events, plus architectural and technical
exhibits, eco bookstore, and self-guided Bay Area eco design tours.Case
studies include Sustainable Mobile Homes, Applying Sustainability &
Permaculture Fundamentals to an 1895 House etc
SFIA Information Office Box 2590, Alameda, CA 94501 510-523-5174 Fax
510-523-517 E-Mail: SFIA at aol.com
SFIA Web site: www.SFIA.net
Aug 1518 8am FRI until 5pm MON Watersheds: Basins of RelationsStarting
and Sustaining Community Watershed Groups Occidental College ,Occidental Ca
Brock Dolman with guest instructors $200 (residential course)
Long-term viable human settlement depends on conscious community awareness
of appropriate ecologyand economy within the context of each individual
OAEC: 15290 Coleman Valley Rd, Occidental, CA 95465 (707) 874-1557 x201
inquiry at oaec.org
August 23-31 COB Cottage and Natural Building with Michael Smith Santa Cruz
$475 til March 31, $550 thereafter
Permaculture Santa Cruz
(831) 763-3848 permasc at sasquatch.com
400 vaca del sol rd Watsonville, CA 95076
Urban Permaculture Design Course Los Angeles, Ca (6 weekends)
with, Larry Santoyo, Toby Hemmenway, Dr. Bill Roley, Lois Arkin and Guests
August 9-10, August 16-17, August 30-31, September 6-7, September 20-21,
September 27-28
cost: $1200 for all 6 weekends ($1100 before 6-9-03) /$225 per weekend
/$125 per day
contact Larry Santoyo, 800.469 www.earthflow.com
Aug. 30 - Sep 14 2003 EARTH-HEALING PERMACULTURE DESIGN Skalitude Retreat
Center, Methow Valley WA
A two-week Permaculture Design course focused on earth-healing and
ecosystem restoration. Healing the Earth is one of the most important tasks
facing humanity in this century!!
Instructed by: Michael Pilarski, Christopher Mare, & Anne Schwartz
For further information: Friends of the Trees Society:
www.friendsofthetrees.net; (509) 997-9200
Sept. 28, 2003 6-month Permaculture Design Courses Online
Check the above site for de tails. We also now offer the as much of the
course as possible in self-study
form on CD. If your register as a course monitor when you order the CD,
there is no additional charge.
Elfin Permaculture Barking Frogs Permaculture Center P.O. Box 52 Sparr FL
32192-0052 USA Permacltur at aol.com
Sept 27 - Oct 10 Permaculture Design Course Occidental College ,Occidental CA
Penny Livingston, Brock Dolman with guest instructors
$1,100 (residential course)
OAEC: 15290 Coleman Valley Rd, Occidental, CA 95465 (707) 874-1557 x201
inquiry at oaec.org
Sept 28 - Oct 4 Sustainable Resources 2003
An international Forum connecting People with Hands -Ons Solutions to World
More information and online registration at <www.sustainableresources.org>.
More information about the San-Diego-Permaculture
mailing list