[Sdpg] Permaculture and Related Courses in California March -Aug 2003

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed Feb 26 07:04:07 PST 2003

Permaculture Discussion Group to Cover Permaculture Principles and 
Practises in Santa Barbara CA
Next meetings Thursday Mar 13 and Apr. 10 7pm Sola House 312 E Sola St 
Santa Barbara
This will be an interactive meeting showing video covering many parts of a 
lecture series on Permaculture Design by Bill Mollison one of the founders 
of Permaculture , audio tapes, other Permaculture Videos, slides and 
discussion each month.
For more info and directions and location contact Margie Bushman 
805-962-2571 or lakinroe at silcom.com

Permaculture Discussion Group Meetings in Downtown San Diego Ca
This month the San Diego Economic Conversion Council and the San Diego
Permaculture Center are promoting Peace and Sustainable Living
Contact San Diego Permaculture Center sdecc at igc.org (619) 298-8879
Permaculture Talks lead by Marcia Boruta followed by a walk and discussion 
around the immediate community

Permaculture Discussion Group in Ojai Monthly Meetings
Contact for monthly meetings Jodi Womack 805-646-4450 x2
Jodi at davidco.com and DorothyWallstein<dwallstein at uncommonconsulting.com> 
646 0752.

Introductory Permaculture (PC) Group East County San Diego
Contact Barbara Lind bslind at earthlink.net:

March 2& 3 Sat& Sun Permaculture Gathering for South Coast Permaculture 
Guilds of Southern Ca in SLO
The South Coast Permaculture Guilds of Southern California are gathering 
March 1 and 2
in San Luis Obispo for celebration, music, work party, reconnecting with
good friends, Spring Seed Swap, and initiation of a new Permaculture
Fellowship grant/award in the lasting memory of Lee Osbaldeston and his
fiancee Jill, who died from a car accident a year ago.
Highlighted events will be a day long, Saturday potluck party and
welcoming at Rob and Karyn's Kimmels in Santa Margarita, sleeping/camping 
available, Sunday morning feed and residential work party, then on to the
Calpoly Organic Farm and permaculture project for touring
All folks welcome to attend
Contacts for Permaculture Gathering in San Luis Osbispo Ca and directions
Sat Mar 1 For Camping and Sat Potluck Rob Kimmel 16805 Walnut Street 
Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 438-5745;
Sunday March 2 For Calpoly Organic Farm Activities Hunter Francis 
wfrancis at calpoly.edu
Questions about all weekend details Akiva seedmind at usa.net 952-221-3737

Mar1 & Mar 8 and Apr 5 & Apr 12 Sat Permaculture Training Programs in Los 
Osos, Ca.
10:30am to 12:30 then an afternoon work party. The fee for each class is:
$10 plus 1 hour of labor...(no one will be turned away!)
The classes are held on a beautiful 10 acre private retreat in Los Osos, 
Ca. The training will be led by ecological land use planners, Bring a bag 
lunch, and a friend!
Larry and Kathryn Santoyo, and special guest instructors.
RSVP for confirmation and directions -Rain will cancel Larry Santoyo 
805.528.3763 info at earthflow.com www.earthflow.com

Central Coast Permaculture -ongoing -San Luis Obispo, Ca
Permaculture Fundamentals -classes First and Second Saturdays of each month.
Natural Building Techniques -classes on the Fourth Saturdays of each month.
contact Larry Santoyo, 800.469.5857 <info at earthflow,com>

March 6th Workshop on Waterflow & Water-feature design &Talk , Claremont 
Colleges ,Pomona with Penny Livingston
Noon Vegan Lunch at the Pomona College Natural Farm
1pm to 5pm: Workshop & Tour of Pomona College Natural Farm
7Pm: Penny gives talk aAuditorium at Scripps College, ALL events FREE
Please call Jessie at (909)896-0976 or email jdowling at scrippscol.edu if you 
have any questions

March 21- December 13 2003 Advanced Permaculture: Practical Skills for 
Bioregional Sustainability Golden Bay, South Island, New Zealand
Three Modules:Design for Bioregional Self-Reliance: 21 March - 7 June, 
Design for Organic Lifestyle Properties: 23 June - 13 September, Design for 
Sustainable Human Settlement: 3 October - 13 December
P.L.A.N.E.T. Organic, c/o Earthcare Education Aotearoa PO Box 130, Takaka 
Aotearoa/New Zealand
email: planetorganic at excite.com website: www.planetorganic.org.nz 
phone/fax: Overseas: (0064) 3 525 8334

Mar 20-Mar 30 BOOK TOUR/SLIDE SHOW Art of Natural Building with Co editor 
Joseph Kennedy
This year I am happy to announce Joseph Kennedy of Builders without Borders
http://www.builderswithoutborders.org has agreed to come to Southern 
California to do a series of SLIDE SHOW / BOOK SIGNING from Berkeley to San 
Diego from Mar 20- Mar 30 to celebrate the release the book THE ART OF 
NATURAL BUILDING www.newsociety.com/bookid/3697
Tentative Dates more details as they are available
Mar 20 Thurs Berkeley (Builder's Booksource), Mar 21 Fri Santa Cruz, Mar 22 
Sat SLO ( 7pm Public Library downtown 1-888-206-7070 ),Mar 25 Tues Santa 
Barbara (7pm Faulkner Gallery), Mar 26 Wed Ojai (Ojai Retreat Center 7pm 
reservation required (805) 640-1142.), Mar Thurs 27 Ventura ?, Mar 28 Fri 
Los Angeles (LA ECovillage 7:30 pm 213/738-1254 ) , Mar Sat 29 San Diego, 
Mar 30 Sun Laguna Beach
Contact Santa Barbara Perm Network sbpcnet at silcom.com 805-962-2571 
Cosponsored by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Hopedance Magazine and 
South Coast Permaculture Guild

March 30 - April 6 Cob and Natural Building Workshop Redding, CA
$450 for 8 intensive days
The Site: The 4 acre site features permaculture gardens, pond, strawbale
home and guesthouse, peaceful scenery, and views of Mt. Lassen.
$450 includes tuition, materials, vegetarian meals, camping facilities
Contact: Kupono Natural Builders, kuponobuilders at snowcrest.net, (530) 
275-3632, www.snowcrest.net/nativeone/kuponobuilders

March 29 thru April 4. Santa Barbara and April 6 - 13 in Los Olivos
There will be a "Basics of Cob Workshop" with Ianto Evans, from Oregon, 
here on March 29 thru April 4. T It's going to a great opportunity to learn 
from "the master who wrote the book" on cob.
Cost $650 includes camping, vegetarian meals and intensive hands on learning
Discounts for early registration & groups of two or more. 10% for payment 
in advance. 10% for families and friends coming together
TO REGISTER CONTACT :Cob Cottage Co Box 123 Cottage Grove Or 97424
phone/fax 541-942-2005 www.deatech.com/cobcottage

April 25 to May 10 Earth Activist Training at at Black Mountain Preserve in 
northern California (Sonoma County).
With Penny Livingston and Starhawk (Permaculture Design Course)
Earth Activist Training P.O. Box 341 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 
Permaculture Institute of Northern California info at permacultureinstitute.com

May 2 Fri 7pm "Permaculture and Finance: How to Make Money and Make a 
At Sola House 312 E Sola St Santa Barbara
A free talk with Michael Kramer, permaculture teacher and teacher trainer, 
Executive Director of Permaculture Drylands Institute, and investment
advisor with Natural Investment Services (www.NaturalInvesting.com), one of
the nation's most experienced socially responsible advisory firms.
Come discover how community investing, sustainable tree farms,
and corporate screening and shareholder activism are used to avoid or support
investments in accordance with your values.He can be reached at 
Michael at NaturalInvesting.com
Contact for evening is SB Permaculture Net sbpcnet at silcom.com 805-962-2571

May 27-30, 2003 The 8th Annual Constructed Wetlands Workshop Arcata, CA.
For more info go to the constructed wetlands short course link of our 
website at http://www.humboldt1.com/~water/
Humboldt Water Resources Engineering and Science PO Box 165 Arcata, CA 
95518 USA
Telephone: (707) 826-2869 FAX: (707) 826-2165 E-mail: water at humboldt1.com

May 31- June14, 2003 Permaculture Design Course Garberville, CA
Cost: $1100 includes camping and meals
Registration: www.permacultureinstitute.com or 415 663 9090

June 17th-22nd PERMACULTURE CAMP & SKILLSHARE Skywater Center - 
Garberville, California
Permaculture Institute of Northern California
PO Box 341 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
(415) 663-9090 info at permacultureinstitute.com www.permacultureinstitute.com
Cost: $275 including camping and meals.
Registration: www.permacultureinstitute.com or 415 663 9090

July 6-13, 2003 Build Here Now 2003
The Fifth Annual Natural Building & Permaculture Convergence
At the Lama Foundation Taos County, New Mexico
Contact the Lama Foundation by way of their website at for more details as 
they develop , Build here Now is still in the planning
http://www.lamafoundation.org or info at lamafoundation.org 505-586-1269 fax 
Early registration for Build Here Now 2003 is advised.

July 13-26. Permaculture Design 14 day Intensive -Certificate Course San 
Luis Obispo, Ca
With Larry and Kathryn Santoyo, Scott Pittman, Toby Hemmenway and 
Guests  Instructors
Contact 800.469.5857 info at earthflow.com www.earthflow.com
cost: $1550.00 ($1450 before 5-13-03)

August 23-31 COB Cottage and Natural Building with Michael Smith Santa Cruz 
$475 til March 31, $550 thereafter
Permaculture Santa Cruz
(831) 763-3848 permasc at sasquatch.com
400 vaca del sol rd Watsonville, CA 95076

Urban Permaculture Design Course Los Angeles, Ca (6 weekends)
with, Larry Santoyo, Toby Hemmenway, Dr. Bill Roley, Lois Arkin and Guests
August 9-10, August 16-17, August 30-31, September 6-7, September 20-21, 
September 27-28
cost: $1200 for all 6 weekends ($1100 before 6-9-03), $225 per weekend, 
$125 per day
contact Larry Santoyo, 800.469.5857 <info at earthflow,com>


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