[Sdpg] 2003 Permaculture Courses in Los Angeles and SLO CA

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Wed Jan 29 17:06:53 PST 2003

Wes, Eric & Margie,
Would you please mention this at your talks and post where you can...
More info later, hope to see you soon.  Thanks, Larry


We are seeking sponsors and hosts to assist in conducting a Permaculture
Certificate Course in Los Angeles Co. 

In exchange for scholarships to the course, we are looking for marketing
assistance and comfortable venues where we can conduct our weekend sessions
accommodate 30-40 people (just for the day).

If you, your company or anyone you know are interested in helping advertise,
hosting us for one or more weekends or attending the course, please contact me

Looking forward,

Larry Santoyo
info at earthflow.com

Urban Permaculture Design Certificate Course (weekend format)
August 9-10
August 16-17

August 30-31
September 6-7

September 20-21
September 27-28

San Luis Obispo, Ca
-Permaculture Design Intensive -Certificate Course July 13-26.

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
sbpcnet at silcom.com 

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order to
grow." - Anonymous

> May no bomb fall on your head
> or on your child's head or on your enemy's head
> or on his child's head
> or on the snail
> in his garden.

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