[Sdpg] Food Security Summit in Oakland Ca
Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson
lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue May 28 22:18:00 PDT 2002
>>Just a reminder to everyone about the Community Food Security Summit
>>next week.
>>California Community Food Security Summit Next Week!
>>On June 3-4, organizations and individuals who are building just and
>>sustainable food systems will gather for the first-ever California
>>Community Food Security Summit: Organizing for Action at Holy Names
>>College in Oakland. The summit is designed to increase coordination
>>between diverse networks and develop a joint action plan toward
>>community-based food security. Here are a few of the highlights:
>>Keynote address by state Senator Martha Escutia, author of Senate
>>Bill 19Ða significant achievement toward improving children's
>>nutrition in the schools.
>>Issue roundtable examining the pressing challenges and emerging
>>links between public health, food security and sustainable
>>Workshops to hone lessons, challenges, opportunities and skills
>>needed to strengthen and expand community food projects across the
>>Networking opportunities, including a Monday evening celebration
>>featuring local food and drink and a special premier presentation of
>>the Organic and Beyond Campaign.
>>Movement building work to strategize a coordinated action plan.
>>Tour of community food projects in Berkeley.
>>Come join activists and leaders from across the state working toward
>>food systems grounded in justice, democracy and sustainability. Late
>>fees have be waived. Sign-up today!
>>To register, go to:
>>Partial scholarships still available. Call 310-822-5410 for more information.
>>Hosted by
>>Community Food Security Coalition
>>Sponsored by
>>California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness Program, California
>>Association of Food Banks, California Council of Churches,
>>California Food Policy Advocates, California Hunger Action
>>Coalition, California Nutrition Network, California Sustainable
>>Agriculture Working Group, Center for Ecoliteracy, Center for Food
>>and Justice, Community Alliance with Family Farmers, Prevention
>>Institute, UC Cooperative ExtensionÐAlameda County, UC Sustainable
>>Agriculture Research and Education Program
>>Funded in part by grants from the California Wellness Foundation,
>>California Nutrition Network and Center for Ecoliteracy.
>>For more info
>>Community Food Security Coalition
>>P.O. Box 209, Venice, CA 90294
>>phone: 310.822.5410 ¤ fax: 310.822.1440
>>email: tnelson at foodsecurity.org ¤ web: foodsecurity.org
>Beck Cowles
>Information Program Manager
>Ecology Center
>2530 San Pablo Ave
>Berkeley, CA 94702
>510-548-2220 x233
>"That we are not a collection of individuals dispersed by the world,
>but rather a living harmony of colors and voices, a constant shout of
>desires and thoughts that are born, that grow, that lovingly
>fertilize in one heart and one will, woven of hope. We call this
>existence and form of harmonic and collective thinking communal. That
>we don't resign from being who we are. That we will continue
>defending our autonomy and defending it. We will also defend everyone
>who is like us, who want to live differently for their color, their
>song, their vision of their own lives and freedom, with dignity."
>~From the Declaration of the Indigenous National Congress in Nurio,
>Mexico, March 2-4, 2001
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