[Sdpg] Santa Barbara Permaculture ECO Film Night Thurs April 11 7pm

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Mon Apr 1 06:37:50 PST 2002

Santa Barbara Permaculture ECO FILM Night

Global Gardener with Bill Mollison
Thursday April 11, 7pm
Santa Barbara Central Public Library, Faulkner Gallery E Anapamu St

Australian biologist Bill Mollison is a practical visionary.  For nearly 
two decades he has travelled the globe spreading the word about 
permaculture, the method of sustainable agriculture that he 
devised.  Permaculture weaves together micro-climate, annual and perennial 
plants, animals, soils, water management and human needs into intricately 
connected productive communities.  Mollison has proved that even in the 
most difficult conditions permaculture empowers people to turn wastelands 
into food forests, both ecologically sound, and economically viable.

Join the Santa Barbara Permaculture Network for a night of extraordinary 
documentary film.  Marcia Boruta, director of the San Diego Economic 
Conversion & Permaculture Center will do a short talk on "Peace & 
Permaculture".   During intermission, questions & discussion will be 
encouraged with the audience and any permaculture teachers or designers who 
are in attendance. For more information please call 805/962-2571, or email 
sbpcnet at silcom.com. Donation $3
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
(805) 962-2571
sbpcnet at silcom.com

"We are like trees, we must create new leaves, in new directions, in order 
to grow." - Anonymous
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