[Sdpg] Earth Day 2002- Balboa Park - Get Involved!

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Wed Mar 20 14:30:14 PST 2002

From: Carolyn Chase <cdchase at sdearthtimes.com>

Earth Day 2002- Get Involved! * Volunteer * Mark your Calendar * Invite Others
... there are many ways to make a difference!

EarthFair in Balboa Park - Sunday, April 21
In the month of April, America and around the world - events will be 
acknowledging the 32nd Anniversary of Earth Day. Here in San Diego the 
EarthFair in Balboa Park will take place on Sunday, April 21, 2002 from 10 
AM - 5 PM in Balboa Park. This year's theme is "There's no Place like Home."

This event is produced by more than 400 volunteers doing nearly 25 
different jobs. If you would like to volunteer go to:

Parade Entries? http://www.earthdayweb.org/SDEW_EarthFair.html#Parade
After the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Parade at 10:00  there will be the 12th 
annual Children's Earth Parade, with youth - and adults allowed - 
representing their hopes for the planet and expressing themselves with this 
year's themes with creative costumes and floats made from recycled 
materials. To be in the parade please call (858) 496-6666 and leave your 
contact information and will be send you a parade application - or download 
one from the website.

We are seeking Environmental Artwork for the eARTh Gallery at the 
EarthFair. There are two categories for submission - "Recycled Art": which 
includes creative art pieces made from recycled, found or waste materials, 
or  "Endangered Spaces": including artwork in any medium representing 
special environmental areas in San Diego, that seem to be becoming 
endangered, such as canyons, wildlife areas, open spaces, etc. Please call 
(858) 496-6666 and leave your contact information and we will send you an 
eARTh Gallery application.

V.I.P. Reception/ Earth Day Awards Ceremony -  Weds., April 24th, 6-9pm

The reception will be held at the City of San Diego Environmental Services 
building located at 6901 Ridgehaven Court in Kearny Mesa. This event is in 
celebration of Earth Day 2002, and provides an opportunity for business, 
community, and government leaders to make the connections between our 
actions and a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future.
San Diego's Mayor Dick Murphy will be presenting the City's Recycling and 
Waste Reduction Awards and County Supervisors Pam Slater and Ron Roberts 
will present the San Diego EarthWorks EARTH Awards (Environmental Action 
and Restoration That Helps) and the Air Pollution Control District's Clean 
Air Awards.

Award Nominations?
If you would like to nominate an earth-friendly business, program, 
individual or youth for an EARTH Award, please call us at (858) 272-7370 
and we will rush a nomination form to you.

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