sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Wed Mar 6 12:38:53 PST 2002

Laakea Gardens 2-week  Permaculture Design Certification Course 
with adjacent 1-week Hands-on Implementation Intensive 

May 1st. 2002 to May 14th  or 21st 2002 with John Valenzuela and many guests.

Two weeks of inspiring information covering the complete required curriculum 
for your Permaculture Design Certificate and much more PLUS an additional 
adjoining full week of guided hands-in-the-dirt guild-planting and 
propagating, harvesting and having fun with experienced permaculturists. 
$1350 covers three weeks of tuition, nutrition, accommodation, field-trips 
and fun. $900 covers the Certification Course (without the Implementation 

Recently repositioned to encourage the establishment of a growing intentional 
community, a new preliminary Permaculture design of the 25acre property was 
just recently completed as well as an updated species catalog for the farm.

The design projects in our course pertain directly to detailing this plan so 
that good designs have the potential of being implemented. Come help us 
design your most amazing Permaculture community.

The main purpose of the course is to reveal and convey permaculture 
principles and methodologies, which can be applied regardless of climate zone 
or environment. Students will learn the practical skills and knowledge to 
design and implement sustainable systems, through lecture, media, sharing, 
observation, field-trips and many hands-on activities, Although this course 
is offered in Hawaii, we will cover all relevant bioregions.

Laakea Gardens is an emerging intentional community based on Permaculture 
principles. We are located on the Big Island of Hawaii in the rainforest in 
the Puna district. Laakea Gardens offers a space for learning and direct 
experience. It is the result of the ongoing pursuit of sustainable systems 
for over10 years.

Please call us at (808) 965 0178, send an email to 
info at permaculture-hawaii.com
or visit our website at www.Permaculture-hawaii.com for a registration form 
and more information.

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