[Sdpg] PC Design Course Hawaii-Addition

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Fri Jan 4 23:31:59 PST 2002

February 1st -21st: Permaculture Design Certification Course at Laakea 
Gardens on the BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII 

In addition to Toby Hemenway, John Valenzuela, Lonnie Gamble and Michael 
Kramer we are very excited to have Jude Hobbs join us to co-teach this 
course. As a horticulturist, permaculture designer, and instructor, Jude's 
focus is on environmental design solutions for urban and rural settings. Jude 
has presented permaculture workshops and courses throughout the West for 12 

Http://www.permaculture-hawaii.com for more details or 
mailto:laakea at Permaculture-hawaii.com. Or call and leave a 
message at 808 965 0178.

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