[Sdpg] looking at the landscape in 'daydream' mode an exercise

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Fri Nov 30 06:28:36 PST 2001

 >You mention that you do lots of exercises on your courses to help people
 >switch off the 'monkey
 >chatterbox' of the right brain! Can you give me some idea what these
 >courses entail? I would like to try one.

We do these throughout the PDC and especially in the section on design
methodology & process and when students are busy doing their design
Activating soft focus is one simple way to start - looking at the
landscape in 'daydream' mode, squint-eyed, taking in periphery vision
rather than sharp focus straight ahead - you'll find you suddenly become
more aware of spacial factors, sounds, movement, colour and general
patterns that you aren't so aware of when you're looking sharply at the
Try looking at trees but rather at the object 'tree' concentrate on the
space between the branches and leaves
Close your eyes and track the path of the wind through the landscape, the
forward wind as it brushes the canopy and behind it the under-toe
rustling through the undergrowth.
Stand with legs apart, bend over and look at the landscape upside down
between your legs....
There's heaps more but that's a few to get you started
have fun

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