[Sdpg] [Scpg] April 29: Riparian EcoManagement & Arundo Donax

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Wed Apr 18 06:50:04 PDT 2001

This is our best efforts coming together. Please email the info below to 
whomever would appreciate it, and we hope to see perma-"guilders" around 
the circle.

Thank you,

News Release April 17, 2001
Contact: Akiva Werbalowsky, <seedmind at usa.net> 805-646-1136

Watershed Health Event:
Riparian EcoManagement & Arundo Donax-Giant River Reed

(Ojai, CA) -- "Riparian EcoManagement & Arundo Donax-Giant River Reed" is a 
unique learning event designed to enhance watershed restoration skills, 
meet challenges from invasive species, and prepare environmentalists for 
rewarding opportunities vital to healthy local communities.

It happens Sunday April 29 at a home botanic garden and Arundo Learning 
Center in Matilija Canyon near Ojai, and is sponsored by Ecospirit, a 
California educational non-profit.

Arundo Donax-Giant River Reed severely restricts native California plants 
and animals through invasive overcompetition in previously balanced 
ecosystems. Property and environmental threats associated with Arundo are 
strong incentives to meet this challenge now, avoiding much higher costs 
and loss of native diversity. Public, private, and community organizations 
currently seek trained environmentalists to provide stewardship in our 
precious watersheds, and that's what this crucially-timed gathering is about.

The deliciously catered event features presentations from growing edge
leaders in watershed health awareness, including Matilija Coalition
founder Paul Jenkin, environmental artist Skip Schuckmann, ecological
designer/botanist Akiva Werbalowsky, members of the Ventura County Arundo 
Task Force, and many special guests

Organic meals showcase vibrant, satisfying foods, and comfortable
overnight guest accommodations are available Saturday and Sunday nights. 
There will be time to relax and enjoy the lovely creekside and garden 
settings, or meet new friends and professional contacts.

Workshop begins Sunday April 29 at 9:15am with watershed overview,
discussion of Arundo habitat impacts, control methods, eradication
demonstrations, native eco-restoration techniques, community collaboration 
strategies, and the use of GPS (Global Positioning System) technology in 
watershed mapping.

Lunch is 1pm and celebration dinner is 6pm, followed by a fire-circle
social with live music. Overnight guests enjoy an informal breakfast
Monday 8:30 am, and may continue with workshop projects.

Event Fees are sliding scale, suggested $49 per day which includes meals. 
Barter-exchange is possible if completed prior to event.

CEU credits are available, and the event takes place "Rain or Shine."

Register by sending a check to: Ecospirit, PO Box 1766, Ojai, CA 93024
For more info and/or to receive future event notices, please email Andrea 
Rolston <andrea at ecojai.org> or phone (805)646-1136



•Saturday, April 28 at 7pm is ECOVARIETY NIGHT, open to everyone and is one 
of the most positive regular social events in the bioregion! Join us for 
great live music, performance art, poetry, thoughtful discussions, local 
organic foods, tea, and desserts at the new organic store "The Farmer & The 
Cook" 339 W. El Roblar in Meiners Oaks, phone: 640-9608. Suggested donation 
is $3 and refreshments are included.

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