[Sdpg] The Ruckus Society presents Biojustice Action Camp

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Thu Apr 5 21:02:39 PDT 2001

this is an interesting angle on activism...

>>Biojustice Action Camp
>>San Diego area
>>May 13 - 20 (travel days included)
>>The Ruckus Society
>>Biojustice Action Camp will bring together the various arms
>>of the existing
>>movement to ban genetically engineered foods with those
>>concerned over
>>moral, legal, and biological dilemmas resulting from the
>>manipulation and
>>patenting of the very fabric of life. It is Ruckus' role to
>>help bridge the
>>gap between farmers, invigorated grassroots activists,
>>campaigners, scientists and researchers, religious leaders
>>and the
>>incredibly wide range of citizens concerned about the
>>ramifications of
>>biotechnology. This will be an international gathering, with
>>coming from Asia, Europe, and from throughout South & North
>>America. Ruckus
>>asks a sliding-scale ($100-$500) donation from those
>>attending, though no
>>one is ever turned away for lack of funds. Tasty vegetarian
>>(non-GMO) food
>>is provided by our top-notch field kitchen.
>>The Curriculum
>>Developed in close cooperation with co-sponsoring
>>organizations, the program will comprise a holistic and
>>thorough training
>>to strengthen the anti-biotech movement. Beginning with the
>>history and
>>philosophy of nonviolence, participants will split their
>>time between the
>>strategic and the tactical. Attendees will spend half of
>>each day in
>>dynamic workshops covering the theoretical aspects of public
>>and half of each day learning hands-on the finer points of
>>direct action tactics. In the evenings, engaging panel
>>discussions and
>>compelling speakers will provide insight into the deeper
>>meanings of
>>genetic engineering and the growing global resistance to it.
>>In addition, Action Camp is an unprecedentedd opportunity
>>for activists t
>>find inspiration, rejuvenation and empowerment in the
>>presence of so many
>>others committed to building a just and sustainable future.
>>Ruckus works
>>hard to provide a safe and fun atmosphere, with cultural
>>events and a
>>last-night 'graduation' celebration. 'Fun' is not an
>>afterthought at Action
>>Camp, and we will reach out to performers who will entertain
>>tired-but-inspired activists several times throughout the
>>* Philosophy & History of Nonviolence
>>* Strategic Campaigning- Building a Unified Biojustice
>>* Grassroots Organizing
>>* Hi-tech Activism & 'Cyber-organizing'
>>* Legal Considerations for Civil Disobedience
>>* Activist Media & PR
>>* Direct Action Planning & Strategy
>>* Direct Action Climbing Techniques
>>* Banner Construction, Rigging, & Hanging
>>* Blockades & Lockdowns
>>* Action Location Scouting
>>* Political Theatre
>>Potential Evening Presentations
>>* GE Foods 101
>>* Biotech and Globalization
>>* Beyond the Human Genome: What's Next?
>>* Debunking the 'Feed-the-World' Myth
>>The time is ripe to invigorate the anti-biotech forces,
>>particularly in the
>>US, with the skills and strategies necessary to build real
>>resistance to
>>the corporate control and commodification of our common
>>genetic heritage.
>>Furthermore, with increasing public suspicion and concern
>>genetically-engineered food, Biotech Action Camp will be a
>>opportunity to send a strong message to the biotech industry
>>simultaneously raising significant public awareness about
>>Apply Now!
>>To apply, email ruckus at ruckus.org for more information
>>Now available from Zed Books:
>>Redesigning Life?  The Worldwide Challenge to Genetic
>>Featuring the writing of 26 leading critics of biotechnology
>>around the world, edited by Brian Tokar.
>>Institute for Social Ecology, http://www.social-ecology.org
>>Northeast RAGE (online soon), http://www.nerage.org
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