[Sdpg] Mailing List System Updates

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Sun Jan 7 00:39:49 PST 2001


As you may have noticed, you have received an e-mail (re)welcoming you to
your respective permaculture guild subscriptions. 

I have recently migrated away from majordomo to mailman as my list server
daemon. Mailman provides a nice web based management screen for me, as
well as empowering you to change settings to how you receive e-mail from
the list(s).

New features include digest ends ( multiple e-mail messages in one e-mail
) as well as a publib web interface to the lists ( with spam harvester
discouragement included! ).

If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact me.

I wish you all the best in 2001. Compost on! Farm Out!


John Howe                        
Arashi.com System Admin 

Be Bold - and powerful forces shall come to your aid

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