Carfree Times #16 published

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at
Sat Nov 18 07:20:06 PST 2000

hi everyone
	here is the latest Carfree Times,

Dear Carfree Times Subscriber,

The November 2000 issue of Carfree Times is now available at:

Carfree Times #16 contains the usual World News Notes & Comment.
There is an abundance of good news this time around, along with
the usual causes for concern.

This issue also includes:

* A report from Eric Britton regarding the triumph in Bogota
* A Feature Article by Bernard Delloye on the carfree initiative in Brussels
* Four short book reviews

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

J.H. Crawford

If you no longer wish to receive notification of the
publication of Carfree Times, please send mail to:

	postmaster at

Please include both your name and the e-mail address
to which your subscription announcement is mailed.


J.H. Crawford                                           Carfree Cities
postmaster at                

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