Smart Shelter NetworkPositive Solutions with Natural Building SLIDE SHOW AND TALK TOUR AND WORSHOP IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA with Gary Duncan

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at
Tue Oct 24 06:43:40 PDT 2000

hi Everyone
         South Coast Permaculture Guild and our sister guilds, Hopedance 
Mag  and many cosponsors are bringing this great slide show  to Ojai, Santa 
Barbara and San Luis Obispo and workshop to Santa Barbara. Please look at 
description of the half day workshop Setting up an Natural Building Network 
in your Region on Sat Nov 11 1-6 Pm at the CEC Gildea Resource Center 
below, Gary Duncan will share how to be involved with helping build a 
network. Check out Smartshelter Webpage at www.smartshelter .com

         A quote below from an article to appear in Hopedance Mag in 
Nov/Dec 200 from Gary Duncan

"Of all the purchases we make in a life-time, the buildings we live and 
work in pack the largest environmental wallop we finance as consumers. They 
are responsible for the loss of old-growth forests. They are heated and lit 
with electricity...the number one contributor world-wide to global climate 
change. 30% of these  harbor toxins sufficient to produce environmental 
illness in their dwellers.(according to the EPA and World Health 
There are a couple of beacons of hope on the horizon. Some of them are 
delightful surprises, which is often characteristic of profound solutions 
to perplexing problems......."


Nov 8: Wed Ojai...7pm Happy Valley School Auditorium, contact Dave White,
Ojai Permaculture Guild, 805-646-9809 artdetour at
Nov 9: Thursday Santa Barbara.. 7:00pm at the Santa Barbara Public
Library Main Branch Downtown, Faulkner Gallery, donation $3, Santa Barbara 
Permaculture Network and other cosponsors  contact 962-2571
or sbpcnet at
Nov. 10: Friday San Luis Obispo... 7pm at the Community Room at the SLO 
co-sponsored by HopeDance (544-9663), Sustainable Building Council, CC 
Permaculture Guild
and the Canaries of the Central Coast, Future Electric

strawbale building, passive solar design, adobe, cob,
pressed earth, earthships, environmental illness, electromagnetic fields,
Feng Shui, water catchment, biological waste water treatment, remodeling,
solar electric, solar hot water, pressed block, permaculture, green houses,
green building, finance, insurance, Russian Stoves, timber frame, green
power....and more. Plus a special look at Environmental Illness for those
affected by sensitivities or allergies caused by buildings, toxic
indoor air quality problems, cleaning products, furnishings, perfumes, etc.

Setting Up a Natural Building Network in your Region, a half day workshop 
given by Gary Duncan, Saturday, November 11. 1PM- 6PM Links builders, 
architects, lenders, real estate & insurance agents, county building 
officials, individual natural home owners to exchange info on natural & 
green building methods. The workshop takes as a model the Smartshelter 
Network in Colorado and is tailored to our local region, The network 
provides advocacy in order to compete with the non-renewable toxic and 
environmentally destructive aspects of conventional building.

Sat workshop will be in four parts: an overview of the natural building 
network, history, intent, funding and functions. Session #2 will go into 
detail with the functions(40 of them)including case studies, advocacy, task 
forces, video production, outreach, etc.. Session #3-forming a natural 
building network for coastal southern California-can you do it and how. 
Session #4- one hour slide show on natural building techniques geared for 
builders/ architects-state of the art working systems and design. Extensive 
documentation will be included with the workshop including samples of Smart 
Shelter forms, documents and reports (to work as starter samples for your 

At the CEC Gildea Resource Center 930 Miramonte Dr Santa Barbara.
Cost/$60 For more info & registration call SBPN 805/962-2571, email 
sbpcnet at

Smart Shelter Network
Positive Solutions with Natural Building Introduction by Margie Bushman 
from an Article to appear in Hopedance Mag in Nov/ Dec

Last April South Coast Permaculture Guild did a presentation on Earthships 
as a part of our monthly meeting at the Community Environmental Center in 
Santa Barbara.  In the audience was Gary Duncan, from Smart Shelter Network 
in southwestern Colorado, and we were lucky enough to spend time with him 
before he left Santa Barbara and learn of his immense knowledge of natural 
building and alternative building design.

Strawbale, cob, and adobe.  We've all heard about them, maybe even dreamed 
of building and owning one, but what exactly is involved in building one of 
these non- conventional structures?  Since they have been around for so 
long, why don't we see more of them built?

Gary Duncan had many of these same questions and a curiosity to learn 
more.  He began Smart Shelter Network as a result of an illness caused from 
years of working with toxic building materials.  He had also observed how 
many alternative building structures were being built in his area of 
southwestern Colorado, and dreamed of forming a network, to share and 
exchange knowledge.  This network would not only share information on how 
to build, but what was involved in financing, insuring and permitting these 
structures.  This wonderful vision became a reality and now the network 
provides advocacy and education to code officials, bankers, material 
suppliers, the media and public.  It is composed of members who form tasks 
forces dealing with specific issues such as water catchement, ferro cement, 
strawbale, bamboo, pressed earth block and more.

Gary Duncan began Smart Shelter Network as a result of two things. After 35 
years in the building trade he experienced an illness caused from years of 
working with toxic building materials. He had also observed how many 
alternative building structures were being built in his area, and dreamed 
of forming a network, to share and exchange knowledge, not only on how to 
build, but what was involved in permitting, financing, and insurance. He 
will share some of the experiences in an upcoming lecture and slide show 
with over 3000 slides of documented case studies he has collected over the 
last six years, and later a half day work shop, both to be held in Santa 
Barbara in Nov .


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