Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at
Thu Sep 14 11:14:12 PDT 2000

                         TO DEBUT OCTOBER 21 AND 22

         Santa Barbara, CA--  Parade of Green Buildings, a two-day tour of 
green buildings in greater Santa Barbara, will take place on Saturday and 
Sunday, October 21 and October 22.
         Eleven notable green buildings will be open to the public for 
touring between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., six office/institutional buildings on 
Saturday and five residences on Sunday.
         "The purpose of the project is to educate the local building 
community as well as the interested general community about green 
practices," said Dennis Allen, chair of the event.
         Tour participates will be able to view innovative projects and 
systems that have been incorporated into pioneering projects. Project 
architects, contractors, and green product representatives will be present 
at every site with blueprints, samples of products, and literature, for 
those who want to explore the technical and performance information of any 
given element used in the buildings.
There will be a kiosk at each site with information explaining the guiding 
philosophy of the project as well as the sustainable energy, water, 
materials, air quality, and waste management features of that project.
Six buses from Santa Barbara Airbus will be available to tour participants.
Docents will be on the buses explaining about sustainable community 
development and showing examples from the buses as they move through Santa 
Barbara neighborhoods.
Santa Barbara's Sustainability Project originated the project and is 
sponsoring the event with the Santa Barbara Contractors Association. Both 
the Community Environmental Council and the American Institute of 
Architects are partnering organizations.
In addition to the two day Parade of Buildings, tickets will include a 
Friday evening reception with architect Bruce Fowle, the designer of Four 
Times Square, the new green skyscraper in Manhattan.
The schedule of events includes the Friday evening reception, October 20, 
with Fowle at Cold Springs School, 2243 Sycamore Canyon Road, Montecito; 
Saturday, October 21 tour of office/institutional buildings including tour 
of Marborg's building-waste recycling yard; and Sunday, October 22 tour of 
residential homes. Tickets will be available beginning September 1 at three 
branches of Santa Barbara Bank and Trust, Downtown main branch, 20 E. 
Carrillo Street; La Cumbre branch, 3910 State Street; and Goleta branch, 
299 N. Fairview Ave.
Ticket prices are $25 for those who take the provided shuttle buses, car 
pool with three or more, or bicycle; $30 for private cars.
For further information, please call Judy Jennings at 805/964-9175.

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