A Great Article by Bill Mollison in 1981 still so relevant

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Fri Aug 11 12:08:12 PDT 2000

Hi everyone
        With Bill Mollison one of the main voices in the creation of
Permaculture with David Holmgren coming to Louisana in October/2000 it good to
see his early thoughts and how insightful and relevant and needed this
Thank you Yankee Permaculture Pulisher and Distributor of Permaculture
Publication P.O. PO Box 52 Sparr FL 32192 email YankeePerm at aol.com  for
this out. Check out Yankee Permaculture great lists covering so many parts of
the Permaculture info.
Check out the article writtten by Bill Mollison         
Website is http://csf.colorado.edu/perm/yankee_intro.html 
Santa Barbara
Permaculture Network
224 E. Figueroa St, #C
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
sbpcnet at silcom.com  
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