Write for the Activist: Food, Fiber, & Medicine

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Jan 25 22:48:45 PST 2000

The Permaculture Activist is soliciting submissions for the upcoming
issue (#43) on the production of  Food, Fiber, and Medicine

We can take submissions in almost any form, but
     prefer electronic media: computer disk (Mac or PC) or
     email. Any length piece from 1000 to 2500 words would
     be fine (A typed, single-spaced page is about 400
     words.). If you have graphic illustrations of concepts in
     the essay, or photographs, please feel free to include
     them. All materials can be returned if needed.We send
     complimentary copies of the published issue to
     contributors and are open to barter arrangements for
     advertising, etc.

We want to hear about your projects, seed saving, CSA's, dryland ag,
forest herb farming, fiber processing, soil building, indigenous/local
plants, marketing, coops, urban food production, GMO's, outstanding
lists, marine aquaculture (seaweed, molluscs, etc.), Permaculture in
schools and churches, WTO and food, sprouting, propagation, grafting,
community gardening, raising insects for pest control (or food), eating
bamboo, growing in season extenders (cold frames, greenhouses), success
with crops under difficult circumstances, whole systems approaches to
feeding, clothing, and healing people, unusual food trees / shrubs/...,
irrigation, fertilization, pollination,  etc.
Let your imagination run a little wild and get back to me with your
Thanks a lot

Keith Johnson

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