[Orange County, CA Permaculture] Jan 9/10/11 Santa Barbara /Weekend Workshop/Public Talk with John Buck Empowering People and Organizations Dynamic Governance 2015

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun Nov 23 06:02:16 PST 2014

 Jan 9/10/11 Santa Barbara /Weekend Workshop/Public Talk with John Buck  Empowering People and Organizations   Dynamic Governance 2015                                

 Empowering People and Organizations
                Dynamic Governance: A Weekend Workshop/Public Talk with John Buck
                     January 9th, 10th & 11th, 2015, in Santa Barbara, CA
Friday, Jan 9th, 7:00-9:30pm, Saturday, Jan 10th, 10am-6pm, Sunday, Jan 11, 10am-5pm
For a Taste of Dynamic Governance, Friday, Jan 9th, 2015, 7:00-9:30pm, there will be an introductory public talk.
 Sliding scale $5-10 suggested donation.  
SB County Public Health Building, 300 North San Antonio Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Start the New Year by setting aside time to empower yourself and your relationships. Learn how organizations and businesses around the world are “thinking smarter with circles.”
Dynamic Governance (aka Sociocracy) is an elegantly simple, innovative change from conventional business methods. We encourage you to bring several people from your organization. Bring your actual work issues. Learn tools to get things done!
In the workshop you will:
·        Use collaborative decision-making, not consensus or win/lose voting.
·        Experience how everyone can have a real voice in decision-making.
·        Design power structures that foster creativity, reduce tension and prevent burnout.
·        Learn to have fewer, shorter, meetings, heighten productivity and increase commitment
·        Engage and empower both paid staff and volunteers.
Cost: Early bird discount before January 1: $175-285 sliding scale
Full price: $210-$335 sliding scale
Scholarships and work trades available. For more info, call or email Lesley Weinstock: lesleyweinstock at yahoo.com, 805-212-0052
Payment: To register please go to: http://www.governancealive.com/register/
Your fee includes:
·        Optional teleconference 12:00pm, Tuesday, January 6 with a trainer to identify your needs.
·        Support groups, advice and coaching after the workshop.
·        Snacks, drinks and lunch Saturday and Sunday.
World Class Presenters:
John Buck: co-author of We the People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy, http://sociocracyconsulting.com/resources/ Division Director, The Sociocracy Group, Netherlands. Consults with businesses, nonprofits, and collaboration Councils.
Manfred Friedrich: entrepreneur, organization builder, and mediator, offers Sociocracy to support conscious organizations longing to foster collaboration, equality, personal growth, transparency and better decisions.
John Schinnerer: MA Whole Systems Design, develops cultural and ecological systems for clients. His innovative, collaborative methods invite transparency, equivalence and enhance effectiveness and integrity.
Stories from around the world about dynamic governance:
·        The School of Media, Culture, and Design: star performer at Woodbury University, Burbank, CA.
·        The Appalachian Foodshed Project, a three-state system of Collaboration Councils with hundreds of volunteers, agencies, and businesses, is solving hunger and food desert challenges.
·        The Permaculture Association of Scotland has adopted dynamic governance (sociocracy) as its governance system because it aligns with permaculture principles.
Sponsors: Interplay: an organization working together for the Common Good/Santa Barbara Permaculture Network .
Click here for other information and a list of sponsors and endorsers.

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