[Los Angeles, CA Permaculture] Greywater workshops at L.A. Eco-Village next Wednesday and Saturday, May 6 and 9

Lois Arkin crsp at igc.org
Fri May 1 16:13:55 PDT 2015

Wed, May 6 from 7 to 9pm at L.A. Eco-Village:

Greywater 101/ Introducción de aguas grises

No reservations necessary

Sliding scale fee: $5 to $15 (pay what you can)

Go here for details:  www.greywateraction.org


Sat, May 9 from 10am to 12:30pm at L.A. Eco-Village

How to install a washing machine system for greywater/ Taller de Aguas 

Sliding scale fee: $20 to $40 (pay what you can)

Go here to register: www.greywateraction.org
Registrarse aquí

Bring: Photographs of your laundry room and landscape and a site plan of 
your yard.

For more information on an L2L system refer to the SF "Greywater Guide 
for Outdoor Irrigation," or watch a video of an installation of this 
system. See this website:  www.greywateraction.org


*These are bilingual workshops (English/Spanish).
*Este taller es bilingüe (Inglés/Español)

Spread the word to all whom you think would be interested.

Conserve!    Conserve!     Conserve!

Reduce!	     Reduce!   	   Reduce!

Re-use!      Re-Use!       Re-Use!

More than once, if you can...

L.A. Eco-Village: 117 Bimini Pl, Los Angeles 90004

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