[Los Angeles, CA Permaculture] When the Sharing Economy Gets Personal... Arroyo Seco Network of Time Banks

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Mon Sep 15 07:41:29 PDT 2014

Your vote will help Arroyo S.E.C.O. win $100,000 to transform LA with sharing!	
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In our LA2050 ShareLA campaign we've talked a lot about how much we'd like to create a Sharing City. But what does that really looks like - to intentionally build community based on respect, reciprocity and the belief that everyone is of value?

In the spirit of this radical vision, here's a story from Arroyo Seco Network of Time Banks member, Alicia Beach, who describes what happens when community is there to catch you...

"A few years ago, when I didn't have a place to live, I was able to use another member's car for time dollars to move my bags, my dog, etc. from place to place. When I had no way to take my dog to get operated on...I was able to use the car again. When I didn't know how to look for work anymore, I was able to resource a network of people and volunteer to keep myself busy and feel useful, earning time dollars in the process. When I didn't have food to eat, there were ways that people made their food available to me. When I desperately needed a ride--as I was exhausted from biking to work--I was able to pay time dollars for a lift. A member helped me pick up mulch with her truck--for time dollars--so that I could landscape a native garden where I lived. When I needed to find a way to continue making art, I was able to borrow a video camera for time dollars. The list goes on and on. Most importantly, my sense of dignity through a challenging time was supported by a wonderful group of people."

We have just 24 HOURS LEFT TO VOTE in the LA2050 contest!

Each and every one of us - from the newest Sharing Economy enthusiast to the tireless organizers that keep us connected, communicating and creating a new paradigm together - we are the face of a new movement to recreate community. Help us show cities around the world how to play like we do. Let's ShareLA!


With much love,
Janine Christiano, Autumn Rooney, Sarah McGowan Dear and Nancy Berlin
Arroyo S.E.C.O. Board

Let's Go Viral!

Vote for ShareLA by September 16th at 12pm and then spread the word using our hashtags...



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Arroyo S.E.C.O Network of Time Banks · PO Box #26513 · L.A., CA 90026 · USA 

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