[Lapg] Cob workshop and finish the Playhouse!

Carolyn Marie Hernandez carolynhernandez at netzero.net
Wed Apr 3 01:39:42 PDT 2013

 Hello COB enthusiasts,

  It is time to inspire those that are curious, have wanted to try it, etc.  My "Play in the Mud" class is back by popular demand! Also, as many of you know the playhouse/sleeping pod project is a prototype and pushes the limits for natural building. It is time to complete it and show it to the greater community...

In the spirit of Natural building... Community building I invite you to "Play in the Mud" and be a part of the project, enjoying the experience of creating together...learning...and experiencing Gaia in a whole new way!  see details below

 Hope to see and play with you!  
ps please send to others who may be interested...print (attached) and post if you can!  

 Wild Earth Builders    
“Play in the Mud” - Intro to Cob 
April 13 or 14    9am-2pm
Come and playfully join in connecting with natural building materials and methods as we mix and sculpt with cob (earth and straw mix).  “Play in the Mud” is a hands and feet-on intro to inspire your natural connection to the earth and show you some of the basics of earthen building.
 Building Experience is NOT a Prerequisite!
Come see what is possible!

Cob Playhouse/Sleeping Pod 
May1-4   10am-5pm 
This is Not a workshop, but an opportunity to gain skills, co-create and play with the NB community. We will focus on finishing  a 120sq'  cob pod.  We will be hand-sculpting walls, doors, windows,  trimming, window and door installation, sculpting niches and shelves. We’ll  be cobbing primarily  with tractor cob, so we can focus on fun designs and quick building.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of cob basics and a commitment of at least two days.   
The “Play in the Mud” workshop above qualifies.  

 Location for both in Ojai  (in Meiners Oaks)
Registration required: wildearthbuilders.com  go to Paypal link on homepage 
or contact Carolyn Marie Hernandez   carolynhernandez at netzero.net  805-312-2002


Upcoming Workshops include:
Earthen floors, Interior plasters, and Exterior Pasters... stay tuned!
Carolyn Marie Hernandez
Wild Earth Builders
Natural Building... 
Education, Consulting & Construction
carolynmarie8 at gmail.com

Advisory Board, Natural Building Network

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