[Lapg] looking to buy local seed/plant stock for food forest and polyculture kitchen gardens

Axiomatech axiomatech at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 12:37:19 PST 2013

Hey folks! 

Hope some of you can make it to the ranch in Topanga tomorrow for a Hands on Hugelkultur and Food Forest workshop: 


We're going to have Warren Brush, a world renown permaculture designer/instructor on the 
ranch on March 23rd-24th 


and we're gearing up to do a massive planting during this event 

We have a decent budget to buy nursery seed/plant/sapling stock but we'd like to support individual permies before buying from establishments. We'll pay for seeds, rescues, transplants, unwanted potted plants, seedlings, established potted cuttings, etc. We can do the transplanting if you have plants/shrubs/small trees/etc. you want to get rid of. 

If you have anything you'd like to sell, please reply with a list. 

Attached is the master list that Warren sent out last year. We'd prefer to purchase items on this list but are open to anything and very interested in local native edibles. 

Hope to see lots of you at the Urban Ecology Extravaganza this Sunday!!!


I'll be there with cash for plants so please contact me if you have stuff to sell and perhaps we can transact there. We'll have a trailer for bigger items as well. 



Ben Lawson
Cross Bull Ranch
Permaculture and Preparedness Retreat Center
info [at] crossbullranch [dot] com
(818) 672-6428 
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