[Lapg] permculture neighborhoods

Dennis Pilien dpilien98 at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 30 22:07:58 PDT 2009

Very well-spoken...

From: Sean Jennings <swjennings at gmail.com>
To: LAPG <lapg at arashi.com>
Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 6:39:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Lapg] permculture neighborhoods

I'd have to say "Great Discussion."  It is nice to see this LAPG Listserv being used finally as a place to discuss rather than just promote.  

Have you heard of the Ecohood Project in what I believe to be Prescott, Az.  That may be what was being referred to.  While I do not know of any such thing in Los Angeles (LA Ecovillage does come to mind though), Valerie & Dennis are right, creating an ecological minded community where you live now is key, its not that hard.

Start a veggie garden in your front yard, talk to your neighbors as they pass by, and before you know it, you'll meet all sorts of eco-minded folks, in the neighborhood you live in now.  We are zone 0, Permaculture starts with making personal change, and believe me, it will expand from there.

I do live in a rural place similar to Topanga, but I live and work at home, creating a CSA and Nursery, but if you have to commute, the country is not the best option.  I have been lucky enough to form a close community with my neighbors in this somewhat sparsely populated place.  We have neighborhood potlucks, farm days, music jams and more.  

Working close to home frees up more time in my day due to no commute as well as ties me to the place I live, it is easier to meet my neighbors and easier to get to know the land I live on.  Whether you live in the city or country, change your lifestyle so you can work close to where you live, invite your neighbors to share meals, and grow some food where people can see it and share in it.  

If we all worked close to home, ie walking or biking distance, imagine the effect on LA's traffic problems.  We all have the choice to make it a reality, I encourage you to try.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Dennis Pilien <dpilien98 at yahoo.com> wrote:

Identifying the friendlies starts with ourselves. A newcomer to the geographic area has an advantage - he/she can appreciate the more than 20 million possibilities to find friendlies in the L.A. basin. Big factors are time and travel. Proximity to ideal models works for most, so many move to the westside, but people in other places can also think and create also. These folks might be next door to you.
From: Valerie <sacks at sacksconsulting.net>
>To: Dennis Pilien <dpilien98 at yahoo.com>
>Cc: lapg at arashi.com
>Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 11:36:34 AM
>Subject: RE: [Lapg] permculture neighborhoods
>Definitely true!  I think the goal for all of us should be to seek out “the friendlies” where we are and try to build that in our own communities.  Now I guess I should add that to my “to do” list!

>From:Dennis Pilien [mailto:dpilien98 at yahoo.com] 
>Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 11:34 AM
>To: Valerie; lapg at arashi.com
>Subject: Re: [Lapg] permculture neighborhoods
>Well-spoken. Sometimes the permaculture we seek is inside the ecology of our own landscapes. It may not make a difference where someone goes. They can make their own neighborhood, wherever it is, a permaculture place a step at a time.

>From:Valerie <sacks at sacksconsulting.net>
>To: lapg at arashi.com
>Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009 11:10:35 AM
>Subject: [Lapg] permculture neighborhoods
>Topanga Canyon is beautiful, but unless you work in Topanga and your kids go
>to school in Topanga, I don't really know that you can live someplace where
>you have to do so much driving and call it "Permaculture" ....
>Lapg mailing list
>Lapg at arashi.com
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>Lapg at arashi.com

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