[Lapg] A great opportunity to strut your permaculture stuff!

Joan Stevens mamabotanica at sbcglobal.net
Sat Oct 6 21:34:51 PDT 2007

Hey all, I am part of a group organizing the green zone for the upcoming (10/13 - only a week away!) LA Burning Man Decompression Party.  We will have speakers, short workshops, displays and information about local organizations and sustainability themes.  If you would like to share something you've been working on, try your hand at introducing permaculture, or just share things you've discovered in your own quest to lessen your footprint we'd love to have you!
If you have any photos of projects and could make some kind of display board that would be super great!  We want people to come away with an expanded vision of what's possible!
The event runs from 12-12  We have a few speakers locked in already but many time slots are open. 
Email me with your number and we'll chat!

"People cannot discover new lands until they have the courage to lose sight of the shore"  Andre Gide
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