[Lapg] Free Introduction to Permaculture Class!

David Kahn info at sustainablehabitats.org
Thu Nov 16 15:13:57 PST 2006

The next Free Introduction to Permaculture Class

Place: Audubon Center at Debs Park www.audubon-org/debs_park.htm
4700 North Griffin Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(323) 221-2255

Date: Sat Dec. 2ed. 2006

Time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

We are living on a planet in crisis; often individuals feel powerless to
effect change but Permaculture offers positive solutions to the problems
facing the world; using ecology as the basis for designing integrated
systems of food production, housing, technology and community 
development, you can learn to create a self-sustaining environment, on a 
farm or in your urban backyard or apartment.

The Permaculture Design Course is for anyone interested in gaining 
skills and perspective for sustainable living and productivity. A 
Permaculture Design Course is a way to share accumulated information 
with others.

This Introduction to Permaculture Class is an outline of the science and
art of Permaculture. It will define the term and its history, its 
founders, the curriculum of the design course certificate, its ethics 
and foundations. It will describe the benefits and show some of the most
important work undertaken by permaculture designers.

For More Information contact:
David Kahn 323 667 1330 or info at susltainablehabitats.org


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