[Lapg] Green and Healthy Buildings with Gunter Pauli Los Angeles Nov 13-15

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Mon Oct 23 19:27:30 PDT 2006

Please share with anyone interested in eco-design.
Thanks, Carolina Goodman, ZERI educator.


Concepts for Sustainable Architecture and Materials


Gunter Pauli

School Buildings that are Healthy for Children and are Used

for Teaching Scientific Principles and Systems Thinking

Internationally renowned Gunter Pauli, founder of ZERI (Zero Emissions 
Research and Initiatives) and keynote speaker at United Nations Decade for 
Education for Sustainable Development, will be speaking at several venues. 
See the schedule below. ZERI’s website - www.zeri.org - provides  examples 
of projects and educational initiatives that have been implemented all over 
the world. Professor Pauli is a member of the Club of Rome and he teaches 
design at the Politecnico di Torina (Science University of Turin, Italy). 
He is also an advisor on the environment for the Bank of the European Union.

Monday, November 13, 2006

            10:00 – 12:00 AM lecture
            UCLA – for design students (others are welcome)
            DeCafe, Perloff Hall

            7:00 – 9:00 PM lecture
            For Los Angeles area school administrators, architects, 
designers, teachers, etc.
            Echo Horizon School, 3430 McManus Ave. Culver City, CA 90232
            RSVP Paula Dashiell pdashiell at echohorizon.org

Wednesday, November 15

            8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Zero Waste Conference
            AM program – how business address zero waste
            PM program – Gunter Pauli “Healthy and Green Buildings”
            Del Mar Fairgrounds, San Diego North County
            REGISTER ONLINE -  www.earthresource.org/zerowaste.html

Individual Consultations with Gunter Pauli
            Monday, (Los Angeles) November 13, Afternoon
            Tuesday, (Los Angeles) November 14,
            Wednesday (San Diego) November 15, Morning
            Thursday (San Diego) November 16,
            Fee and scheduling arrangements with Peter Dean 
psdean at comcast.net

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